Stew Peters s’entretient avec Michael Yon et Ann Vandersteel sur l’invasion migratoire à la frontière sud des États-Unis

President Trump press conference on May 30th 2019

A very energetic Donald Trump spoke to the press on Thursday. That’s the Trump I like. I am confident that he will win in 2020 and that his second term will be even better than the first. And, by the way, I can’t wait for all those documents to be declassified… What a spectacle it will be!

President Trump and President Bolsonaro hold joint press conference

Finally, something will be done to break the spell that Cuba has over so many countries in South America. Will these two men be capable of tipping the balance of power in our favor? We’ll see. It is so obvious now to everybody that criminal gangs and drug trafficking networks are using their activities and the money they make to attack the southern border of the U.S. Migrants are only the foot soldiers to do that. To what extent the countries that are often called the «usual suspects» (Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc) are behind these efforts is anybody’s guess. But it will stop only if we can neutralize them on the ground where they are concocted and launched. I am excited and thrilled by this new partnership between the United States and Brazil. I have the impression that a lot of good things will be accomplished by it. That’s a great day for America and for Brazil.

Interview with Andrew Tate about the demonization of masculinity on Infowars

This man is on fire. Andrew Tate advocates for the return of masculine men in western society. Let’s face it: Western men have been emasculated, feminized. The globalist elites of our western countries have deployed a massive effort since the 1960’s to transform the male that was generations ago a masculine and virile being into a puppet, a toy submitted to society and to women. And the trick was played on women too, when these same elites through propaganda and conditioning brainwashed them to become more masculine and dominating. The end result is that now nobody is happy and our societies are collapsing on themselves. Andrew Tate is a very energetic individual. It is to be expected since he is a kickboxer. But he doesn’t stop at fighting into a ring. He also fights on the internet where he is very active. He says that he has been deplatformed from a couple of places but he continues to spread his ideas wherever he can. This interview given to Alex Jones is amazing. That’s the kind of individuals we need to re-energize western men, and also patriots and nationalists who might feel exhausted or overwhelmed by the task at hand of defending our societies while our elites have turned against us. That interview is a five star. Please watch and share!

President Trump-Vladimir Poutine joint press conference

I watched again the joint press conference of President Trump with Vladimir Poutine…and I can’t find nothing wrong with it. The Swamp has gone hysterical about it but it was foreseeable. The thing that made the Swamp angry the most is probably the fact that President Trump exposed the corrupt elements of the intelligence community, for what they are, and that he did it in front of the whole world and with Vladimir Putin as a witness. I don’t think I could have done it better. It was both brilliant and perfect. As I have said in earlier articles, there are people in the intelligence community, in the police also, who are doing things that are immoral and sometimes illegal. They have smeared and framed thousands and thousands of people, destroyed their lives, their reputation. They did it very often to please politicians hungry for power and control. They got away with it most of the times because the people they targeted were too little to defend themselves. But now that they have tried their dirty tricks on the President of the United States, and that it failed, finally, they are going to answer for their misdeeds. They are in trouble. John Brennan, James Clapper and James Comey can say what they want but the facts speak for themselves. I think that in the long run the fallout of that meeting will be great for both countries and for the world. If the United States and Russia can work together to build a better world it would be fantastic. Because now, in the current system, you have China that is ripping off everybody else with their cheap products and the robbery of technology and intellectual property that they do, and you have the islamists who destroy the cultures of the world one by one with their ideology of conquest. The United States and Russia, by cancelling each other out as they have been doing for more than a century, are enabling the complete collapse of civilization itself. This is it. We have an appointment with history and I want our world leaders to be there on time when the fate of the planet is on the line.

Interview with Paul Kengor on Secure Freedom Radio about the existential threat

Finally, the Center for Security Policy has installed an embeddable audio file player on its website to present the Secure Freedom Radio podcasts. That means that now bloggers like me can share them with a much sexier look than just a web link. That’s great. I will continue to provide the links for each show just to make sure that you keep up with their great material. Now concerning this interview with Paul Kengor, a few thoughts. There was no ‘end’ to the Cold War as we have been told to believe. The Cold War continued without interruption to this day. Only, when the Soviet Union collapsed it shifted, transformed itself into a new thing, with the result that now we live in a much more dangerous world than we used to during the duration of the ‘official’ Cold War period. The Russians continued their operations while we were busy drinking champagne when the Berlin Wall came down. Nothing changed either in Cuba or North Korea. In other terms, while we were celebrating the supposed collapse of the communist ideology, the communists in flesh-and-blood continued to wage war against us and adapted their strategy and operations for the post-soviet era.

In those days, China was not really a threat. It was a poor country, without the means to do real damage. It was a communist regime without teeth. Now it has changed drastically. The country is rich and powerful militarily and technologically. Thanks to its entry in the World Trade Organization and to the massive transfer of wealth and technology made by our corrupt political elites (who have betrayed us big time), China has developed into a mastodon that may very well surpass the United States very soon. Just by looking at the behavior of western liberal politicians, some of them have already begun to behave as if China was now the number one superpower of the planet. In a past interview on the airwaves of Secure Freedom Radio (I can’t find the audio file for the moment, sorry), the perspicacious Kevin Freeman made a very relevant observation about China. He said that the chinese system was not really communist but rather fascist, instead. He is right. When you look at the way that everything in China has been consolidated to strengthen and promote the state, then what you have is a fascist system, similar to Nazi Germany or fascist Italy. The fact that the chinese state presents itself as a communist state serves mainly propaganda purposes. Of course, the political apparatus in China is communist, there is no doubt about that. But the Chinese are using the market economy to build and promote themselves in a way that the Soviets never did. That explains why western politicians are so fascinated by China. They can do business there, while saving their reputations. In effect, for a liberal politician, to do business in a totalitarian country is perfectly fine…as long as it is officially communist or Islamist and not fascist. The Chinese have succeeded to merge into one single system the most efficient aspects of both communism and fascism and that makes them a very dangerous force. They have more chances to become the next number one superpower than the Soviets or the Nazis never had, precisely because they have find a way to bring together the strongest qualities of both systems while reducing or eliminating their respective weaknesses. Also, another whole issue to talk about would be the involvement of eastern regimes like China or Russia in the support of radical Islam. It is something that many people suspect without necessarily having the evidence to back it up, but there are more and more signs that point in that direction. I will leave you listen to the show. For the web page, please visite: The Existential Threat of Today.

Interview with Stella Morabito on the Bolshevik Revolution

This interview made by Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy is of great quality. Stella Morabito seems to be getting it to the very core of the problem that we are facing as a civilization, our struggle against communism that did’t terminate with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It has continued to this day and we are a long way from victory. On Remembrance Day, it is our duty as citizens to understand the real cause of our problems and not to deflect them on secondary issues, even if they are important. Let’s hope everybody will reflect accordingly. I also join an article on the matter that she published at thefederalist website, and a second published on this platform as well by Ryan Fazio on the Gulag system.

Stella Morabito on Secure Freedom Radio

The Bolshevik Revolution Reveals Six Phases From Freedom To Communist Misery

What Communists Did To My Family In The Soviet Gulags

Electronic harassment in the West: A growing national security threat…

Electronic espionage and harassment is becoming a real problem now for the ordinary citizen in the West. In this series of interviews with Frank Calzon on Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney, the Free Cuba advocate presents what we know so far about the case of sonic harassment that American diplomats may have endured at the American Embassy in Cuba. Allegedly, the Cubans are using some technology involving sound to attack the personnel there. Diplomatic staff at the embassy complain about several health problems, such as headaches, hearing loss, etc. Well, something tells me that it is just the tip of the iceberg. We live surrounded by eletronic waves. In the past, we used to deal only with Hertzian waves but now with all the cellphones, Wi-Fi systems, smart technology devices, etc, we live completely immersed in microwaves 24/7. And that leads to another problem. We know already that EMP technology (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) technology exists and that it is in the hands of the most powerful nations on the planet (USA, Russia, China, North Korea, etc). But so far, we made the assumption that they would use that technology only with large-scale weaponry such as nuclear bombs for example. But what about small-scale miniaturized versions of it, to be used on specific targets, such as individuals?

In that context, I am also providing an interview with former NSA agent Karen Stewart that I have published and commented on this blog last year. In this interview given to Luca Zanna, she talks about her experience at the NSA and the level of harassment that she had to cope with. Specifically, she refers to ‘energy weapons’ that were used apparently to degrade her health and body. While she explains the various details of her ordeal and misfortune, she always takes for granted that the harassment that she was the target of was made by agents of the NSA. But it stands to reason to believe that foreign intelligence services would gladly use these technologies, if they do possess them, on our citizens here in the West, especially on the most brilliant, conscious, astute, capable and brave among us. In other terms, they would gladly use them against our best warriors for freedom in an effort to take them out. Cuba is not a major country. It is a pawn of Russia and China and a friend of North Korea since the communist revolution. So I think that it is fair to assume that they probably do use some sort of sonic, microwave or EMP technology to harass the diplomatic personnel of the USA, at the request, probably, of one or more of their patrons. In the last couple of years I saw a lot people falling ill over here, developing bizarre sicknesses, having accidents of all sorts. Something is wrong. I really think that we are being attacked using various eletronic technologies and that this continuous stream of waves degrades our health and our capability to fight back. Basically, any electronic device using microwaves can be turned against us and while we pretend everything is OK, public health is degrading at a rapid pace. It is a growing national security threat that we have to deal with immediately. In each of the three following links, you will find one interview with Frank Calzon. And don’t forget to listen to the witness account of Karen Stewart in the link provided above.