L’immigration de remplacement et la remigration…

Je profite de la publication d’une nouvelle vidéo d’Alexandre Cormier-Denis de Nomos-TV, une excellente webtélé patriote, pour crever l’abcès de la situation difficile dans laquelle on se retrouve, nous les Occidentaux de race blanche. Dans la vidéo que vous retrouverez au bas de cet article, Cormier-Denis nous présente la propagande mondialiste d’un groupe d’influence, le Century Initiative/Initiative du Siècle. Ce groupe fait la promotion de l’idée selon laquelle le Canada devrait gonfler sa population pour atteindre 100 millions d’habitants en 2100. Le projet est présenté avec les habituels arguments des mondialistes et des partisans des Nations-Unies et du multiculturalisme. Cette institution n’est évidemment pas la seule à promouvoir l’immigration massive. Beaucoup de groupes liés à l’immigration et au multiculturalisme se retrouvent dans ce camp, comme la Chambre de Commerce par exemple. En effet, les grands sbires de la haute finance, de la bourse et du secteur économique en général ont littéralement des rêves mouillés à l’idée d’importer une main-d’oeuvre de moins en moins coûteuse dont on peut se débarrasser facilement. En effet, pourquoi s’ennuyer avec des conventions collectives, des conditions de travail, etc, quand on peut tout simplement offrir les emplois à des gens qui en demandent moins? Et d’ailleurs, après avoir eu des travailleurs immigrants de toutes les couleurs, de moins en moins chers, on se demande quelle sera la prochaine étape. Les singes ou les robots? Faites votre choix.

Il est impératif que nous commencions les années ’20 du XXIème siècle du bon pied en parlant des vraies affaires. Les Occidentaux de race blanche, les Blancs autrement dit, les Indo-Européens, sont en train de se faire remplacer par des populations issues du Tiers-Monde, par des Arabes, des Noirs, des Latinos et des Asiatiques. Le rythme et le nombre par lesquels ces populations arrivent ici rendent leur assimilation absolument impossible. Ces populations proviennent souvent, en plus, de cultures dont les valeurs et les comportements sociaux sont complètement contraires aux nôtres, ce qui engendre conflits, tensions et violence. Ces nouveaux arrivants ne vont jamais s’assimiler. Par leur reproduction plusieurs fois supérieure à la nôtre, ils vont inévitablement nous remplacer et nous deviendrons des apatrides dans nos propres pays.

Il y aussi le problème du quotient intellectuel moyen des pays dont on accueille les immigrants. Avec un quotient intellectuel moyen nettement plus bas, l’arrivée massive de ce type d’individus fera baisser de façon significative l’efficacité de nos institutions, ainsi que la créativité, la débrouillardise et la résilience de nos citoyens. À terme, la combinaison de l’incompatibilité des valeurs, des comportements et la chute du quotient intellectuel moyen fera effondrer la civilisation elle-même, au grand dam des beaux monsieurs et de belles dames de la Chambre de Commerce qui auront précipité leur propre déconfiture.

Il nous faut donc faire marche arrière. Nous n’avons pas le choix si nous voulons survivre. Non seulement nous devons arrêter l’immigration mais nous devons mettre en place des politiques de remigration. Toutes ces belles âmes qui sont venues chez-nous, pour s’approprier nos terres, nos richesses, nos femmes, etc, en nous envoyant nous faire foutre, en nous agressant, nous intimidant, nous harcelant, nous tuant parfois, devrons plier bagage et s’en aller. C’est un processus qui, évidemment, prendra plusieurs décennies à se compléter mais nous devons commencer maintenant. En gros, on pourrait se fixer comme objectif de renvoyer chez-eux tous ceux qui ne sont pas de descendance européenne, sauf quelques rares exceptions. On parle ici de plusieurs dizaines de millions d’individus qui auront le plaisir de faire profiter de leur grande expertise leurs pays d’origine qui, on imagine bien, vont les accueillir à bras ouverts…

Il n’y a pas une minute à perdre. L’avenir nous appartient. Ce sont les Occidentaux qui ont tout construit ce qui se trouve sur la Terre présentement. L’automobile, l’avion, l’électricité, l’électronique, l’ordinateur, etc, ont vu le jour grâce à l’intelligence, la créativité, le travail et la débrouillardise des Occidentaux, oui oui, ceux que l’on appelle les Blancs. Beaucoup d’immigrants se plaisent à dire que les Blancs sont racistes. Eh bien, on va leur faire plaisir, on va les renvoyer chez-eux avec un billet aller-simple. L’avenir est à nous! Vive les Indo-Européens! Vive la civilisation occidentale! Je vous laisse en compagnie d’Alexandre Cormier-Denis de Nomos-TV.

Real right-wingers confront Charlie Kirk and Rob Smith at a TPUSA event

Something really important happened this week and I want to take the time to share it with you. Charlie Kirk founded an organization called Turning Point USA. TPUSA is what we can call a «conservative» organization that is promoting freedom, free markets, limited government and other usual talking points that we hear today from the so-called «Conservative» movement. Its target audience are high school and college students broadly. TPUSA holds events and speeches throughout the USA. This video features one of their events, a speech titled «Culture War». Their founder and President, Charlie Kirk, was one of the speakers. He was accompanied by Rob Smith. What is so interesting about the event is that, probably for the first time, real right-wingers were capable of talking and asking questions and they definitely made their voices heard. To sum it up, these real right-wingers basically said that there is nothing conservative in promoting the kind of things that conservative organizations are promoting these days. I think that event allowed us to hit a nerve and here is why.

We have been through a lot of things since 9/11 and at times we probably got lost in all the issues and problems. All this time, something really dramatic was happening behind the scenes: the subversion of the Right or what is called the Conservative movement. This subversion is being done in a way to favour Israel, Jews, Blacks and gays. Pick whatever conservative organization that you know about, you will see that issues involving or interesting Blacks and gays are promoted as if they were the most important things in the world and that everyone of these groups make an allegiance to Israel in a way that is not rational or sane.

I think I know what is going on. The Left has succeeded to bring together Latinos, Arabs, Muslims and Natives. You see them protesting together at rallies. They are usually anti-Israel, anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-West. It looks as if a decision was in Conservative circles to try to combat that alliance between Latinos, Arabs, Muslims and Natives, with another alliance made of Israel, Jews, Blacks and gays to help the people already fighting in the Conservative movement. I think it will fail miserably because one important group has been forgotten and that is the Whites. Most of Whites don’t give a damn about Israel, Blacks or gays. Whites want their political organizations to defend their values and principles, the ones of their civilization which is a mixture of Pagan and Christian ideas. Conservative organizations presently are completely ridiculous and irrelevant for the most part for their constant pandering to minorities. They should focus instead on defending their people, you know, the people with white skin who founded our great civilization.

I think that this event is major breakaway. For the first time, or one of the first time, the silent majority was allowed to speak and it spoke very loud. The real right-wingers are not given the stage right now. We have to take it back from the usurpers who have turned the Conservative movement into a circus. The first video is the stream of the event that was recorded by Nick Fuentes, a prominent figure in the Alt-Right. He superimposed himself in the bottom right corner on his own stream of the event. His reactions are absolutely hilarious and you can see that he is very excited and for a good reason. The second video features an interview with Dave Reilly on Red Ice TV. Dave Reilly was one of the guys who confronted Charlie Kirk on the gay agenda that TPUSA is trying to push.

That was such a great victory. Absolutely epic!

A very strong wall with its four layers between the United States and Mexico

The Trump Administration is getting ready to begin the construction of the wall between the United States and Mexico (some might say that a wall between the United States and Canada would be needed as well but that is a subject for another day…). Also, discussions are going on Capitol Hill about certain programs dealing with immigration and refugees such as DACA for example. In this context, I think it is important to have a complete view and understanding about the problem we are facing and the solutions necessary to solve it. There are four layers to the ‘wall’ the way I see it. First, President Trump wants to build a physical structure between the United States and Mexico, to prevent illegal immigration and the flow of drugs. Good. I support the idea. But we have to realize that the problem is more complex than that. The ‘wall’ as to be understood in a larger manner in order to be effective. The very perspicacious and astute Michael Cutler, a former INS agent, has brought to our attention over the years the question of the ports of entry into the United States. In effect, airports, seaports and border crossings are important vectors of illegal immigration and drug trafficking. So, secondly, unless these ports of entry are secured correctly as well in a way that is satisfactory, the wall will remain insufficient to really protect the country. Also non-physical elements such as programs like E-Verify and others can give a hand to secure the United States. Thirdly, the question of cybersecurity remains central in any security strategy. Since a cyber attack can happen anywhere anytime, the construction of a protective wall must be accompanied by a capable, strong, resilient and effective network of cybersecurity protections, methods and safety mesures in order to support the important investment that will be made in the south of the country. Everybody understands that if a strong border wall is built, invaders and criminals will simply look for weaker spots to attack the United States, physical or cyber.

And fourthly, the question of the virtual or psychological wall is important as well. I think it is the great Chinese military general Sun-Tzu that said that wars are won in the minds before being won on the battlefield. Enemies of the western world know that pretty well, I think. Ideologies have a strong impact on people and they pave the way very often for the quiet conquest of territories. Since a couple of years, we have seen the deployment of islamist militants to impose Shariah Law on our populations. Some have used guns to do it, others have used words. The bottom line is that the ideology of Shariah Supremacism has a strength and a power that is a threat to all western countries and nations. A national security strategy must include that in order to be effective and President Trump seems to be inclined to do just that. Also, ideologies are not the only things that fall under the category of the virtual or psychological. Language is a very potent tool of conquest too. Very often the conqueror will try to suppress the use of the language of the conquered, either at work or in the public space. The slow and progressive diminution of the language in use by a people brings with it the disappearance of the people itself speaking it. It is a very effective way to wipe out a whole nation without using guns or bombs.

Which brings me back to the physical wall…The wall between the United States and Mexico will stop the uncontrolled migration to the United States and Canada of people from around the world but especially from South America. In last years, listening to conservative media in the United States, I heard many times that South Americans, referred to currently as latinos, are creating problems in the many businesses where they work in the United States. We are getting reports that they refuse or can’t speak English there. From what I see here in Canada, it is the same thing. As soon as they reach a certain number of Spanish-speaking employees in one enterprise, they stop speaking English (or French in the Province of Quebec) to use Spanish instead. Some might say that in the era of diversity and multiculturalism it is not a problem. I think it is if we understand the real nature of warfare. The imposition of a language on a people brings about the conquest of this people. This problem has metastasized so much in the United States that certain elected officials have begun to talk openly about making English the official language in certain states of the Union if not in the entire country.

The Province of Quebec has been a precursor in these matters. In 1977, the National Assembly adopter Bill 101 to protect the status of the French language in Quebec and make it both the official language of the province itself and the language of the work place. At the time, it was made specifically to protect the population of Quebec from the imposition of English used by Anglo-Canadians or Americans to operate the conquest of the territory. As you can see, times are changing. Now all western nations see their territory being invaded by foreign and hostile populations, sometimes using violence but some other times using stealthy means such as religion or language. So I beg President Trump, in parallel with the construction of the physical wall, to order the preparation of a bill that would make English the official language of the United States. Our countries face an emergency and strong measures must be put in place to save all our nations with their culture, history and civilization. No need to say that it stands to reason that all nations of the western world should do the same and adopt such a law to protect the language of their national population.

To Make America Great Again starts with a strong wall with its four layers. If it works, the United States will have a very very bright future…in English!

Entrevue avec Zack Taylor sur les liens entre l’immigration et les réseaux de trafiquants de drogue

Excellente entrevue avec ici avec cet ex-garde-frontières américain. De toute évidence, il sait de quoi il parle. Une entrevue d’une heure s’impose au Center for Security Policy pour profiter de son expertise. I can’t wait! Retrouvez l’entrevue au troisième segment:

Zack Taylor sur Secure Freedom Radio