Don Debar on Talktainment Radio presents the real situation on the ground in Libya

This interview with New York journalist Don Debar offers a much more credible and more believable assessment of the situation in Libya than what we have been given by our local news providers. Debar was in Libya recently and the account that he presents here make a lot of sense. To begin with, Debar de-mythologizes the country that we call Libya by sketching certain of its social and political dimensions unknown to the vast majority of the western public. Libya, up until NATO’s military campaign against it, have had a social safety net that would make people jalous even in a country like Canada. In effect, Libyans have had free education, free healthcare. Every Libyan has had the right to own his/her house and there has been no mortgage. And there has been also a certain redistribution of oil revenues, something NATO and the « Allies » never said to us, the population. Libya, up to this military intervention, has had the highest standard of living in Africa. According to Debar, a 1000 miles of non-polluted beaches could be enjoyed by any citizens.

« Revolutionaries » of this war originate from Qatar. To this day, certain areas of Libya haven’t seen any rebels. Among other elements of this interview, we note that: Nelson Mandela credited Qaddafi for the help he provided to end Apartheid; Qaddafi had the project of creating the United States of Africa, which would have integrated its economy with the use of a currency based on gold; Qaddafi paid for a telecommunication system made in Africa. These elements seem to have entered into conflict with a project of NATO called Africom that would probably resemble a form of neo-colonialism. Lode Vanoost, former Belgian MP, expressed a similar opinion. See this previous article to get a hold of that. Excellent journalist and brilliant author Russ Baker also expressed himself on the subject in a terrific article that you can consult through this last post, here: Russ Baker on the Peter B. Collins Show.

Don Debar on Fight Back show with Bob Fitrakis

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