Debunking the fifth column, part 1: Controlled-demolishing the Truthers

Since 9/11, anti-fascist researcher and radio host Dave Emory has made considerable efforts to convince people not to join the « Truthers ». For those who don’t know, the Truthers are these political activists who try to convince America and the world that 9/11 was an « inside job » and that explosives or missiles were used to bring down the WTC. Of course, everything Truthers present is just an amount of B.S. Real science and just pure good common sense prove it rather quickly. However, there are still people drawn to these bogus explanations. And for reason. Their media representatives are good, talented and they manage to convince at least a part of the crowd. After studying them for several years, I came to the conclusion that the Truthers were in fact the media apparatus of a fifth column in waiting in the U.S. to overthrow the goverment. Their job is to cover the tracks of the real perpetrators of 9/11. Their rhetoric is overtly fascist, if you take the time to listen. FTR #599 show that follows is one the best presentation made to debunk the fallacious claims of the Truthers. Emory accessed various documents and studies produced by indus­try pro­fes­sion­als expert in the field of con­trolled demo­li­tion (italics mine: L.d.). These must not be mistaken for the so-called « Engineers for Truth » about 9/11, who are as bogus as their claims. Brent Blanchard of Protec Documentation Services company has produced a document that is controlled-demolishing piece by piece the assertions of the Truthers.

In a nushell, what I want you to realize is that this line of rhetoric is the product of a fifth column ready to and trying to seize power. Don’t listen to their sirens. Because once you kiss them, you will realize that they are sharks in fact, and it could be too late. I have added another blog post by Dave Emory dealing with this topic and a second website you can visit, besides all the above mentioned, hoping that it will convince you to flush this so-called « truth » about 9/11.

FTR #599: Update on September 11 and Related Matters

No, No Nano-Thermite

Brent Blanchard’s document

Progress Report on the Analysis Red/Gray Chips in WTC Dust

Debunking 911

The controlled demolition of America on 9/11: Meet the Saudis and their Islamic nano-thermites

I will try in this post to do the impossible: assemble and summarize the most important elements of information available on 9/11 but that are not, for the most part, belonging to the official version. I rely for this, as it is often the case, on Dave Emory’s research, and as well on other sources, such as Daniel Hopsicker’s investigative reporting and John Loftus’ vast knowledge in intelligence. This is definitely the most complicated, complex, deep and troubling file probably of all modern times, so please bear with me. I have already presented the financial and economical aspects of 9/11 in an earlier post, so check it out for more information.

First, the main lead concerning 9/11 seems to implicate the Saudis, especially the Royal Family and the bin Laden family. The Bush Administration refused to release to the 9/11 Commission as much as ¾ of the national security papers available during the Clinton era, in all probability for the highly sensitive material that they contain. According to some sources in the journalistic community that Emory cites, previous attempts to use planes to launch terrorist attacks were contemplated in the years prior to 9/11 by Al-Qaeda, involving in some cases the Eiffel Tower, the city of Tel-Aviv in Israel, various other targets…and the World Trade Center. Several intelligence agencies throughout the world, such as Egyptian, Italian and Israeli intelligence, and in the U.S., tried to warn the Administration of an imminent attack that would take place around the Millenium, but their warnings were ignored. U.S. dependency on Saudi oil and the considerable reinvestment that the Saudis effectuate in the U.S. played a key role in the cover up of this intelligence. Continuer la lecture