Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden speaks about JFK assassination

This speech by Abraham Bolden is very revealing. It confirms what Russ Baker has written in his marvelous book Family of Secrets. Bolden, the first African-American man to serve for the Secret Service has quite an interesting story to tell. Bolden served during the Kennedy years and was named by Kennedy himself on the White House beat. He says that the Secret Service was openly racist in those years, toward blacks at least, and that its agents were frustrated toward Kennedy for hiring a black man. Some agents were saying privately that they wouldn’t do anything to defend the President and that he would soon be « taken care of ». Apparently, he was not eager enough for some people to invade Cuba and needed to be replaced by somebody who would be. Bolden heard that a hotel maid reported having seen a room equipped with riffles and maps of the President’s itinerary. This itinerary for a Chicago visit in the fall of 1963 was similar to the following Dallas visit on November 22nd 1963. Bolden tried to speak about it, before and after the assassination. According to him, reports have been changed to cover for the perpetrators of the assassination. For example, an incident involving the security of the President that occured on October the 27th 1963 was retyped to November the 28th 1963. Because Bolden didn’t shut his mouth, he was arrested and tried on bogus charges, and sent to a mental hospital.

Stalin wouldn’t have done it better. This speech was given recently. It expresses for me the true nature of JFK, completely different from the propaganda that the people who engineered this coup try to make us believe. A recent book published by Random House and titled Once Upon A Secret, by Mimi Alford, is a good example of such propaganda and smear attempts. Thanks to Russ Baker for having unearthed this piece of truly revealing information. Here is the article on where you can listen to the speech. Baker gave several interviews to radio host and antifascist researcher Dave Emory. To access these interviews, see this post.

Secret Service Vet With Very Strange JFK Story

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