The TransCanada Corp Keystone XL expansion: personal tragedies and human suffering through civilization changes

This National Post article about a Nebraska rancher opposed to the passing of the Keystone Pipeline XL expansion on his land is revelatory. Randy Thompson, a cattle buyer, is fighting to avoid a foreign company, TransCanada Corp, from bringing its pipeline on his land. I am saying revelatory because similar situations have happened on thousands of different occasions in the past. Everytime a new empire sets foot, or a new civilization takes roots, or an old one dies, we see good and decent people being caught in the implosion, explosion or redefining of the old ways to set the path for the new ones. People like Mr Thompson who have been forced to relocalize or cede a part of their land, by persuasion or by force, have been millions throughout history. Whether we talk about the Roman Empire conquering the world, the French Revolution cutting a few strategic heads, the armies of Muhammad conquering North Africa or the American colonies declaring their independence, in these occurences, there were always people who, even though they hadn’t done anything wrong, were caught in the processes of change to their detriment. That’s the way I see what is happening to Mr Thompson.

The Anglo-American Empire is under attack by the forces of the Third Reich that have gone underground after WWII, and they are more alive than ever. In effect, they have veiled their activities in all kinds of cloaks, such as the Green movement, social activism of all sorts, counter-culture activities, religious cults, religions per se, and sometimes intelligence agencies and other governmental, military and international organizations that they have infiltrated and co-opted to implement and push forward their agenda. Furthermore, the Anglo-American Empire is under attack as well by the most reactionary people that you can find on the surface of this Earth, the Arab/Islamic world that has been, since WWII, contaminated by nazism due to the collaboration of Hasan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, with Adolf Hitler. This world, driven by the morals of Sharia, proposes of bringing the world back to what it was in 7th century A.D. Clearly, we can’t go back to that era, simply because of the most basic rule of human history: to always look forward. These reactionary elements that we find in the Arab world, in Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and other states of the Gulf, are basically 7th century Bedouins…with billions of petro-dollars in their pockets…which makes them extremely dangerous. Contrary to westerners, these Bedouins have not worked to get their wealth. They were only lucky enough to be the nomads walking the country when the gasoline engine was invented and that oil became something important. Continuer la lecture

Gulf of Mexico oil spill: the environmental Reichstag fire of the century…or just a plain example of pure greed?

© Madmaxer |

Deep waters are on the horizon for humans. Many things can be said about the BP oil rig that blew out. The fact that the « accident » happened on Hitler’s birthday, April 20th, gave it a bad smell to begin with, so to speak. Also, the gravity of the explosion was so important that it was impossible not to imagine either a conspiracy or a case of gross negligence. First, there is the question of whether or not the cement installation of the well was properly executed. Apparently, over a period of 14 years, 18 out of 39 wells blew out in the Gulf of Mexico due to incorrect cementing installation. That particular rig is just one among many. However, there is another reason that might have provoked the explosion. The fact is that a BP executive and a Transocean official were arguing in the morning of the accident about the safety of removing heavy mud to replace it by seawater. Heavy mud serves precisely to keep the pressure down to avoid oil from leaking up the pipe. So, to accelerate drilling and to save costs, the BP executive imposed the decision on Transocean’s managers and workers to their upmost consternation and concern. During the day, workers on the rig were getting more and more nervous as the rig experienced all kinds of strange kickbacks. A few hours later, the rig exploded and 11 workers died.

Then, as if it was not already enough, James Patrick Black, the BP executive put in charge of the cleaning of the Gulf Coast, died mysteriously in a plane crash in November 2010. Considering the consequences and the responsibility that BP would have to face eventually, one cannot but wonders if it isn’t some kind of unfortunate accident and what are the real facts that Black may have uncovered during his brief assignment.

The Justice Department is hesitating between two scenarios in its prosecution of BP: negligence or gross negligence, which sums itself to criminal conduct. If that second scenario is retained, fines could go up to 21 billion dollars. Can you imagine that? To save a few millions in drilling costs, BP could pay up to 21 billion dollars, plus some additional money for lawsuits, settlements with the families, clean-up costs, etc!

And there’s even more to it. Here is an excerpt from the second article of the Globe and Mail:

« According to an ongoing lawsuit in Houston, Kevin Lacy, BP’s former senior vice-president for drilling operations for the Gulf of Mexico, reached a mutual agreement with the company to resign in December of 2009 because Mr. Lacy believed the company was not adequately committed to improving safety protocols in offshore drilling operations to the level of its industry peers.

The suit said Mr. Lacy, an experienced drilling engineer who had implemented a rigorous drilling safety program while at Chevron, had been recruited to join BP in 2007 to improve and standardize its drilling policies and protocols. »

What do you think of that? BP hires someone to improve its safety measures and the person in question has to resign because BP doesn’t seem that much interested after all by safety and security. Strange? The more I look into this case, the more I am puzzled by the conduct of humans. To save a few millions and some time, a multinational corporation is ready to jeopardize its reputation, its capability to stay in business, the people who work for and around it and the whole environment in which the very executives of that corporation live and thrive? Decidedly, I don’t understand humans. Please, someone, come to my rescue. With these kinds of people in charge of the Earth, it is no big surprise that things are going so bad. We are governed by crooks, nutcases and psychopaths. Anyhow, I have also attached the video of the interview that survivors of the oil rig explosion gave to Anderson Cooper. It is worth watching because you can see that it is real. Some executives at BP have played with the workers lives and with the health and food of the whole planet, for a few bucks.




Globe and Mail

Globe and Mail – Manslaughter charges