Well…I feel the need to pontificate a little today. Being a blogger and feeling sometimes relegated to the backseats of social and political discourse, I often have the impression that what I have to say about the world is considered useless and inconsequential by the power elite of this world. More humble people obviously appreciate this site and I am glad they do because, in the end, it is for them that I write and publish all these posts on my own time, for free. So today I hope you will allow me to celebrate my instincts, although I would have prefered evidently to be wrong. Last May, when I first heard about this coming Conference in Montreal, I had the feeling that the Dalai Lama and Tariq Ramadan would adjust their strategies and work on a common agenda. That’s why I had titled my post The Dalai and Tariq Ramadan will sing in duet…and that’s exactly what happened.
Let me explain a few things. A journalist from French-speaking radio station 98,5FM in Montreal, Canada, named Alain Pronkin, attended the Conference on September the 7th. In a two-part interviews given to host Benoit Dutrizac, he reported two things rather relevant for our purpose. First, Tariq Ramadan, this Muslim Brotherhood agent so « charming » and « moderate » that has become literally a sweatheart for the so-called progressive sector, was asked by a Buddhist raised in a Christian family why the Dalai Lama couldn’t visit the Mecca. Ramadan plainly and dully responded that the vast majority of Muslim scholars agreed on this and that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia wouldn’t allow it anyway. Period. So much for the religious freedom and « tolerance » that Ramadan is desperately trying to force upon Westerners. In other words, what Muslims mean by religious freedom is the possibility for them to impose their laws, their sharia, their Islamic veil, their sacred holidays, their prayers at whatever moment of the day and in whatever places they see fit, etc, that we, Westerners, have to accept in the name of so-called « openness ». But this principle of religious freedom doesn’t seem to work the other way around. If we, Westerners, want to express our religious freedom by visiting a holy place of Islam, even if it is only out of curiosity or for touristic experience, we can’t…unless Muslims permit it. Now you get the picture about religious freedom, Muslim style.
The other thing that strucked my mind in Alain Pronkin’s reportage, is an incident that happened immediately after the initial press conference of the Dalai Lama. His « Holyness », if we can call him that way, recognized in the crowd somebody bearing Chinese features. He spoke to the man and asked if he had a question for him. The Chinese man asked the Dalai Lama about how he saw the political situation between Tibet and China. The Dalai Lama answered that China should accept democracy, freedom of the press and independence of the tribunals. It sounds good. The only problem is, Tibet itself is not a democracy. It is a theocratic regime. Freedom of speech doesn’t exist in Tibet. And we can bet freedom of religion doesn’t exist either, which is rather paradoxical. So we had there in this Conference the Head of State of a theocracy lecturing a communist country on democracy! It’s like having the blind leading the blind down the hill. China is a very old people and country. China had many empires. The Chinese people invented several things, they knew the usage of paper and lots of other technologies long before the Europeans. So to have the Head of State of country/religion that is nothing else than a perversion of Buddhism lecturing the Chinese on how to rule their political agenda is completely surreal, ridiculous and hilarious. For those who don’t know or recall, I have a master degree in religious studies. From what I can tell, and again it is difficult to make adequate comparisons betweend western and eastern practices, but Tibetan Buddhism, sometimes called also Tantric Buddhism, is a mixture of esoteric practices and beliefs, borderlining sometimes on what we could call in the West black magic or satanism. If Christians have had their dark secrets and underground vaults, these leanings exist as well in Asia, and you have an example here with Tibetan Buddhism. So it comes as no surprise if the Nazis found Tibetans ripe and worthy of diplomatic relations when an official mission was sent to Tibet by Himmler in 1938.
Overall, the main motivation for the Conference was an attempt by this bunch of reactionary luminaries to propose and build up popular acceptance for a « Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the World’s Religions » that has been concocted in reaction against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights made by the United Nations after the war. That 1948 Declaration, by the Conference’s dogmatic and reactionary participants standards, is judged not favorable enough to religions. In effect, the new « Declaration » holds articles targetting « denigration » of religions in the media or in academia. In other words, the Declaration aims specifically at censoring critical thinking, judgement and discernment toward religions and their expressions. Some intellectuals in Canada have called McGill University and Université de Montréal, two of the main organizers of the Conference, to support freedom of speech. They have signed the letter that you can find in the previous link.
Also, it is worth noting that Ramadan gave his lecture totally in English, while Montreal is to start with a French-speaking city. At least, that’s what it is supposed to be. It was obviously deliberate on the part of Ramadan. He knows very well that there are very important elements in the French-speaking population here that don’t like him, for his reactionary and bigoted views on humans, women and life in general. After all, he is a Muslim Brother. The crowd assembled to listen to him probably didn’t know his real opinions and motives. Anyway, knowing very well that the language issue in Quebec is very sensitive, he made sure to piss us off by choosing English instead or French for his presentation.
And finally, and that’s the meat of the matter here, in a National Post article published on September 8th, we could learn that the Dalai Lama added his name to a growing list of personalities that are opposed to the Keystone Pipeline project that would take the oil sands from western Canada and bring them to Texas for refining. I have talked about that in the past, so if you want to refresh your memory about the problem and the issues, check it out here and here. In a nutshell, the situation is this: The Dalai Lama has taken sides with the enemies of America, Canada and democracy. Why? Because, as I explained in full details in a recent post about 9/11, Saudi Arabia is behind the attack on the WTC. It is true that they had many accomplices here in North America, in many Middle East countries and in Europe, but the fact remains that they were directly in the engineering room, so to speak, of that coup. They designed and executed it with great precision. Let me say here for the record that I don’t have any share in TransCanada Corporation. I don’t have any interest in the company and frankly, I don’t care about it. That’s not the point. Rather, I see that for securing North America as a whole against possible new attacks coming from these reactionary religious bigots that Saudi Arabia is helping bringing to life, this pipeline is the best way in the short term to reduce our dependency on Saudi oil, thus making us more independent vis à vis them. The pipeline would make us more secure, by liberating us from attempts of either blackmail, threats or anything of that sort.
And now you have the Dalai Lama giving its blessing to a campaign of delegitimization of the pipeline, using the environmental scare and its smear tactics. Why? Remember that I had titled my first post on the Conference with the words « will sign in duet », and they did. The Dalai Lama has chosen to support his new spiritual brother and friend, Tariq Ramadan, at the detriment of the security of North America. Because, for those who don’t know, the Muslim Brotherhood was founded by Hasan al-Banna, an Egyptian, in the ’30s. They joined the Axis during WWII, contrary to what Ramadan says. Banna was killed by the Egyptian secret service in 1949. The Muslim Brotherhood was then redeployed by British Intelligence in Saudi Arabia as their new base. Finally, the CIA took them over after a few years. Who they now serve is not clear. But you can see that their program is not Winnie the Pooh. Tariq Ramadan, being a Muslim Brother, answers ultimately to the power elite of Saudi Arabia, whatever their connections with the CIA might be. And that’s the problem. The Dalai Lama has taken sides with people who clearly have an agenda that is hostile to democracy, freedom of speech and civil liberties. The new Declaration of rights that he presented along with the other panellists at the Conference is only a small dimension of his plans. The real thing to be aware of is his position on the pipeline project. Now you have the proof that the Dalai Lama and Tariq Ramadan have sung in duet at the Second Global Conference on World’s Religions after 9/11. I told you so, didn’t I? I have joined interviews in French about the Conference from 98,5 Fm and a second article about the Pipeline project. The first interview features Marc Lebuis, webmaster of Pointdebascule.ca website.
Voilà donc un bon article, bien passionnant. J’ai beaucoup aimé et n’hésiterai pas à le recommander, c’est pas mal du tout ! Elsa Mondriet / June.fr