I watched again the joint press conference of President Trump with Vladimir Poutine…and I can’t find nothing wrong with it. The Swamp has gone hysterical about it but it was foreseeable. The thing that made the Swamp angry the most is probably the fact that President Trump exposed the corrupt elements of the intelligence community, for what they are, and that he did it in front of the whole world and with Vladimir Putin as a witness. I don’t think I could have done it better. It was both brilliant and perfect. As I have said in earlier articles, there are people in the intelligence community, in the police also, who are doing things that are immoral and sometimes illegal. They have smeared and framed thousands and thousands of people, destroyed their lives, their reputation. They did it very often to please politicians hungry for power and control. They got away with it most of the times because the people they targeted were too little to defend themselves. But now that they have tried their dirty tricks on the President of the United States, and that it failed, finally, they are going to answer for their misdeeds. They are in trouble. John Brennan, James Clapper and James Comey can say what they want but the facts speak for themselves. I think that in the long run the fallout of that meeting will be great for both countries and for the world. If the United States and Russia can work together to build a better world it would be fantastic. Because now, in the current system, you have China that is ripping off everybody else with their cheap products and the robbery of technology and intellectual property that they do, and you have the islamists who destroy the cultures of the world one by one with their ideology of conquest. The United States and Russia, by cancelling each other out as they have been doing for more than a century, are enabling the complete collapse of civilization itself. This is it. We have an appointment with history and I want our world leaders to be there on time when the fate of the planet is on the line.