Yussouf Al-Qaradhawi gives marching orders to Egyptians

In more or less direct terms Al-Qaradhawi, Chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, told the crowd in central Cairo last friday to liberate Egypt and Palestine…in others terms to wage war against Israel. He has given march­ing orders for the lib­er­a­tion of the Al-Aqsa Mosque…in Israel. It is also worth not­ing that the Rafah bor­der is now open one way, giving the opportunity to Palestinians to return home, and that two Iran­ian ships were allowed pas­sage recently in the Suez Canal… The Egypt­ian ‘rev­o­lu­tion’ is more and more rem­i­nis­cent of the Iran­ian Rev­o­lu­tion. It appears that we, those who try to resist fas­cism, nazism and islamo-fascism, were right from the start when we expressed doubts about it. The sec­ond video shows the crowd say­ing some­thing in ara­bic that I don’t under­stand, but that is prob­a­bly not Mother Goose.

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