Revisiting the protest against the removal of the Robert E Lee statue in Charlottesville

I thought it would be interesting to revisit the alt-right gathering that took place to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue, in Charlottesville, VA, in May 2017. As everybody knows, a few months later, in August 2017, that city became the theater of one of the most outrageous smearing attempt by the Left to fabricate Nazis out of thin air. The Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville was a complete set up to smear alt-right activists as violent fascists and Nazis.The second and third videos are presentation and description produced by Red Ice TV of that first gathering in Charlottesville held by alt-right activists in May 2017 against the removal of this statue. The first video, by Stephen McNallen, gives some of the context to understand the core of the problem. We, White men and women of the West, are being taught and told that we have no history, no values of our own and that we deserve to be dispossessed of everything. Of course, this is completely false and wrong. We have a great civilization and spirit but we are the target of a deliberate campaign of smearing and deception to steal our resources, take control of our land and seize complete power. Whether the invaders succeed or not will depend on the determination of our citizens to resist, fight back and prevail. We must not let them rewrite history. We must stand our ground and defend our values and our culture. Our statues reflect our greatness and our strength. Our ancestors fought and died to give their children a future. It is our duty not to forget and to fight tooth and nail to preserve what they have transmitted to us out of their sweat and blood. No, we will not be replaced.

Lana Lokteff on White Nationalism and Far-Right Extremism

Two excellent videos by Lana Lokteff that present how double standards are applied to White people when time comes to defend their culture and heritage. In the media and in the public opinion, White Nationalism equates with racism and Nazism because our society doesn’t allow Whites to defend themselves as nations, peoples, tribes, cultures and as a race and a civilization. In the same spirit, anything that Whites can say to defend such culture and values is categorized as Far-Right Extremism while these things were absolutely normal and average for the common man only 60 years ago. It is time that we, whether you prefer to refer to us as Whites, Westerners or Indo-Europeans, it is time that we take back possession of language. It is the language that allows individuals and societies to define reality. Enemies of the West and of Whites have hijacked the language in a way that makes it impossible for us to exist as a race and as tribes and societies. They are trying to erase us from history and from the globe. It is not going to happen if we stand together and fight. And it starts with taking back our speech.

DNA researcher James Watson stripped of honors for stating the obvious on Red Ice TV

The father of DNA was stripped of honors recently simply because he said IQ differences exist between races. It is a fact proven by all research and studies. Cultural marxists are pushing to replace reality with their rosy-glass vision of an ideal society where everybody would be equal. What they call ‘equality’ never existed in any society. Humans are very different and unequal from one another, not only between races but also between individuals of the same race. If you take an average ethnic group, you will find individuals with IQ ranging in the ’80s while others will score above 130. The same can be said of animals. Among any species you have a large variety, a large diversity I should say, of individuals with their own characteristics in all domains. If you take the example of cats and dogs, you can’t find two cats or dogs that will be perfectly identical. James Watson is the latest victim in a long string of pioneers, scientists, patriots and nationalists who have been rejected, shamed and destroyed on the altar of political correctness and cultural marxism. And it’s not over.

Lana Lokteff: Why They Want To Replace White People

This video is very well produced and delivered. Take a listen.

Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV on the outlawing of white neighbourhoods

Following Lana’s commentary, I also add an interview that she made on Radio 3Fourteen with Ash Sharp who presents the situation of mass immigration in London. One of the good points that Lana makes here, is that Obama’s policies had a lot to do with getting revenge for slavery…Yeah, as terrible as it sounds, that’s what it was all about.

A few interviews and a documentary about the white genocide going on in South Africa

With the first link, please listen to Ronnie Crouse in the second segment on the Secure Freedom Radio show. Then, in order, please listen as well to Simon Roche on Red Ice Radio and Clare on Radio 3Fourteen with the second and third links. To finish, here is also a small documentary showing how white people are being gradually replaced, often with violence, in western countries.

Ronnie Crouse on Secure Freedom Radio

Simon Roche on Red Ice Radio

Clare on Radio 3Fourteen