To begin with, let me say that President Trump knows that he has signed a very bad document with the last 1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill. He should never have signed it and he knows that. He regretted it as soon as he did. He is probably frustrated, angry, disappointed and saddened by that. However, time is running out and we don’t have time to indulge ourselves into emotional reactions while there is so much to do to save western civilization. We have to keep going and continue to fight back. That’s why, on this Easter weekend, I would like to talk strategy a little bit. Everybody knows that the United States, Canada and Mexico are in a process a renegotiating NAFTA. In this article, I will leave aside Mexico since I don’t know much about their situation, besides the fact that it is letting millions of migrants going through their territory to reach the United States without stopping them, which speaks by itself on their mentality and behavior. So I will focus on Canada and the U.S.
Like everybody else you have seen the kind of dirt, lies, hatred and propaganda that was thrown at Trump during the Presidential campaign and since the beginning of his presidency. Question: According to you, how much of that was coming in fact from Canada, from the political elites and their allies in the media and other institutions? There is no way to know but anybody can make an educated guess. It is possible that it was actually coming from Canada, at least in part, with of course the participation of the Democrat Party and their activists. The Liberal Party controls the legislatures in the Province of Quebec and in Ottawa, the national capital, and others throughout the country. And the fact that they are in power in a province or at the federal level gives them the ability to use state powers to do things.
Elections are coming fast. Elections in Quebec are scheduled to take place on October 1st 2018. Elections at the federal level are scheduled to take place on October 21st 2019. My fear is that if Liberals in those two legislatures are respectively re-elected, they would then use state powers to undermine President Trump and maybe even try to unseat him. They may have done that already before. That’s why I think that it would be extremely unwise for President Trump to sign a new NAFTA deal before these crucial elections are held. Why? Precisely because then the Liberals of Philippe Couillard in Quebec and those of Justin Trudeau in Ottawa would use the signing of the deal as a marketing tool to sell their re-election bids to the public. On the contrary, without a new deal to show to the electorate, they would inevitably look incompetent on matters related to the economy, which would render their re-elections difficult. I am sure that with the Coalition Avenir Québec or the Parti Québécois in power in the legislature of Quebec, and with the Conservative Party of Canada in power in the legislature of Ottawa, the United States would find much better partners to conclude a trade deal that would be beneficial for both countries. But not only that. The collaboration with the United States in terms of security, border security, immigration would be greatly improved.
In a civilized world, countries don’t get involved in elections of other countries. But that doesn’t mean that you should let your political enemies get away and do nothing. Trump has a chance to make sure that his political enemies in Canada don’t get a second mandate to continue their misdeeds. And by doing so, he would then give a hand to Canadian patriots who are in desperate need of help. If nationalist parties are elected in both Quebec’s and Ottawa’s legislatures, all conditions would then be reunited to have a brand new NAFTA deal to celebrate, somewhere maybe at the end of 2019 or at the beginning of 2020. That would fall perfectly, by the way, for Trump’s launching of his re-election campaign for the Presidential Elections, don’t you think?