Confrontation at Concordia: an Iran-Nazi fifth column in Canada

This film, Confrontation at Concordia, is a great follow up and complement to Discordia, that documentary produced by the National Film Board of Canada about the 2002 riot at Concordia University. This short film shows how the activist, pro-Islamist, leftist and sometimes extreme-leftist milieu in North American universities is in fact an Iran-Nazi fifth column among us that threatens to destroy our society. People who participate in protests against Israel in our universities are often violent, racist, anti-semitic, obnoxious. They encourage mayhem, vandalizing and destroying property and denying freedom of speech to Jews and opponents. I would like here to remind Palestinians and Arab nations a few things, in case you haven’t got history right. First, if we go back in past centuries, the Arab world made no significant development in terms of science, culture, civilization, in roughly 8 centuries, from the 12th to the 20th. It looks as if the Crusades had struck such a blow on the Arab civilization that it virtually stopped there its development. And that’s not Israel’s fault. Second, you lost WWI and as a result, the Ottoman Empire was divided into several countries but no country was formed under the name Palestine. Israel didn’t exist at the time, so it can’t be blamed for it, although a lot of people do. So I wonder on what basis exactly you are blaming the Jews for your predicament and your situation. You should look at yourselves first. Look at what you did wrong to explain your situation. It takes only cowards to blame the Jews for anything. Look into yourselves.

Next, in the second video, Benjamin Netanyahu adresses the students of Canada about the situation in the Near-East, Israel and its relation with Palestinians. The contrast between the « democratic » expressions of the pro-Palestinian activists and the moderation of Netanyahu is staggering. He also sketches the various reasons, historical, ideological, political, cultural, etc, that have led to so much hatred toward the Jews and the State of Israel. Netanyahu is a moderate man, civilized, democratic, liberal. To label him as a war criminal is nonsense. It gives you an idea about the level of brainwashing, mind-control, propaganda and hysteria that exist in the Arab/Muslim worldwide community. Nothing is never their fault; it’s always either Israel’s or America’s. This has got to end. Come on, brave men. I summon you to rise up and fight back against this tyranny of lies and deceptions! Israel is our Fatherland. We have to protect it. If it is destroyed, peace will never come in the Middle East nor anywhere else on Earth. Continuer la lecture

Muslim Brotherhood style democracy

Latest blog entry from anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory. Two things here to focus your attention. First, Emory presents the Hamas Charter, which is nothing else than the old anti-semitic routine that we have heard so much through centuries, and lately with nazism. Second, there is a link to a video on LiveLeak, which shows an execution of Fatah operatives by Hamas troops. It seems that Hamas don’t try to negociate, make deals, have a discussion or a vote. They are not interested with accommodations, middle grounds or any such thing that we are used to in democratic societies. They make the law as it used to be in Antiquity.

Question: Are you sure Israel and the Jews are the bad guys with people like that around? Well, you should check your facts again. A good site to help you with that is HonestReporting. They debunk anti-Israel propaganda that comes from the Middle East and they report it as soon as it comes. So first check Dave Emory’s blog entry and then pay a visit to HonestReporting:
