Alexandre Cormier-Denis analyse la diversité haineuse, sur Nomos-TV

Stew Peters s’entretient avec Isabella Maria DeLuca sur le racisme anti-blanc

Stew Peters s’entretient avec Anna Perez sur la wokisation d’Hollywood et l’effacement des Blancs

Lauren Chen analyse le racisme anti-blanc pathologique d’Aruna Khilanani

Lauren Chen fait jouer des extraits d’un discours d’Aruna Khilanani qui sont très éloquents. C’est au-delà du simple racisme. C’est carrément pathologique. Venant d’une dame qui serait, apparemment, psychiatre et psychanalyste, est très troublant.

Alex Jones présente un extrait du juge Joe Brown dans lequel il expose le racisme de Joe Biden

L’extrait commence vers 21:00 minutes. Le juge Joe Brown rappelle une expérience personnelle où il a vu et entendu Joe Biden faire des commentaires dépréciatifs envers les Noirs. Aussi, un peu plus loin, il établit les vraies raisons pour lesquelles Kamala Harris a réussi à monter les échelons du pouvoir et ce n’était pas pour ses qualités intellectuelles. Il indique également que Kamala Harris n’est pas de race noire mais qu’elle est plutôt indienne en fait.

No-Go Zones, on Red Ice TV: See some Black Supremacists share their anti-White propaganda

Among many subjects, Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice TV reviews here some of the propaganda coming from Black Supremacist leaders. Starting around 57:00 minutes, you will hear and see people like Young Pharaoh and Nick Cannon share their anti-White hatred. What they say about Whites is absolutely delusional and disgusting. Who is responsible for brainwashing them into believing that Whites have a lesser value than animals? Obama, Marxists, Communists, Black Lives Matter? Even President Trump uses to say that «nobody has ever done more for Blacks than me». I think that is precisely the problem. A lot of people are doing a lot of things for Blacks presently, with the result that Blacks are becoming more and more arrogant, pretentious, delusional, paranoid and violent day by day. Whites don’t owe anything to Blacks. It is the other way around. Among many things, Blacks have been using Whites’ technologies for centuries and we never have been compensated for that. If you, Blacks, want to talk about reparations, you could start there. You owe us, Whites, trillions of dollars of license fees that you have never paid for the use of our technologies. We never asked but I think it is time that we start. Prepare your wallets.

Culture et société: Le totalitarisme de l’antiracisme…

White girls versus Black dolls, on Red Ice TV

Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV analyses the anti-White phenomenon of offering Black dolls to White girls.