La docteure Ana Maria Mihalcea s’entretient avec Karen Kingston sur les armes neurologiques que sont les injections pour la covid-19

Ne manquez pas cette conversation de haut niveau entre la docteure Ana Maria Mihalcea et l’analyste légale Karen Kingston. Ces deux femmes ont offert une contribution remarquable à la compréhension du contenu réel des injections pour la covid-19, et ce depuis le tout début de la crise covid. Leurs efforts ont mis en lumière que les injections pour la covid-19 sont une concoction de nanotechnologies visant à attaquer l’être humain et à changer la nature du corps biologique pour le transformer en cyborg. Ainsi, comme l’a fait aussi remarquer certains auteurs comme David Icke, tout le discours sur le ‘coronavirus’, la protéine spike et la fuite du laboratoire de Wuhan ne sont que des distractions pour amener l’attention du public loin de la scène de crime, qui est celle de l’univers nanotechnologique. C’est LÀ que l’action se passe et pas ailleurs. À VOIR ABSOLUMENT.

Interview with Bill Gertz about China’s unrestricted warfare against the U.S., on SFR

Interviews with Diana West, Fred Fleitz, and Kevin Freeman and Rick Manning on SFR

Interview with Diana West on Secure Freedom Radio

Interview with Fred Fleitz on Secure Freedom Radio

Interview with Kevin Freeman and Rick Manning on Secure Freedom Radio

Kevin Freeman: Economic Terrorism Against America

Another excellent presentation by Kevin Freeman on economic terrorism against America, democracy and western civilization. To see other conferences by Freeman on that issue, presented along with remarks, explanations and keynotes, check these earlier posts, here, and here.

Kevin Freeman on economic and financial terrorism, second installment: Two video presentations

In an earlier post, I presented an interview with Kevin Freeman aired on Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney. Freeman was making the case that the 2008 financial crisis has not been caused only by greedy financial executives or failed market regulations but as well by financial « attacks » that targetted specific companies and financial products deemed vulnerable to such manoeuvres. In his book Secret Weapon, Freeman explains and documents how countries or certain interets within them may have used these financial tricks in an attempt to sink the U.S. economy. To supplement the material already cited, here are two video presentations by Freeman, one at the Heritage Foundation and a second with The Daily Caller.

Yuri Bezmenov: The science of destabilization and subversion

This conference by Yuri Bezmenov, alias Tomas Schuman, is a terrific presentation on the nature and mechanics of subversion. A defector from the ex-Soviet Union, Bezmenov worked for the KGB as a propaganda expert before passing to the West. As 85% of all KGB efforts were directed not at spying per se but rather at distracting western society in order to subvert and destroy it, this presentation is worth viewing again. Bezmenov begins his speech by reminding us about Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese general who has authored the tremendously important The Art of War, a book on military strategy. The point of reminding us about this is obvious: all the signs that our western society is being the target of one or of several destabilization operations by foreign and domestic forces are evident. That’s why we need to focus our attention on the specifics of how a subversion operation works.

Bezmenov presents the stages of such operations as follows:

1-Demoralization, during which the different components of a society are infiltrated and then hijacked to take them away from their initial mission. Artificial bodies of bureaucrats come to replace the citizens;

2-Destabilization, during which the process of subversion began in step 1 increases in intensity and means;

3- Crisis, during which a society inevitably faces either civil war or invasion by foreign forces;

4- Normalisation finally, during which all activists and « revolutionaries » who got involved in social change and uprisings are eliminated by the new power elite. Bezmenov gives several examples of communist revolutions where early backers and actors of the revolution have been killed once the situation has settled. Continuer la lecture

Kevin Freeman on economic and financial terrorism: The Chinese threat and Unrestricted Warfare

© Boroda |

This episode from the Frank Gaffney Show on Secure Freedom Radio deals with a more tenuous aspect of terrorism than the one we are used to deal with. In effect, terrorism and warfare undertaken through means of economic and financial manipulations are not easily recognizable and diagnosable by us, the laymen, in normal circumstances. If such shenanigans can have as terrible consequences as 9/11 produced, they can never be as spectacular and so they remain most of the time unnoticed. The 2008 financial collapse produced a loss of wealth estimated at 13 trillion dollars for the U.S. and 53 trillions for the whole world. Frank Gaffney’s January 17th guest, Kevin Freeman, brought to our attention something that unfortunately passed under the radar of a vast number of western observers. In effect, two colonels of the People’s Liberation Army of China, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, have written in 1999 a book on military strategy titled Unrestricted Warfare. That manuel seems to have inspired a few of the machinations that we have seen unfolding since the ’90s, including possibly even 9/11 itself. In a nutshell, the book describes how a weaker military power can wage war against a powerful country like the United States through unconventional means, such as lawfare, economic warfare, network (computer) warfare, terrorism, etc, in a way to progressively weaken it and have it crumble from the inside.

Kevin Freeman unfolds the analysis of this case using the example of what he calls « Bear Raids », i.e. the aggressive and hostile financial and market manipulations that were used and that led to the crash of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. George Soros is widely known to have used these kind of tricks against institutions perceived as weak links to become the rich man he is today, and he certainly didn’t miss the opportunity to do so prior to and during the 2008 crisis. He is even mentioned by name in the document itself of Unrestricted Warfare, at least once on page 135 of the English version. Anonymous people betted against these firms, in other terms they betted on their collapse. Freeman mentions a bet of some 1,7 million dollars. Who would take such a bet without having concrete evidence that the market will effectively collapse? Signs were indicating that these bets were coming from the Middle East and London. Kevin Freeman then alludes to more specific tricks used by financial predators and sharks, like short selling and naked short selling. Without puting into question the competence of Kevin Freeman on these matters, I think Lucy Komisar has done a better job of explaining the mechanics of these two particular gambits, so as a complement I would refer you to this previous post where you will be able to get a lot of detailed information about short selling and naked short selling. I recommend that you listen to the one-hour interview that she gave to radio host Dave Emory in For The Record #650. Freeman also touches on some complementary elements to try to sum up the question of financial terrorism in relation with Unrestricted Warfare. That show is a not-to-miss to understand a little better the world in which we live.

Kevin Freeman with Frank Gaffney