Kevin Freeman sur la guerre économique que mènent les ennemis de l’Occident

L’excellent analyste économique Kevin Freeman dresse ici le portrait de la situation économique actuelle en ce qui concerne ses aspects militaires. Certains pays hostiles à l’Occident, dont la Corée du Nord, la Chine, l’Iran, la Russie, ainsi que des intérêts privés ou religieux du Moyen-Orient, mènent une politique de guerre économique contre les États-Unis notamment. Que ce soit par le biais d’attaques contre le marché des actions, de la dette publique ou des infrastructures informatiques ou de sécurité, certaines vulnérabilités de nos différents systèmes peuvent être exploitées par des intérêts qui nous sont hostiles. Freeman fait le tour de la question, en mentionnant entre autres le rôle joué par George Soros et l’Armée chinoise dans le déploiement d’attaques à caractère économique ou informatique sur nos systèmes. Vous pourrez retrouver de plus amples informations sur le site de Kevin Freeman, Global Economic Warfare.

Kevin Freeman sur Secure Freedom Radio

La campagne de boycott antisioniste sur la rue St-Denis à Montréal: Une inquisition anti-Québécois et une opération nazie/fasciste


Le présent article est le résultat de plusieurs mois de luttes contre le groupe PAJU qui harcèle certains commerçants de la rue St-Denis à Montréal depuis octobre 2010. Je vais donc essayer ici de rassembler les pièces du dossier comme le ferait n’importe enquêteur de police ou d’un autre service. Et je dois dire d’emblée que cet article se révèle à la fois être un résumé, un répertoire, un bottin, le premier d’une série de plusieurs articles ou même l’introduction d’un livre, tant la quantité des liens et des connections est importante à connaître. Tout au long de ces interminables mois durant lesquels je me suis rendu manifester contre le groupe PAJU pour essayer de contrecarrer leurs efforts envers les boutiques Le Marcheur et Naot, et ce parce qu’ils auraient commis l’odieux crime de vendre des souliers fabriqués en Israël selon les dires du PAJU, j’ai toujours eu l’impression que nous n’avions pas les bonnes clés d’interprétation pour comprendre le conflit et, ce faisant, ne nous pouvions alors adopter la bonne stratégie pour gagner la bataille. J’avais l’impression que ce qui se passait dépassait largement les cadres de l’antisémitisme et des dérives de la gauche. Comme pour vaincre une maladie il faut d’abord faire le bon diagnostic, l’honnêteté par rapport aux faits est essentielle. Cette campagne a toutes les allures d’une opération de renseignement de très haut niveau. J’adore les opérations de renseignement, les analyser, les décortiquer…sauf quand elles font paraître mon peuple comme une bande d’idiots ou d’antisémites, ce qui est le cas présentement. J’ai donc décidé de retourner aux sources afin d’avoir une meilleure vue d’ensemble, dans le but de tuer dans l’oeuf ce qui m’apparaît comme une véritable voie de fait contre le peuple québécois. Ce n’est qu’en leur remettant le nez dedans, eux les ingénieurs de cette opération, qu’on pourra la désamorcer. 

J’en profite pour clarifier que je ne reprendrai pas l’argumentaire présenté par Pierre K. Malouf dans son merveilleux livre Les faces cachées d’Amir Khadir (Éditions Accent Grave, 2012, 280 pages). Ce serait inutile. Dans une formule tout à fait appropriée, Malouf a affirmé que Françoise David et Amir Khadir représentait « la vitrine présentable de Québec Solidaire ». En ce qui me concerne, partant de là, je vais plutôt m’attarder sur ce qui se trouve à l’intérieur de la boutique de l’extrême-gauche québécoise, pour ne pas dire dans l’arrière-boutique et peut-être même dans la ruelle, si c’est possible. Je m’intéresse aux conditions sociales, politiques, historiques, idéologiques et financières qui ont rendu possible cette campagne de boycott sur la rue St-Denis pour commencer. Aussi, je veux mentionner que je ne prétends pas que tous les liens présentés ici sont nécessairement fondés et pertinents à notre investigation. Tout enquêteur sérieux et compétent est parfois amené à s’intéresser à de fausses pistes et à de fausses connexions, sans le vouloir. Que voulez-vous, ça fait parti du métier et toutes les hypothèses doivent être regardées systématiquement pour en venir à isoler la plus plausible. Néanmoins, les découvertes que j’ai faites lors de cette enquête sont suffisamment troublantes pour mériter que je vous les présente dans cet article. Mais pour permettre à ceux qui ne seraient pas familiers avec la manifestation du PAJU sur la rue St-Denis d’en connaître les grandes lignes, voici une entrevue de Pierre K. Malouf accordée à l’émission En Direct De Nulle Part.

Continuer la lecture

Kevin Freeman: Economic Terrorism Against America

Another excellent presentation by Kevin Freeman on economic terrorism against America, democracy and western civilization. To see other conferences by Freeman on that issue, presented along with remarks, explanations and keynotes, check these earlier posts, here, and here.

Kevin Freeman on economic and financial terrorism, second installment: Two video presentations

In an earlier post, I presented an interview with Kevin Freeman aired on Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney. Freeman was making the case that the 2008 financial crisis has not been caused only by greedy financial executives or failed market regulations but as well by financial « attacks » that targetted specific companies and financial products deemed vulnerable to such manoeuvres. In his book Secret Weapon, Freeman explains and documents how countries or certain interets within them may have used these financial tricks in an attempt to sink the U.S. economy. To supplement the material already cited, here are two video presentations by Freeman, one at the Heritage Foundation and a second with The Daily Caller.

Kevin Freeman on economic and financial terrorism: The Chinese threat and Unrestricted Warfare

© Boroda |

This episode from the Frank Gaffney Show on Secure Freedom Radio deals with a more tenuous aspect of terrorism than the one we are used to deal with. In effect, terrorism and warfare undertaken through means of economic and financial manipulations are not easily recognizable and diagnosable by us, the laymen, in normal circumstances. If such shenanigans can have as terrible consequences as 9/11 produced, they can never be as spectacular and so they remain most of the time unnoticed. The 2008 financial collapse produced a loss of wealth estimated at 13 trillion dollars for the U.S. and 53 trillions for the whole world. Frank Gaffney’s January 17th guest, Kevin Freeman, brought to our attention something that unfortunately passed under the radar of a vast number of western observers. In effect, two colonels of the People’s Liberation Army of China, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, have written in 1999 a book on military strategy titled Unrestricted Warfare. That manuel seems to have inspired a few of the machinations that we have seen unfolding since the ’90s, including possibly even 9/11 itself. In a nutshell, the book describes how a weaker military power can wage war against a powerful country like the United States through unconventional means, such as lawfare, economic warfare, network (computer) warfare, terrorism, etc, in a way to progressively weaken it and have it crumble from the inside.

Kevin Freeman unfolds the analysis of this case using the example of what he calls « Bear Raids », i.e. the aggressive and hostile financial and market manipulations that were used and that led to the crash of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. George Soros is widely known to have used these kind of tricks against institutions perceived as weak links to become the rich man he is today, and he certainly didn’t miss the opportunity to do so prior to and during the 2008 crisis. He is even mentioned by name in the document itself of Unrestricted Warfare, at least once on page 135 of the English version. Anonymous people betted against these firms, in other terms they betted on their collapse. Freeman mentions a bet of some 1,7 million dollars. Who would take such a bet without having concrete evidence that the market will effectively collapse? Signs were indicating that these bets were coming from the Middle East and London. Kevin Freeman then alludes to more specific tricks used by financial predators and sharks, like short selling and naked short selling. Without puting into question the competence of Kevin Freeman on these matters, I think Lucy Komisar has done a better job of explaining the mechanics of these two particular gambits, so as a complement I would refer you to this previous post where you will be able to get a lot of detailed information about short selling and naked short selling. I recommend that you listen to the one-hour interview that she gave to radio host Dave Emory in For The Record #650. Freeman also touches on some complementary elements to try to sum up the question of financial terrorism in relation with Unrestricted Warfare. That show is a not-to-miss to understand a little better the world in which we live.

Kevin Freeman with Frank Gaffney

The end of Glenn Beck’s right-wing rampage: Fox News shoots and scores!

Finally, Fox News most popular ranter has been dropped, or should I say, flushed. Right-wing network Fox News’s controversial host will certainly be remembered for his unappropriate comments and most of the times outrageously unacceptable attacks on everything that is liberal, leftist or progressive. But it is his comments on the Democrats in general that will be most remembered and specifically this line: « will we have to shoot them in the head? » Saddly, as we all saw, they appear to have inspired mind-control job Jared Lee Loughner to commit his killing rampage in Tucson, Arizona. In the months just prior to the shooting, Sarah Palin had also the same bad taste to present electoral billboards with targets on it where Democrat representatives were elected, just by coincidence, and that included Arizona.

Beck made the announcement himself on his show Wednesday, April the 6th. Among the many reasons we could find to justify this firing-in-disguise are declining ratings, tense relations between Beck and Fox president Roger Ailes, increasing difficulties to find advertisers ready to present their products during that kind of show, an older audience, etc. But let’s face it, there are more obvious motivations to why he would have been fired. To start with, he decided to expose George Soros for what he was, i.e. a Jewish nazi collaborator in Hungary. And second and most importantly, his calls for the murdering of Democrats. Fox News, even as a right-wing media, can’t live with such a bad publicity. Beck certainly attracts good ratings, he is popular, o.k. But there are limits to everything. When he made those calls to the murdering of Democrats, combined with George Soros’s reaction to his public exposure as a nazi collaborator, that was it. It was too much.

In the end, Beck is lucky to have had the opportunity to work in the United States. In Canada, after publicly saying that people should fire in the head members of a certain political party, a tv host would have been sent packing right away. Nobody would have been able to keep his job here. But in the United States, where fascism is much more advanced than in Canada, in principle at least, somebody can be a complete asshole and show absolutely no form of respect to anyone and get away with it. Well, Beck got away with it but only for a while. From now on, he will make other things, hopefully far away from progressives and liberals. As well, I am proposing the video where he announces that he will leave the network. What is most curious is that when you listen to him, you almost believe him. So either he is sincere in his crazyness or he is a goddamn good actor.


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