Miscellaneous articles for – Articles divers pour 09-12-2012

German Government’s Close, post-Attack Relationship with Perpetrators of the 1972 Olympics Massacre

American agents wounded in Mexico linked to CIA drug planes

Dossier Hitler: Le parti nazi est à l’origine un club gay dominé par un ex-prostitué nommé Adolf

Hitler, ce socialiste…

Biological Warfare: Did the Germans Cause the 1918 Flu Epidemic?

Europa Germanica – 1940

In the EU’s « Grand Area

The Real Reason For The Afghan War?

Trending Upward

Does the F.B.I. Have an Informant Problem?

The Olympic Game Changer

The tangled web leading up to Afghanistan

The world’s not better off

Israel Betrayed

ICESAT Data Shows Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses

Kansas District Court First to Apply “American Laws for American Courts”

A Decade After

The Deafness Before the Storm

Mexico’s new President owes election to “Narco-Televisa”

Situation Report: The Battlefield Impact of Badruddin Haqqani’s Death

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