Why Republicans lost the House. Reflections on the absence of freedom of speech online and its consequences

On election night last Tuesday November the 6th, Alex Jones and his co-host Roger Stone were dissecting the results of this last election on Infowars (I couldn’t embed or link the video file due to technical issues, sorry). Their discussions summed up brilliantly the core of the problem that we, right-wingers, face in our struggle to take back power in America. Alex Jones and his colleague Roger Stone brought to our attention a key element in the comprehension of our present predicament. The Republicans lost the House that night, although they kept the Senate. Why? Because they failed to understand what happened during the Presidential campaign in 2016. A lot of people say that Trump won because he has a strong personality, that he is a great campaigner and that he made a lot of rallies and attracted a lot of people. That is true. But what is not often said, not publicly at least, is that he won because of his fan base, of his supporters. And a lot of these supporters were absolutely instrumental to take the word of truth and spread it on the internet. Blogs, alternative medias, tweets, Facebook pages, online articles, memes of Pepe the Frog, memes of Trump, etc, expressions and enthusiasm for the Trump campaign exploded all over the web. It might have been seen as trivial to certain pundits but it was enough to tip the scales in favor of Trump to win the Presidential campaign against Clinton.

Alex Jones and Roger Stone then very perspicaciously pointed out that Democrats, in all likelihood, made the decision to go after this fan base active over the internet and that’s when this heavy censorship began. A lot of Trump supporters saw their Facebook or Twitter accounts being suspended or closed, their Youtube channels being closed, quarantined or demonetized, their blogs being shot down or denied access to. Some even lost their domain names or web host providers. Democrats strategists quickly grasped that they had to control speech online because if not, they wouldn’t stand a chance in the coming elections. Trump supporters are proactive and energetic over the internet and the content that they present is often innovative, interesting, refreshing and inspiring. So, instead of trying to start the impeachment procedure right away on January 20th 2017, they went after us, Trump’s supporters. After all, we are easy targets and we don’t have important resources to fight back, contrary to the establishment Republicans. So the Democrats targeted us and they smashed our ability to communicate online, express and spread ideas, share content with others, organize rallies, conferences, etc. Intimidation and harassment was used frequently and even physical violence sometimes.

While all that was going on, Republicans acted as if they couldn’t care less. Democrats, left-wingers, socialists took control (if it wasn’t already the case) of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc, and then the Great Purge began. The most popular figure in the Trump movement over the internet is certainly Alex Jones himself. Recently, he was banned on the same day by several of the most important Big Tech companies. Alternative media Red Ice TV, saw their Paypal account being terminated, which greatly diminished their ability to finance their operations. Their website was hacked last year and they were only starting to recover. They also saw several of their videos on Youtube being taken off. Another alternative media, TV Libertés, in France, saw their Youtube channel being terminated, just before a very important financing campaign that was about to take place. Tommy Robinson was put in jail in the U.K. for a bogus reason. Mastercard and Discover began refusing to process payments for Robert Spencer‘s Jihad Watch website. I could continue forever but I think you get the idea. The point is that while we were the subject of a systematic campaign of harassment and intimidation and that our freedom of speech was being denied, establishment Republicans, country club Republicans if you will, sat on their hands and did nothing to defend us and our rights.

There is only one option for Trump if he wants to win in 2020 and continue to implement the MAGA agenda and that is to re-establish freedom of speech online. Trump supporters can’t effectively do their job if they can’t express and share their ideas over the internet. Since the big media are controlled by the establishment and the globalists, it is only on the internet that the word of truth can spread and open the eyes of the masses. If the Democrats have transformed Big Tech, the Apple, Facebook, Twitter and Google companies into propaganda machines for themselves, then Trump has to break that spell by doing something that would make that impossible. Some have suggested to give Big Tech companies the status of public utilities. That would render them similar to hydroelectricity, phone, television, internet and water providers. Since you can’t refuse the service on the basis of political ideas, that would work. But some don’t like the idea of government intervention. In that case, anti-trust laws is the solution. You break these four companies into several dozens of smaller companies and you let competition do its work. At least, in the short term, that could work until the problem starts again if there are mergers or other arrangements.

Leaving the issue of voter fraud aside (that is a subject for another day) I am hopeful that Trump will win in 2020. But that will only happen if we, his fan base, his supporters, can play our role over the internet and energize the masses up to victory. That’s why the President has to defend our freedom of speech. Our freedom of speech is President Trump’s path to re-election and the path to our victory as a nation and a civilization.

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