Archives par mot-clé : Possession
Kanon the Preacher: What is wrong with that kid?
Seeing this video gave me pause. Is he possessed, mind-controlled or brainwashed? Or is he under some kind of hypnotic suggestion or control from the outside? Is there a spirit, a ghost that has taken control of him? To exhibit such kind of behavior at this age is not normal. I suspect that there is something wrong that is interfering in the normal development of that child. Every child has the right to receive the best education and treatment possible to permit him/her to grow up sanely and in a healthy way. I can understand the propaganda purpose of an adult preacher who would say that there is only one god and that this god is no one else than Jesus, but these words don’t mean anything in the mouth of a child. Only a grown man or woman can talk about and understand the deep significations of theological and philosophical subtleties. Care is of the essence here.