Images on the invasion of Greece and Sweden’s No-Go Zones, on Red Ice TV

The first video features TV images and reportage related to the invasion of Greece by migrants sent by Turkey to attack Europe. The second video is a compilation of attacks made on people of European descent by migrants, refugees and immigrants of color in Sweden. These images show the future of our countries, our future. The newcomers will never respect us, simply because they are not immigrants but invaders, warriors sent to destroy our countries and exterminate the local population to take possession of the land and its resources. It’s time to wake up. Look at these images and see for yourself.

Poseidon comments on the intentional wrecking of Greece by the globalists, on Red Ice TV

Dalai-Lama: Europe is for Europeans, on Red Ice TV

Lana Lokteff comments on some very wise words by the Dalai-Lama…I wish we had a Pope like that!

Jana on discrimination ethnic Germans face in Germany, on Red Ice TV

Alex Jones comments on the rightful decision by President Trump to bring the troops back

Trump is right to pull the troops from Syria and Afghanistan. The Conservatives are mad about the decision. They are saying that it will leave a vacuum that will be filled by the Russians and the Iranians and that’s probably right, at least in the short term. But I agree with President Trump because in the middle and long term, it is not in our interest to continue these wars in foreign lands. I think we have been had and it all started at the time of the Viet-nam war at a minimum. You see, the people that we call the globalists like to create wars in which they drag the United States. Alex Jones discusses this topic in this video while being on the phone. He is right on the money. The globalists create these phony/fake wars abroad to entrap the Unites States and its allies into fighting them. There, western countries send their best men and women, the youngest, bravest, fittest, strongest and most intelligent of our people. Inevitably, these fine individuals get killed or injured and sometimes their lives are ruined forever. Generation after generation, that makes a lot of people who won’t reproduce and transmit their great qualities to their offspring. Fast-forward to today, we can see now that we have been depleted of what makes a nation great, of its youth, its life and its power. The globalists had one goal that anyone can see here: They wanted to weaken our countries to make them easier targets for invasion and conquest. Anytime the military of a country is deployed in a foreign land, that makes the homeland more vulnerable, as soldiers are no longer there to defend the territory. Combined with the end of mandatory military service and the absence of a second amendment (in a lot of western countries), the effects are dramatic on the national security of any country.

So that was the plan. Attract our soldiers outside the country to be able to invade and conquer it more easily. Is it surprising then that we are being invaded both by Islamist terrorists and by hordes of migrants from the third-world? No it is not. It’s only logical. Trump brings back the troops to allow them to do what they were meant to do: Defend the territory of the United States. The flow of migrants who think they are entitled to everything we have is just beginning. Thankfully, the United States have a President who sees clearly the world as it is. All countries of the world that let their borders wide open for the migrants and refugees will crumble and disappear. By building the wall and maintaining the military inside the territory of the United States (with a few exceptions) this President will be able to save the day and it will be up to the next President to continue with this very wise policy decision.

Lana Lokteff: Why They Want To Replace White People

This video is very well produced and delivered. Take a listen.

The Dalai-Lama: Europe belongs to Europeans…

The Dalai-Lama stated the obvious. Of course, migrants, refugees and a lot of so-called ‘immigrants’ should go back to their home countries once the situation has settled there (the sooner the better). Here is Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV commenting on the news. This only proves that Buddhists have the heart at the right place. There is a proverb in French that says: «Charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-même», which means that you should always provide for yourself before considering providing for others. There are thousands, millions of people in America and Europe who are desperately in need of medical care and of decent food and housing…and we are welcoming refugees by the millions? A few years ago, I started a series of articles in French under the title Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, or in English, the deployment of the Christico-Buddhistic Axis. The idea behind that association, collaboration, alliance, is that these two religions, the two big religions of each side of the planet, are completely compatible, the same way Islam and Communism are compatible. So, if they are compatible, we should work together to fight for a better world and to deter threats to our rights and freedoms. If the association of Communism and Islam is often referred to as the Red-Green Axis, the alliance between the freedom-loving christian West and the Buddhist East could be referred to as the Blue-Orange Axis – orange for the most common color of a monk’s garment. If we don’t pull our strength together, both Christians and Buddhists are going to disappear, be massacred by either communists or Islamists. Europe for Europeans…and the East for those who agree with the Buddha! Here are the four articles in French of the series I was talking about, if you would like to take a look at them.

Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique ou le rayonnement bleu-orange

Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, deuxième partie: Le Bouddha bleu…

Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, troisième partie: Jésus aurait été moine bouddhiste…

Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, quatrième partie: Le Sanctuaire de Rozabal…

Sweden Special: Election meddling, civil unrest and immigration

In order, Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice TV comments on the recent elections in Sweden where there was evidence of meddling. The second video features Daniel Frandelov, interviewed by Palmgren, commenting on the riots and violence in Sweden, notably in the no-go zones. And third, the documentary ‘Testing Tolerance’ produced by RT covers the situation of massive immigration in Sweden and the problems that it brings.

Soeren Kern on immigration and the future of Europe on SFR

To look at the webpage of the show, please visit: Soeren Kern: EU Refugee and Migrant Influx