Archives de catégorie : Mysticism
Bonne Fin du Monde – Happy End of the World 2012
Je souhaite sincèrement que cette Fin du Monde mette un terme au modèle planétaire actuel qui n’en finit plus d’agoniser. Je voudrais qu’elle laisse la place à une nouvelle ère, celle de la Lumière Bleue, à défaut d’un meilleur terme. Mais d’ici là…
I truly wish that this End of the World will put an end to our present global predicament. We are heading for our own destruction. I am imagining a new era, that of the Blue Light, for lack of a better term. But until then…
Reading suggestion – Unholy Alliance: History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult
I suggest that you get more acquainted with the works of Peter Levenda. This researcher has explored a not-too-familiar line of enquiry, that is the occult foundations on which Nazism was based or driven from, presented and explained in his book Unholy Alliance: History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult. A lot of people and/or organizations contributed to build what became the nazi occult mysticism, from Madame Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley to the Thule Gesellschaft, the Order of the Golden Dawn, the Order of the Eastern Temple, Tibetan mysticism, Freemasonry, legends of the Holy Grail, Knights Templar, folklore, etc. More recently, Peter Levenda has worked on another trail of enquiry that led him to discover a graveyard in Indonesia, possibly containing the remains of a very important member of the nazi hierarchy, Hitler himself according to him. You can check his website to learn more about that.
Cascada’s Pyromania: An ode to Gnosticism
This video by popular eurodance group Cascada presents the very essence of what can be labelled as « Gnosticism ». The title song « Pyromania » sets the scene: it’s all about loving the « fire ». As male dancers equipped with camera eye-like balloon heads move through flames, the lead singer of the band, Nathalie Horler, goes deeper into expressing this philosophy. With lines such as « something is creeping through my veins », « eyes can not see what’s underneath », « I’m gonna get the fire started », « the temperature is rising up », « caus’ I’m burning up », « I must confess a 1000 degrees bring out the beast inside of me », « it’s gonna melt your fears away », etc, the song clearly details all steps leading the ordinary man or woman onto the path toward illumination, Gnosticism-style. During other shots, Horler is seen rocking in a round-shaped jewel reminiscent of the Ouroboros, the eternal dragon or serpent that created the world. This dragon or snake bites its own tail, then describing a circle. The Ouroboros was a very important symbol in medieval hermetism or alchemy. It symbolizes the path toward illumination as a whole as nothing is permanent in this world. But energy is and it is the circulation and accumulation of energy that is the key to the illumination process. So that’s why all adherents to gnosticism must cease to ejaculate (for men at least). It allows for the energy to accumulate and concentrate then producing that « fire » that is described in this song.
A modern institution that is likely to encourage and/or sponsor this kind of message are the Rosicrucians. Similar groups exist that could have demanded or suggested that such a content be included into a popular piece of music. I don’t want to be interpreted as downplaying the intelligence or the capacity of this group of musicians to come up with that but I would be very surprised if they had by themselves without external influence. It looks like it was suggested to them. But by who? Evidently by somebody who would be likely to share these beliefs. Personally, I always felt attracted to alchemy but I always remained repulsed by the idea of stopping having sex. Maybe that’s why I never considered it seriously.
Afghanistan and Mystical Imperialism. An expose of the esoteric underpinnings of American foreign policy
This movie by Zev Deans and Jacqueline Castel presents the heroic work of journalist-researchers Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould. They are among the few American journalists who could actually go to Afghanistan in the ’80s during the war between the U.S.S.R. and proxy Afghan warriors financed and armed by the U.S. After this trip and another one a few years later, they had quite a different story to tell about the war, very different indeed from the one we got through the mass media here in the West. They have presented their findings and conclusions in two books principally, Afghanistan’s Untold Story and Crossing Zero The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire. You can visit their website at The movie consists mainly of a conference given by Fitzgerald-Gould supplemented by additional footage, pictures, maps, etc, to enhance the experience of viewers. It is certainly a must-watch, especially if you don’t know their work already. For those who would like, I have already covered their great work in this earlier post. Please take the time to see that movie.