The Special Counsel Investigation: A witch-hunt that is turning into a witchcraft…

This article is rather difficult to write. I will struggle with many things at the same time so bear with me. We are going through some very troubled times and things are often very complicated to sort out correctly. Let’s begin. The Special Counsel Investigation into Russian interference has become a real witch-hunt against President Trump, anybody can see that. The investigation is leaded by Robert Mueller who was the head of the FBI when 9/11 happened. What does it have to do with the investigation on Trump, you might ask? Probably a lot. I find it particularly curious that the officer in charge of that witch-hunt against Trump was in that job when the attacks on the World Trade Center occurred on September 11th 2001. After all, among all the responsibilities that the FBI has remains the duty to protect the homeland from terrorist attacks. The Bureau didn’t prove very good on that day and neither the other agencies by the way. How that a bunch of mercenaries from Afghanistan were capable of pulling out something like 9/11 without being detected long before the attacks and wrapped up is completely beyond logic.

During the Presidential campaign, Trump made allusions to 9/11 as something that could have been preventable and he also showed signs, if you read between the lines, that he would like the light being shed on 9/11. Americans and citizens of the world have the right to know the truth about the attacks on the World Trade Center. The official version of 9/11 makes certainly a very nice plot for a movie but that is not what happened in the real world. The facts that are presented to us about 9/11 are misleading and don’t present a picture of events that is credible. No need to say that if such light should be shed on 9/11 one day, Robert Mueller would be among the first people to lose and to lose a lot.

Also, again during the Presidential campaign, Trump promised to ‘drain the swamp’. The Washington swamp is certainly very resilient and they have a lot of power and will to protect their interests, which are very often not compatible with those of the American people. When you observe the kind of shenanigans and gambits that the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation are involved in and the people who are associated with these enterprises, you realize that the elites of this country don’t give a damn about what happens to the little people. The technical term for that is ‘nepotism’. Nepotism happens in a country when the political elites give the jobs, the privileges and so forth to their friends and relatives and not to the people who are either qualified or based on merit. And here, please don’t worry: that nepotism seems to be contagious in the West. It is present in a lot of countries, not just in the U.S.

One of my greatest disappointment with the Trump Presidency is the performance of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He recused himself in the investigation on Russia interference in U.S. elections. It was a terrible decision of very grave consequences. That paved the way for Rod Rosenstein to take charge of the investigation and nominate Robert Mueller to lead it. That investigation, as we know, as turned into a witch-hunt against President Trump. It now has nothing to do anymore with Russia. It’s all about Trump.

That brings me to talk about the swamp again but a little more precisely this time. I know exactly what is going on with that investigation because what Trump is going through is greatly similar with what I had to endure since I created this blog back in 2010. And I am not the only one here. Thousands of people like me throughout the world had to go through a similar experience. You see, democracy is gone. Now throughout the West, you have these nepotist regimes, disguised as democracies, that use everything they can find to enrich their officials and clients. And one of the most powerful tool they can use is, of course, the judicial system. So they weaponize the police, the courts, the investigation processes and so forth in order to put pressure on the people who are deemed not to be part of their circle of friends, relatives or clients. Concretely, that means that they can put anybody of their political opponents under investigation and, reversely, put off the hook anybody who belongs to their clique.

For President Trump, who promised to drain the swamp and who doesn’t belong with the people who let us down on 9/11, it is clear that it implies this: the swamp has decided that he is guilty and they will investigate him until they find something. That is the modus operandi of the swamp. It is fair to assume, throughout the West, that the local swamp of a country has a black list of individuals to be framed as criminals or/and terrorists. Obviously, if an individual is put under surveillance 24/7, recorded, filmed, tracked, etc, something may come out at some point. It could go as far as planting false evidence to incriminate somebody. When you know what somebody is doing and where he/she is 24/7, it is not complicated to do. But that is not constitutional. The job of the police and the judicial system is to investigate crime and punish crime, not to fabricate crime. The whole purpose, the real purpose in the real world, of the Special Counsel Investigation is to transform President Trump into a criminal. I can say that with a lot of confidence since, as I said earlier, I have been subjected to that same kind of procedure. As a blogger, a political activist and a political dissident, I am not part of the canadian nepotist swamp, to say the least, and every day is a fight to stay alive.

For Trump, it is very easy to predict how it is going to end. After months of being smeared and framed as a criminal, he will be impeached. So President Trump now must act quickly. Two options present themselves here. The first option involves Jeff Sessions. He could terminate Mueller’s investigation with or without firing Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller. That would allow him to save his job and the President. Option number two involves Trump. The inaction of Jeff Sessions will force the President to fire Sessions and probably Rosenstein and Mueller to make a clean slate and have a new start. Time is running out. The White House must make a decision. With so much important work to be done on security and on the economy, the Special Counsel Investigation has become a distraction and a drain on resources that must end now. I am wondering what the White House would think about Rudy Giuliani as Attorney General. Let’s see.

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