More information about Paul Manning and his book Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile

FTR #152 Update on Germany

Nazis Shaping Postwar German Government? No Kidding!

Nazis Shaping Postwar German Government? No Kidding!

Eugenics and the « Green » Movement: Edwin Black’s The War Against The Weak and the Rockefeller Foundation

This radio show by Dave Emory presents the remarkable work of Edwin Black on the eugenics movement and its relationship with Nazi Germany, corporations and the world of scientific research. In a book titled The War Against The Weak, Black makes the case that  Nazi Germany eugenics experimentations were not the result of some delusional madmen in the Third Reich but rather of cold calculations made by mainstream american scientific individuals and companies who would use the Third Reich as a vehicle for advancing the science. The show deals with certain drugs that were produced during the Third Reich era, among them methadone originally called « dolophine » in tribute to Adolf Hitler, and thalidomide. It also touches on Josef Mengele’s research on twins, highlighting the Brazilian town of Candido Godoi where Mengele would experiment in the 1960’s. Before and during the Third Reich regime, the Rockefeller Foundation heavily founded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology in Germany in order to undertake and/or continue eugenics research on twins, among other things, while Auschwitz was the epicenter of eugenics experiments. The fact that this foundation now is heavily involved in so-called environmental groups of all sorts, is certainly preoccupying. If we take into account that the Peak Oil scam is, in itself, a decoy to hide population control interests and maybe even desired implementation of extermination programs, the involvement of a foundation that used to fund eugenics research and that collaborated extensively with the Third Reich is certainly alarming. In effect, if humans produce too much « greenhouse effect » gases, the only way remaining to reduce the overall greenhouse effect could very well be to eliminate large chunks of humans… Could the « Green » movement simply be just another cover to continue eugenics politics? It certainly looks that way for me. The hell with the Green Movement… At this cost, I will take my chances with the pollution. To get acquainted with Edwin Black’s research about IBM and the holocaust, check this post:


William Stevenson: The Bormann Brotherhood


Yuri Bezmenov: The science of destabilization and subversion

This conference by Yuri Bezmenov, alias Tomas Schuman, is a terrific presentation on the nature and mechanics of subversion. A defector from the ex-Soviet Union, Bezmenov worked for the KGB as a propaganda expert before passing to the West. As 85% of all KGB efforts were directed not at spying per se but rather at distracting western society in order to subvert and destroy it, this presentation is worth viewing again. Bezmenov begins his speech by reminding us about Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese general who has authored the tremendously important The Art of War, a book on military strategy. The point of reminding us about this is obvious: all the signs that our western society is being the target of one or of several destabilization operations by foreign and domestic forces are evident. That’s why we need to focus our attention on the specifics of how a subversion operation works.

Bezmenov presents the stages of such operations as follows:

1-Demoralization, during which the different components of a society are infiltrated and then hijacked to take them away from their initial mission. Artificial bodies of bureaucrats come to replace the citizens;

2-Destabilization, during which the process of subversion began in step 1 increases in intensity and means;

3- Crisis, during which a society inevitably faces either civil war or invasion by foreign forces;

4- Normalisation finally, during which all activists and « revolutionaries » who got involved in social change and uprisings are eliminated by the new power elite. Bezmenov gives several examples of communist revolutions where early backers and actors of the revolution have been killed once the situation has settled. Continuer la lecture

Debunking the fifth column, part 2: The Peak Oil scam

In this series of shows, Dave Emory exposes the bogus claims that the world is running out of oil. Underwritten by a group of people with a nazi agenda, this philosophy could very well set the conditions for a massive genocide. In the short term, this theory assures oil corporations enormous profits as prices at the pump explode. In effect, if oil becomes so precious, humanity, or its leaders more accurately, would have to decide who deserves to get food and who doesn’t, food being transported by vans, trucks, trains and boats that use gasoline. « Intelligence » and « studies » that say that the world is running out of oil are phony. We still have hundreds of years of fuel reserves. So check this shows by radio host Dave Emory on the links between the Peak Oil propaganda, fascism and genocide.

FTR #478 The Bush Administration, The Underground Reich and the Peak Oil Controversy

FTR #506 The Road to Lugano, Part II

FTR #534 Peak Oil, Fascism, and Genocide

1928: The year fascist bigots prepared the sinking of the Enlightenment

This show by Dave Emory is dedicated to exposing the Opus Dei secret society, a reactionary Catholic organization founded by Father Josemaria Escriva de Bal­a­guer. After having quietly gained momentum behind the scenes for a couple of decades, Opus Dei came to the forefront of the Church’s public life by playing an important role in the ascension of both Jean-Paul II and Benedict XVI. In this broadcast, Dave Emory explores several connections that seem to indicate that Opus Dei is in fact part of the Fascist International, i.e. the network of all fascist and extreme-right organizations in the world. Among many elements, the radio host explores the P2 lodge, the murder of Roberto Calvi, P2 lodge Grand Master Licio Gelli, Pope Benedict’s personal assistant Georg Ganswein, the Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver couple, the beatification of Aloy­sius Stepinac, the role played by Sam Brownback in U.S. politics, etc. The written description for this show is excellent, like it is often the case with For The Record. Check it out and listen to the show, of course.

On the other hand, I must say that the thing that striked me the most in this broadcast, about Opus Dei, is the fact that it was founded the same year that the Muslim Brotherhood was, in 1928. It can’t be a coincidence. There is no such thing in this world as « coincidences ». Most of the times, things are made to happen. And because they are not overtly advertised in the press or in governmental brochures, it doesn’t mean that they are not happening. To me, it looks as if there was a plan put into execution by the forces of the Fascist International to literally seize control of all institutions to have a maximum global effect. If Hitler and Mussolini took control of the world of politics in their own countries and tried to expand it then beyond their borders, it seems that others tried the same coup for the two most important religions, in terms of world power, geo-political and geo-strategical interests, Catholicism and Islam. By founding the Muslim Brotherhood, Hasan al-Banna may very well have sabotaged and sinked all chances that the Arab/Muslim world had to achieve modernity and to realize the ideals of the Enlightenment. And by founding Opus Dei, it seems that Father Josemaria Escriva de Bal­a­guer tried to do the move in the opposite direction. The western world was on its way to realize fully the potential of modernity and the ideals of the Enlightenment, and that was accomplished in the ’60s and ’70s, or so it seems. Father Balaguer cooked up something in the shadows to try to overturn the stream of evolution, and it looks like his movement gained credibility and influence over time, to the point where one could argue today that it now controls the Vatican. Continuer la lecture

A Fireside Chat: Get to know more Dave Emory as he explains the concept of the « Underground Reich »

This show by anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory is definitely « different » from the other shows. In this broadcast, we get to know more of Dave Emory as he explains a key concept of his political analyses, that of the « Underground Reich ». As a starting point, Emory presents a glimpse into the political  and military strategy of Sun-Tzu, a Chinese general, as he wrote in his manuel, The Art of War. Incidently, these few passages were excerpted in The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen. Reinhard Gehlen, for those who don’t know, was Hitler’s intelligence chief for the Eastern Front before he was hired by the CIA at the end of the war. Through the Cold War, Gehlen continued to spy on the Soviets but then on for the benefit of the CIA. As Emory explains more in details what he means by the « Underground Reich », he tries to make us reflect on the possibility that such tactics as described by Sun-Tzu could very well be applied here in the western world, and on the means that we could use to fight back against them. Finally, through psychological, spiritual and metaphysical analyses, Emory invites us to reflect on the higher meaning of life and on what it means to resist and fight back against tyranny. This show is absolutely fabulous. This is a must-listen!

A Fireside Chat

Wilhelm Reich: The greatest doctor to have walked on the surface of this Earth

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), if you don’t already know him, is worth the detour. He must be, along with Nicolas Tesla and a few others, among the most underrated scientists of all time. Not only did Reich, definitely Sigmund Freud’s most brilliant student and successor, achieve an impressive amount of successes and discoveries in the immediate fields of psychology and psychoanalysis that were his (such as on the subjects of neurosis, anxiety, sex-morality, orgasm, character, etc) but he also undertook extensive research and practice, later in his career, in the areas of medecine, physics, astrophysics and engineering. More specifically, he dedicated many years on the subject of cancer, as he was looking to understand its causes and possibly even maybe to find a cure. He made extensive experiments in that direction using the discovery of Orgone Energy, with « bions » administered via a syringe, and with the Orgone Energy Accumulator (a box made out of wood and metal in which patients were standing) to try to alleviate at least some of the suffering of his patients. On topics of natural science, he worked on aurora borealis as a manifestation of Orgone Energy present in the sky and on the links it has with nuclear energy. He also completed the circle that made him akin with the Ancients, as he engineered and crafted himself the tools and technology necessary for his experiments, from the Cloudbuster (a cannon for fertilizing clouds), the Orgone Energy Accumulator, to the bion formula and other things.

The circumstances surrounding his death, like in the case of so many great characters, are both tragic and unclear. After having managed to survive the rise of Nazism in both Germany and Norway by escaping at the last minute (he emigrated to the U.S. in 1939) the powers of this world finally got to him where he expected them the least, the United States of America. Starting in 1947, the FDA began a propaganda campaign against Reich that lasted for years. In 1954, an Injunction was filed against him using the excuse of Orgone Energy. The Judge decreed that all Orgone Energy Accumulator and all related material should be destroyed. The burning of books that became the law of the land under the Nazis was continuing here at home in North America, as if the Inquisition was still going on. As his appeals were all denied, he was incarcerated in 1957 and died of heart failure later that year. Heart failure being a signature of the Underground Reich when it is time to get rid of somebody who is in the way, his death will always look to me rather like an execution. But, according to more recent research undertaken on the matter by James DeMeo, PhD, a specialist on Reich and Orgone energy, Communist agents seemed to have played a key role, along with other people. Please take the time to get more acquianted with this great scientist.

Biography of Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich Last Will and Testament

History of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust

History of the Archives of the Orgone Institute

The Wilhelm Reich Museum

Books by Wilhelm Reich

9/11: Pearl Harbor Meets the Reichstag Fire

This archive show from anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory takes a look at 9/11 on a military and symbolic point of view. Like the title of this show suggests, 9/11 appears to have been engineered, orchestrated and executed by elements of the Underground Reich as a way to draw the United States into a new war, or into the continuation of WWII. Elements faithful to the previous Third Reich infrastructure, along with their domestic enablers and accomplices inside the U.S., have concocted this massive terrorist act in order to draw the U.S. into the Middle East, and at the same time to jeopadize democracy in the U.S., that’s why the metaphor of the Reichstag Fire is employed here. In a nutshell, the fire of the Reichstag, the German Parliament, opened the doors wide open for Hitler, who just got into power a few weeks earlier, to consolidate his grip, obtain supplementary powers and more or less abolish democracy. In all probabilities, the fire was set by the Nazis themselves. Since a couple of decades, the Underground Reich has been busy uniting elements of the Islamic world. The Reich has worked to unite various elements and interests among Sunni, Shia and secular groups and tendencies. The ultimate goal is to get the United States and Britain out of the Middle East to secure the oil reserves for the Underground Reich. To understand the complexities of this « Great Game », as Brzezinski would say, one has to realize that many people in America and in the western world, among the intelligence and political apparatus, play both sides of the fence, like they did before and during WWII. So, whatever side wins this Great Game, having invested on both sides, these Underground Reich elements will win and cash in the profits.

More precisely, the Underground Reich has exploited a vulnerability in our foreign policy toward the Middle East, and now the world is safer…for Saudi Arabia. The Umma, the international community of Muslims, has awaken. In order to do so, the Reich has exploited social and cultural weaknesses that were afflicting Arab/Muslim countries: failed societies, the million of dead in the Iran-Irak War, the millions of Arab/Muslim refugees, the fact that oil doesn’t benefit the local populations, the fact that the war with Israel is in a deadlock and the fact that political reform didn’t bring democracy. As a result, religion became politicized. If yesterday America and the West used to mingle in the internal affairs of other countries overseas, now it is the Arab/Muslim countries that are trying to influence American policies. And they succeed.

FTR #344 Pearl Harbor Meets the Reichstag Fire, Part1