Interview with Robert Spalding about the race for quantum supremacy, on Secure Freedom Radio

Interview with Kyle Bass about Communist China, on Hidden Forces podcast

This great interview by Demetri Kofinas with Investment Officer Kyle Bass features a lot of relevant topics concerning the threat posed by Communist China, including the possibility that they may develop in the near future bio-weapons targeting White DNA.

The Present Danger: America, China, and the Second Cold War | Kyle Bass

Interview with LTG Steven Kwast on China’s strategy and their quest to dominate space, on SFR

Well, that’s another occasion where I feel completely vindicated. This interview with Lieutenant General Steven Kwast sums up a lot of thoughts and worries that I have been ruminating for years about Communist China and totalitarian regimes in general. The assessment of the situation presented here by Lieutenant Kwast is absolutely perfect. Kwast is what I would call an «adult». In an era where the political landscape is overwhelmed by the childishness of media commentators and of politicians, Kwast delivers the reality of the world as it is. He doesn’t try to embellish it or to transform it into something else that fits his desires. During this interview, he speaks about what China is actually doing to become the masters of the world and how they will use space to do just that. They will use the electromagnetic spectrum to deliver energy directly into devices and installations on a dual-use basis, allowing them to turn off power at will on anybody. As a military officer, Kwast thinks that the U.S. doesn’t have a good strategy to win the war for global domination and that the Chinese will win this war if nothing changes. Kwast recalls that all empires crumble the day when they fail to see the winds of change and that they become complacent and arrogant while surfing on their past glory. This is what is happening to the U.S. right now. A lot of people see that around the world and many of the so-called allies of the U.S. have already shifted their allegiance to China while keeping the appearances in public and in diplomatic circles that they still support the United States. And the fact that China is providing cheap 5G is not helping the U.S. to win that war. The country needs a new strategy to defeat its many enemies and face the challenges of this new ear we are entering in.

Gerry and Sylvia Anderson created a marvelous show in the sixties called Captain Scarlet. In this show, the Earth is being attacked by the Mysterons, a race of aliens living on Mars. They possess control over matter and energy. Captain Scarlet belongs to a security force called Spectrum. Their job is defend Earth against the attacks of the Mysterons. That marionette series was absolutely visionary. The future of mankind lies in what is going to happen with the electromagnetic spectrum. We will be liberated or we will be enslaved with it, it depends on us.

This interview is a five-star. You don’t have the right to miss it…unless you would prefer to be ruled by the Middle Kingdom…or by the Mysterons.

Documentary about the repression of the Uighurs in China

The only thing with which I agree with Communist China is the way they treat the Muslims. These are the Uighurs, a set of populations of Turkish origin. I hate everything else about Communist China but in this case, they do exactly what needs to be done with Muslims: They don’t give an inch. They send the message to the Muslims that in China, it is the Chinese who rule. All non-Muslim countries in the world should do the same. If they don’t, they will inevitably collapse under the pressures of Jihad. But of course, the Chinese reserve the same treatment for other groups or minorities such as the Falun Gong practitioners or the Tibetan Buddhists and I strongly disagree with that. Let’s say that from everything that the Chinese have produced since the Cultural Revolution, I will only take the way they treat the Muslims and leave everything else. This video produced by Vice News seems to have a pro-Muslim point of view but regardless, it gives a good indication of the situation on the ground.

Dalai-Lama: Europe is for Europeans, on Red Ice TV

Lana Lokteff comments on some very wise words by the Dalai-Lama…I wish we had a Pope like that!

Interview with Michael Kingsbury about the Gulag camps on Red Ice TV

This interview is a must-see. Independent filmmaker Michael Kingsbury has taken the very heroic task of exposing the reality behind the rhetoric of our beloved progressives, Marxists and socialists. The real world behind the propaganda is to be found in those camps where political dissidents and free thinkers were sent during the dark days of the USSR. There, they were served with a hard dose of communism. Dehumanization, torture, rape, brainwash were normal procedures, since humans reveal their true nature by their actions and not by their words. Furthermore, the kind of investigation undertaken by Michael Kingsbury helps us realize as well how close we are to slide again into that nightmare. Our leaders in the West have taken the very bad habit of being infatuated with authoritarian regimes, Islamist or communist often. Their veneration for Communist China for example has brought us into a very dangerous position where everything that we have built and developed so far seems to be up for grabs, available for selling or to be given away. It is often said that it is only when you lose something that you realize what you had. Time is running out. We must wake up and stand our ground. The forces of totalitarianism are gearing up for a total takeover. We must resist and fight back and defend our values and freedoms. If we don’t, we will finish our lives in the Gulag, real or virtual.

Interview with Sasha Gong about the Chinese communist system on Secure Freedom Radio

Interview with Steven Mosher about Communist China and 5G on Infowars

The interview starts around 27 minutes in the show hosted by Alex Jones, up to around 1h 04 minutes. What Steven Mosher describes here from his own experience in Communist China is absolutely disgusting and terrifying at times. To set the stage for this great interview, Alex Jones presents a lot of very relevant information prior to the interview itself, so it is a good idea to watch the whole thing from the start.