New movie on counter-Jihad. What a great idea to have invited imam Abdul Rauf as a speaker!

The world premiere of the film produced by AFDI/SIOA will be presented on February 11 at 3pm in the Maryland Ballroom of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. The screening will be followed by a question and action and strategy session on how to stop the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero.

The Ground Zero Mosque: The Second Wave of the 911 Attacks

Sponsored by the American Freedom Defense Initiative


911 family member Rosaleen Tallon
Pamela Geller, Executive Director AFDI and Stop Islamization of America
Robert Spencer, Associate Director, AFDI and SIOA

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and Daisy Khan (invited)
Refreshments Served
Open to Everyone

The film is rolling out nationwide and will have its New York City premiere on Muhammad’s birthday (according to the Shi’ites), February 20, at the St. Luke’s Theatre, 308 W. 46th Street, New York, 7:30 pm. You must RSVP to

If you wish to set up a screening in your town, city, university, public library, shul or church, contact Pamela Geller at

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