TMX takeover by LSE: a group of Canadian banks and Pension Funds fight back

Finally, some groups from our country, like in the case of the Equinox Minerals bid by China Minmetals, made an offer to buy the TMX to keep the control of that stock exchange in Canada. Because, let’s speak frankly here, that supposed « merger of equals » is nothing less than a takeover of the TMX by the LSE. Question: why, according to you, the LSE wants so bad to buy the TMX? Financial analysts and « experts » could mention dozens of reasons but the most obvious that comes to mind is because the TMX controls the world’s resources. In previous articles on the so-called « revolutions » in the Middle East I, along with heroic anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory, warned readers and listeners not to get too optimistic about the « democratic » nature of these uprisings. These operations were conducted for strategical and geo-political reasons. The Earth’s resources are beginning to spread a little thinner in recent years due to the rise of the globe’s population and demand for products. Control of resources is the key of power for the world of tomorrow. Control the resources and you control the game, don’t control the resources and you’ll be left alone. It is as simple as that. In my posts, I often reminded you that our civilization is superior and that we have to take some measures to make sure that no one could take away all the great inventions and the quality of life that we have accomplished.

A geo-political concept that is often forgotten but nevertheless really essential for a real comprehension of the world is the concept of the « Earth Island ». It describes a stretch of land that begins at the Strait of Gibraltar and spreads until the confines of China. That piece of Earth contains the most of the world’s resources, the most population, the most lands, the most oil, etc. So at least a partial control of that area is essential for any global power or civilization. It is no surprise if the LSE wants to acquire control over the TMX. In effect, then they could be in a better position to manipulate the market in favor of their own interests. It is obvious that when the LSE made this bid for the TMX, their board of directors thought about their own wealth and the one of all the people they are networking with, and not the wealth of Canadians and of the world. That’s why I recommend that you, the TMX, close the deal with the Canadian groups. That’s the logical thing to do. If we keep the control of that institution here, then we are sure to keep some kind of control over our economy. Canada is a big country but with a tiny population, with a political sovereignty that depends totally on the good will of the Americans, with a rather tiny number of institutions, so that would be foolish to relinquish a tool such as the TMX, while our country is already not a big player on the world’s scene. As a Quebecker, having already lost the Montreal Stock Exchange, I would perceive this as an insult. If we accepted the deal with the Toronto Stock Exchange and the loss of control that resulted, that was not to see it go overseas afterwards. Here is a Globe and Mail article that presents the bid of the Canadian group, and a series of earlier posts about the uprisings in the Middle East.





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