9/11: Pearl Harbor Meets the Reichstag Fire

This archive show from anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory takes a look at 9/11 on a military and symbolic point of view. Like the title of this show suggests, 9/11 appears to have been engineered, orchestrated and executed by elements of the Underground Reich as a way to draw the United States into a new war, or into the continuation of WWII. Elements faithful to the previous Third Reich infrastructure, along with their domestic enablers and accomplices inside the U.S., have concocted this massive terrorist act in order to draw the U.S. into the Middle East, and at the same time to jeopadize democracy in the U.S., that’s why the metaphor of the Reichstag Fire is employed here. In a nutshell, the fire of the Reichstag, the German Parliament, opened the doors wide open for Hitler, who just got into power a few weeks earlier, to consolidate his grip, obtain supplementary powers and more or less abolish democracy. In all probabilities, the fire was set by the Nazis themselves. Since a couple of decades, the Underground Reich has been busy uniting elements of the Islamic world. The Reich has worked to unite various elements and interests among Sunni, Shia and secular groups and tendencies. The ultimate goal is to get the United States and Britain out of the Middle East to secure the oil reserves for the Underground Reich. To understand the complexities of this « Great Game », as Brzezinski would say, one has to realize that many people in America and in the western world, among the intelligence and political apparatus, play both sides of the fence, like they did before and during WWII. So, whatever side wins this Great Game, having invested on both sides, these Underground Reich elements will win and cash in the profits.

More precisely, the Underground Reich has exploited a vulnerability in our foreign policy toward the Middle East, and now the world is safer…for Saudi Arabia. The Umma, the international community of Muslims, has awaken. In order to do so, the Reich has exploited social and cultural weaknesses that were afflicting Arab/Muslim countries: failed societies, the million of dead in the Iran-Irak War, the millions of Arab/Muslim refugees, the fact that oil doesn’t benefit the local populations, the fact that the war with Israel is in a deadlock and the fact that political reform didn’t bring democracy. As a result, religion became politicized. If yesterday America and the West used to mingle in the internal affairs of other countries overseas, now it is the Arab/Muslim countries that are trying to influence American policies. And they succeed.

FTR #344 Pearl Harbor Meets the Reichstag Fire, Part1

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