Christie Blatchford is back at her Post: Her first task, nailing down anti-prostitution bigots

© Fabrizio Zanier |

It is good news for the National Post to have been able to recruit back somebody « behind enemy lines » (for those who don’t know, The Globe and Mail…) Personally, I think she made the right decision, you already know my call on that. She began last tuesday her new but somewhat previous and authentic job on a difficult task: trying to convince the Canadian public that prostitution is not a crime against humanity. Knowing that readers of the National Post may be a little more conservative or conventional possibly than the average one, it was not a small thing. Her article titled « Frank talk from the front lines » about prostitution, of tuesday June 14th, was more in fact a talk from the front lines of journalism itself.

How often do you hear, on the topic of prostitution, the usual following bullshit: prostitutes are all hooked on drugs, they are all beaten by their pimps, they were sexually abused when they were young, they are forced to do it, they don’t have any diploma, they all have STDs, etc? You must hear that on a regular basis. In fact, this is the official rhetoric on prostitution of our phony liberal-trudeauist-relativist ideology that came to prevail in the last decades. With this illusion put forward by the same people who brought confusion in the country using multiculturalism (and that alienated Quebec at the same time) of course, victimization and whining are key elements. It is not conceivable, for these people, that prostitutes could have a normal life, not use drugs, be able to pay their bills, even raise children, etc. They absolutely want to victimize prostitutes, and that says a lot about their psyche… Some of the reader commentaries on her article, published on thursday June 16th, were good illustrations of the incapacity for a large chunk of the public to really understand what prostitution is…because they have never been there. They don’t know what they are talking about.

What is going on between a client and a prostitute is, to begin with, a human relationship. That, the activists of « human rights » and glass knights of « human dignity » and all the other parasites that pollute our democratic life don’t care about. Knowing that they can draw attention by victimizing various groups and whining in their name on whatever issue, they continue to instill this cheap propaganda ad nauseam. I have a proposition for them: why don’t you take the boots, the whip and the lubricant and do it for a while. Then you could talk. I am tired of these bigots who have an opinion on everything but clearly don’t have a clue. There is a saying in the french language: « Ils ont des idées sur tout mais surtout des idées » . Literally translated, it gives « they have opinions on everything but mostly opinions » . That’s what we are dealing with here, anti-prostitution bigots who have an opinion. Blatchford didn’t condemn without knowing. She met with a prostitute in flesh and blood, like a true journalist does, she talked with her, put aside the widely spread propaganda and made her own opinion. That’s honest reporting. I just thought it was important to point that out for you, my followers, and I take the opportunity to welcome her back where she belongs…on this side of the front lines.

Christie Blatchford on Prostitution

Fouad Ajami on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: A fine example of true and honest journalism

© I3alda |

After my last « ordeal » with the Globe and Mail, in which I was totally disgusted and revolted by their coverage of the terrorist group Hamas, this article by Fouad Ajami came as a relief and a great pleasure. Finally some fresh air! Finally some reporting that was dedicated to present the situation as it is, not as the journalist or the media would like it to be. Hamas is not a benevolent group. It is aimed at the destruction of Israel and nothing one says can’t change anything about it. This article is fantastic, not particularly for new material, special insights or anything that it would be presenting, but rather because of its dedication to true journalism. While reading it, you won’t get the impression that it is a work of propaganda or something influenced by politics. It’s real reporting. The history of Israel is accurate, the chain of events is honestly presented and the diagnosis for today’s situation is relevant. I encourage you to read this article. It is good. A friend of mine told me that the National Post is the best newspaper in the English language. I don’t know if that’s true but it is certainly close. Thumbs up for a great job, Post!

Fouad Ajami on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict