Don Debar on Talktainment Radio presents the real situation on the ground in Libya

This interview with New York journalist Don Debar offers a much more credible and more believable assessment of the situation in Libya than what we have been given by our local news providers. Debar was in Libya recently and the account that he presents here make a lot of sense. To begin with, Debar de-mythologizes the country that we call Libya by sketching certain of its social and political dimensions unknown to the vast majority of the western public. Libya, up until NATO’s military campaign against it, have had a social safety net that would make people jalous even in a country like Canada. In effect, Libyans have had free education, free healthcare. Every Libyan has had the right to own his/her house and there has been no mortgage. And there has been also a certain redistribution of oil revenues, something NATO and the « Allies » never said to us, the population. Libya, up to this military intervention, has had the highest standard of living in Africa. According to Debar, a 1000 miles of non-polluted beaches could be enjoyed by any citizens.

« Revolutionaries » of this war originate from Qatar. To this day, certain areas of Libya haven’t seen any rebels. Among other elements of this interview, we note that: Nelson Mandela credited Qaddafi for the help he provided to end Apartheid; Qaddafi had the project of creating the United States of Africa, which would have integrated its economy with the use of a currency based on gold; Qaddafi paid for a telecommunication system made in Africa. These elements seem to have entered into conflict with a project of NATO called Africom that would probably resemble a form of neo-colonialism. Lode Vanoost, former Belgian MP, expressed a similar opinion. See this previous article to get a hold of that. Excellent journalist and brilliant author Russ Baker also expressed himself on the subject in a terrific article that you can consult through this last post, here: Russ Baker on the Peter B. Collins Show.

Don Debar on Fight Back show with Bob Fitrakis

Russ Baker on Libya on the Peter B. Collins Show: French Intelligence

Again, it is a great pleasure for me to reference the work of a great journalist. Russ Baker has been doing a terrific job for many years, and since the publication of his masterpiece Family of Secrets, he hasn’t cease to work, enquire, search for trails of investigation, for leads to be able to bring new facts or evidence to the light of day on subjects or cases of interest. Here he takes on the difficult subject of Libya. I must say that what he presents in this new article makes a great deal of sense. In a nutshell, the Libyan war has been planned and orchestrated by elements of both French and Italian intelligence. The whole thing began with Qaddafi’s protocol chief, Nouri Al-Mesmari, visit to France in October 2010. Under the cover of alleged medical treatments, he began talks with French intelligence to examine the possibility of taking Qaddafi down. Among many elements Russ Baker’s excellent article dwells on, is a project that apparently was concocted by the European Union to NATO-ize the Mediterranean, strangely reminiscent of the mare-nostrum contemplated during the days of the Roman Empire. Also, mining and oil considerations have played a big role in the Libyan « uprising » if you consider that Libya exports 32% of its oil to Italy alone. Europe has no source of oil that is local. They have to import oil and other resources from neighbouring countries.

I just have one element to add and I think it is important. One year ago or so, Qaddafi threatened Europe to swarm the continent with Black immigration if the EU didn’t give him something like 5 bn euros a year. He made this incredible demand, that sounded rather like extortion or blackmail, during a two-day visit in Italy. Also during this trip, he hosted two « convert to Islam parties » which infuriated the Catholic Church. No surprise he got toppled… So first, you can familiarize yourself by listening to the interview with Russ Baker on the Peter B. Collins Show and then read the entire article. I also joined the article from the Mail Online that talks about Qaddafi’s threat.

Russ Baker on the Peter B. Collins Show

Russ Baker on the Libyan war

Gaddafi demands EU 4bn

Russ Baker on The Boiling Frogs: Debunking a few lies

The excellent Russ Baker is back on The Boiling Frogs only a few weeks after another terrific interview given on Peter’s own program, The Peter B. Collins Show. In this conversation with Peter B. and Sibel Edmonds, Baker tries to debunk a few lies that have polluted our political and media landscape for the last months, notably the fake Arab Spring, the bogus claim that Qaddafi ordered mass-rapes of Libya’s women fueled with Viagra  and the total incompetence and lazyness with which the coverage and analysis of the Pan Am 103 incident have been made by our media. I totally agree with Russ Baker on these issues. Dave Emory started to analyse the real action behind the scenes during the time of the Egyptian « revolution », in a series of shows that I have referenced on my blog and that are called the  Piggy-Back Coup series and the Turkish Taffy series, and Baker is continuing the analysis with the same diagnosis. It was fake, all the clues are there, you just have to look at them. It was, in all probabilities, engineered by agents of the intelligence community. I provide you as well with a few articles, in which Baker goes deeper into the analysis on that topic. 

Also, Baker takes a few moments during the interview to raise our awareness on a gross example of psychological warfare that has been fabricated, the mass-rape claim in Libya. In effect, Qaddafi might be a dictator, he might cruel but he is not a fool. To order such thing in a time when the spotlight of the international community is on him would be totally suicidal. I agree with Baker that it is virtually impossible that this story could be genuine. Chances are that it has been cooked up in the labs of psychological warfare crews somewhere in the West, in an attempt to smear Qaddafi, adding to the shame already coming with the Pan Am 103 bombing. As soon as I heard this story, I didn’t believe it for a second and Baker comes in that interview as a second opinion that confirms what I had thought from the start. By the way, have you noticed that all of a sudden there are a lot of sexual « scandals » around the world, form DSK to Wiener to Qaddafi, etc? Do the power elite have a problem with sex? Or is it just the simplest way to smear someone without any chance for him/her to have a defense and continue unharmed? Anyway, listen to the interview and read the articles. Baker is one of the best journalists in America, if not of the world, and he deserves fully to be encouraged. If I were millionaire I would give him a good pay and a house…but unfortunately I am in the same situation than he is. It looks as if it is only the poor who are ready to struggle. The rich are all corrupted or cowards and they don’t do anything to help the world survive.

Russ Baker on The Boiling Frogs, #48

Libya Update

Connect the dots

Libyan sex atrocity

Why are we in Libya

Kerry and McCain unite