So, what were we telling you since a couple of years? That it is Islam the problem, not the Arabs per se, not radical Islam, not political Islam, not wahhabism nor anything else. Now these statements, which were qualified as islamophobic, are corroborated by a Muslim woman from Syria. Yes, Islam is the problem. Muhammad, this great individual, was an unliterate. He was a killer and probably a psychopath. He married his second wife when she was 6 years old… Yes, you got me right. He was a pedophile, to express it in western terms. Listen to Wafa Sultan, a Syrian woman, explain how she got tired of Islam and its lies. She calls you to stand up and fight back against this « religion of love and peace » because it might be the greatest threat that the world has ever faced. Islam has a power of corruption never seen before in our world, and unfortunately our leaders seem to be complicit in allowing all these Muslims, who are in fact infiltraters, to come over to America and Europe to pervert and force the local populations into submission. Thank you New World Order, you have screwed us all.