Kevin Freeman on economic and financial terrorism: The Chinese threat and Unrestricted Warfare

© Boroda |

This episode from the Frank Gaffney Show on Secure Freedom Radio deals with a more tenuous aspect of terrorism than the one we are used to deal with. In effect, terrorism and warfare undertaken through means of economic and financial manipulations are not easily recognizable and diagnosable by us, the laymen, in normal circumstances. If such shenanigans can have as terrible consequences as 9/11 produced, they can never be as spectacular and so they remain most of the time unnoticed. The 2008 financial collapse produced a loss of wealth estimated at 13 trillion dollars for the U.S. and 53 trillions for the whole world. Frank Gaffney’s January 17th guest, Kevin Freeman, brought to our attention something that unfortunately passed under the radar of a vast number of western observers. In effect, two colonels of the People’s Liberation Army of China, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, have written in 1999 a book on military strategy titled Unrestricted Warfare. That manuel seems to have inspired a few of the machinations that we have seen unfolding since the ’90s, including possibly even 9/11 itself. In a nutshell, the book describes how a weaker military power can wage war against a powerful country like the United States through unconventional means, such as lawfare, economic warfare, network (computer) warfare, terrorism, etc, in a way to progressively weaken it and have it crumble from the inside.

Kevin Freeman unfolds the analysis of this case using the example of what he calls « Bear Raids », i.e. the aggressive and hostile financial and market manipulations that were used and that led to the crash of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. George Soros is widely known to have used these kind of tricks against institutions perceived as weak links to become the rich man he is today, and he certainly didn’t miss the opportunity to do so prior to and during the 2008 crisis. He is even mentioned by name in the document itself of Unrestricted Warfare, at least once on page 135 of the English version. Anonymous people betted against these firms, in other terms they betted on their collapse. Freeman mentions a bet of some 1,7 million dollars. Who would take such a bet without having concrete evidence that the market will effectively collapse? Signs were indicating that these bets were coming from the Middle East and London. Kevin Freeman then alludes to more specific tricks used by financial predators and sharks, like short selling and naked short selling. Without puting into question the competence of Kevin Freeman on these matters, I think Lucy Komisar has done a better job of explaining the mechanics of these two particular gambits, so as a complement I would refer you to this previous post where you will be able to get a lot of detailed information about short selling and naked short selling. I recommend that you listen to the one-hour interview that she gave to radio host Dave Emory in For The Record #650. Freeman also touches on some complementary elements to try to sum up the question of financial terrorism in relation with Unrestricted Warfare. That show is a not-to-miss to understand a little better the world in which we live.

Kevin Freeman with Frank Gaffney

«L’État et les banques, les dessous d’un hold-up historique» par Myret Zaki et Etienne Chouard

Cette événement présenté par la Fonderie Kugler de Genève en collaboration avec le journal La Cité met en vedette Myret Zaki, rédactrice en chef adjointe du magazine Bilan, ainsi qu’Étienne Chouard, professeur d’Économie-Gestion à Marseille et chercheur indépendant. Les deux conférences mettent en lumière le rôle joué par la spéculation financière, les produits dérivés, les agences de notation, le marché spéculatif de la dette, les fonds d’investissement et autres outils financiers, dans le crash de l’économie mondiale que nous vivons présentement et de ses impacts sur la vie des peuples du monde et de la démocratie. Parmi les thèmes importants également abordés lors de l’événement, nous retrouvons l’impossibilité pour les pays européens d’emprunter à leur banque centrale respective sans intérêt et l’obligation qui s’ensuit d’aller sur les marchés financiers, la création de l’Euro qui s’est avéré être une catastrophe, le fait que les élus dans les pays dits « démocratiques » sont en fait placés là par les plus riches maintenant ainsi la démocratie en bride, la politique monétaire de John Maynard Keynes qui a encouragé les états modernes à s’endetter pour payer les opérations courantes, le rôle joué par la Banque des Règlements Internationaux dans ces mêmes manipulations financières, et finalement l’importance de revenir au « tirage au sort », tel qu’adopté par les Grecs antiques, qui seul permettrait une vraie démocratie représentative. Cette conférence mérite d’être vue mais surtout bien écoutée et les différents points qu’elle aborde d’être étudiés, analysés et débattus.

Chris Hedges attacked on the CBC: Again it is showing no class whatsoever

See how a CBC host, Kevin O’Leary, treated Chris Hedges almost like a hack of shit. If the CBC thought Hedges was such a « nutbar », why did they invite him on the show? With plenty of guests who can be invited, the matter is not a question of absence of choice. CBC is definitely one of the bastion of the Left in Canada, so I am more than puzzled about this statement. Hedges simply states the obvious, i.e. that the financial sector, with the banks, the hedge funds, etc, and with all the speculation that it creates, is responsible for the crisis. Everybody knows that…except certain people who would like the « market » to be always right and not to be accountable for anything.

Les pertes financières au Mouvement Desjardins, prise 2

Dans un article précédent, j’alertais votre attention sur une perte de 1,2 milliard de dollars qui aurait été encourue chez Desjardins en raison de fonds de placement qui n’auraient pas donné le rendement espéré. Dans une entrevue récente, Michel Girard, chroniqueur économique à La Presse, s’entretient avec Benoit Dutrizac concernant un déficit de solvabilité de 2,2 milliards de dollars dans la caisse de retraite du Mouvement Desjardins. Je ne sais pas si je suis le seul mais je commence à me poser de sérieuses questions sur la façon dont l’entreprise est gérée, dont on prend les décisions, etc. En bout de ligne, ceux qui dirigent Desjardins jouent avec nos épargnes et à ce titre, nous sommes en droit de demander des comptes. Je commence aussi à douter que cela vaille réellement la peine de cotiser à des régimes de la sorte, puisqu’au bout du compte, il risque de ne plus rester d’argent de toute façon. Que ce soit par les effets de la crise économique qui s’annonce, par la dévaluation des monnaies, par l’effondrement du système bancaire ou carrément en raison du vol pur et simple de nos fonds de pension, il ne restera rien alors que l’on aura payé toute notre vie.

Michel Girard sur la caisse de retraite de Desjardins

Suspicious stock market manipulations before both the assassination of President Kennedy and 9/11

This For The Record show explores some of the stock market manipulations that occured only a few days before 9/11, around United Air Lines and American Air Lines, among other companies. Activity around United Air Lines was 25 times higher than usual according to Options Clearinghouse Corporation. There was also suspicious activity in the re-insurance business, and around oil and gold options. Short selling was particularly active. The broadcast compares and analyses stock market manipulations that occured just before both the assassination of President Kennedy and 9/11. Dave Emory speculates that the same group could have been at the origin of these two coups, namely the Bormann Group or Underground Reich. To review and analyse stock market and other types of manipulations that occured just before the assassination of Kennedy, Dave Emory utilizes books written by Lincoln Lawrence, Were We Controlled? and The Man Who Knew Too Much, by Dick Russell.

FTR #327

Encore une fois les Québécois vont se faire fourrer, prise 4

Le nouvel épisode de cette série traite d’une curieuse « perte » de 1,2 milliard$ qui aurait été encourue au Mouvement Desjardins. Un recours collectif a été intenté pour récupérer cette somme perdue par des milliers de petits investisseurs. Les produits « Placement garanti Perspectives Plus » et « Placement garanti Gestion Active » sont en cause dans ce litige. Le 1,2 milliard serait le résultat d’une perte en capital et en absence de rendement, alors que les produits en question ont été présentés comme étant à faible risque et sécuritaires. Où est rendu le 1,2 milliard? Sûrement pas dans nos poches, nous les petits épargnants. Où est rendu l’argent?

Recours collectif chez Desjardins

The Golden Lily and the Lys d’Or: Hey crooks, give us back our wealth!

© Laurent Renault |

The Golden Lily is a sort of buried treasure. It is composed of the immense loot of gold made by Japan during WWII. A good chunk of it has been safe-housed in the Philippines, for an  estimated value, in 1942 dollars, of 100 billions. In FTR #688, Dave Emory explores this fascinating case about global economy, war crime and high finance. Even before the war, the U.S., Japan, Germany and Italy were cartel partners. So it is no surprise if that loot of gold, and the loot of the Third Reich as a whole, came to become the basis for post-WWII world economy. An institution called the Black Eagle Trust has been instrumental in these matters. Several banking institutions have come to play an important role as holders for the gold and/or for its monetary value, such as Union Bank of Switzerland and Citigroup. Emory’s broadcast is based on a fascinating book written by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave and titled Gold Warriors. According to their research, it appears that in Japan the Royal Family, organized crime, the armed forces, corporations and the secret service were all involved in the rise of fascism and with the organization of all its manoeuvres, including the loot of gold. After the war, the de-fascismization of Japan has been a farce and the same with the de-nazification of Germany.

It is a fascinating story. The thing I like a little less, is the correspondence between the name that has been chosen for this loot, Golden Lily, and the very name of my blog, Lys d’Or. I am not sure exactly what Japanese fascists mean by that. Golden obviously refers to gold, but Lily? In my case, the Lys d’Or is the emblem or symbol of French Royalty. If you have had the occasion to browse through the permanent pages of this site, you have seen what I mean by that. But I have slightly altered its meaning to empower the individual instead of monarchs crowned through heredity. We are Kings and Queens. We don’t need no hierarchies. And the thing that pisses me off the most is that, again, it is the bad guys who have the power, the money and the wealth. If I had the wealth of the Golden Lily, it is incredible the things that I could do to help people, develop communities, supports sectors in need, encourage good scientific research, publish non-conventional authors and scientist, etc, etc. But I can’t…because it is the bad guys who have the Golden Lily…while all I have to make a difference is my blog. If I had this wealth, we wouldn’t need any police or intelligence agencies anymore to plot, scheme and sabotage to control the world or to be able to pick up a few crumbles here and there left without surveillance by our adversaries. You see, unfortunately, the people who govern the Earth today possess three basic characteristics: they are crazy, they are fools and they are crooks. If you have got a comprehension of these characteristics, you are in a position to understand a lot of things, even if you are not officially « in the know ».

The only solution for the people who believe in progress, democracy, liberty, freedom of speech, the bill of rights and the constitution, is to do exactly what these crooks from the Underground Reich have done to the liberal world. We need to infiltrate them and cannibalize them from the inside out. It may take 500 years or longer, but in the end we will win, if we show enough resilience. One day all the gold of the Earth will shine over your heads, you the crooks of the world, while you rot in hell. Here is also an interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, authors of Gold Warriors.

Interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave