Singapore’s founding father Lee Kuan Yew has urged local Muslims to « be less strict on Islamic observances »

Finally, in Asia too are some voices to denounce Islamic Jihad. Here are some excerpts:

« I would say today, we can integrate all religions and races except Islam, » he said in « Lee Kuan Yew: Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going, » a new book containing his typically frank views on the city-state and its future.

« I think we were progressing very nicely until the surge of Islam came and if you asked me for my observations, the other communities have easier integration — friends, intermarriages and so on… » he stated.


Egypt opposition leader Elbaradei: Muslim Brotherhood threat is a myth pushed by dictatorial regime

Really? Are we supposed to believe him? Is he simply unconscious or is it bad faith? Or is it another fine example of Taqiyya, a deliberate lie in order to deceive opponents? To present the Muslim Brotherhood as benevolent nostalgic hippies who pose no threat to Egypt is outrageous. Certainly this guy is not an idiot, he knows history like we do. And to portray Moubarak as somebody who persecuted the Muslim Brotherhood without tangible reasons is also a fallacy. The original Muslim Brothers and their founder, Hassan Al-Banna, were nuts. The Egyptian Secret Service, if I recall correctly, had to have them executed after WWII. We are not talking about nice fellows here. Egypt is in danger and so is the entire Muslim World.

Du porc dans de la viande certifiée halal…Voilà! Ça, c’est un exemple de résistance!

On a retrouvé des traces de porc dans certains saucissons destinés aux musulmans… Était-ce volontaire, une erreur de production, de la négligence… Une chose est sûre, si les musulmans ne peuvent vivre selon les valeurs et critères de notre civilisation, ils n’ont qu’à retourner dans leurs pays tellement civilisés… Comme dit le proverbe, on a les dirigeants qu’on mérite…


Al-Manar TV broadcasts anti-semitic propaganda

This satellite tv broadcasts disgusting propaganda. They have a series in which a blood libel is shown here, in this video, beginning around the half of it. This document has been made to show the similarities between nazism and islamism. A blood libel, in the Middle Ages, was a fabricated story in which Jews were being accused of sacrificiing christian children in order to use their blood in religious rituals. Look at this. This is utterly disgusting!!! This tv network is based in Lebanon…were the Hezbollah reigns!!! Notice as well in the video a Hezbollah meeting where they give the Nazi salute and the indoctrination of young children like with the Hitler Youth! Same mentality, same habits, same conduct. Wake up world!

Le journal La Presse fait le jeu de la propagande islamique!

Non mais il faut être lâches pour pondre et publier des insanités semblables! Comme si le hijab était un morceau de vêtement similaire à une jupe, un pantalon ou des petites culottes. Voyons donc! Ce que fait La Presse dans cet article complaisant, ce n’est ni plus ni moins que de la trahison envers notre peuple. La Presse se range du côté des Islamistes! On comprend maintenant pourquoi, chers Libéraux, vous financez une école islamique qui se réclame de la philosophie des Frères musulmans! En Europe, on commence à parler d’entreprendre des procès contre les chefs politiques qui ont abdiqué devant l’Islam. C’est une bonne idée et on devra faire la même chose ici.


Condolezza Rice calls for freedom and democracy in Egypt

Jesus…I would like that she would still be around… Listen to her here, in 2005. Obama doesn’t understand anything. He needs to refresh his memory on european, western, christian, democratic values. The way he handles the situation in the Middle East, we are heading for a major catastrophy.

Debates in Australia over the merits of Sharia versus democracy

Really? Is there anyone except Muslims who really believe that Sharia is a better system than democracy? And you, fellow Australians, don’t you have anything else to do than indulging in these pseudo-debates? Because, you know, Muslims can’t have a debate. They have the truth of the Prophet and the Koran…and everybody else is wrong…especially the non-Muslims. You should take care of your land that has been destroyed by the recent floods…That would be a better use of your time. Forget about debates and accommodations. The Gospel is superior! Make it prevail!
