Deux émissions de For The Record sur la renaissance du nazisme

Je vous suggère deux émissions de radio animées par Dave Emory sur le phénomène (malheureux) de la renaissance du nazisme en Europe. La première donne un aperçu de ce qui se passe dans les pays baltes, alors que la deuxième s’arrête sur la situation en Ukraine. Évidemment, le développement du nazisme en Europe de l’Est doit être compris dans le contexte de la guerre larvée que se livre l’Occident et la Russie pour le contrôle de l’Europe et des pipelines de gaz naturel. Parmi les nombreux éléments que l’on pourrait souligner, je crois qu’il est intéressant de mentionner que le gouvernement conservateur canadien de Stephen Harper semble avoir adopté l’approche visant à réhabiliter les soldats de la 14ème Division de la Waffen SS ayant combattu en Europe de l’Est. Ce mouvement de révisionnisme historique prend de l’ampleur dans les pays baltes justement et en Europe du Nord. Les soldats ayant combattu dans ces unités nazies ou pro-nazies sont rebaptisées pour l’occasion des « combattants de la liberté ». Dave Emory mentionne que certaines universités canadiennes, sans les nommer, offrirait même des bourses d’études aux candidats montrant de l’intérêt en ce sens. Le Canada a accueilli un nombre important d’immigrants ukrainiens au vingtième siècle et beaucoup se sont installés dans les provinces de l’ouest. Ceux-ci semblent entretenir d’excellentes relations avec le Parti Conservateur du Canada et constituent ainsi une clientèle électorale de choix. On se souvient tous de la visite du Ministre canadien des Affaires Étrangères, John Baird, à la place du Maidan. Son enthousiasme et sa fierté de se joindre aux manifestants pro-européens, ne faisaient aucun doute.

FTR #848 Walkin’ the Snake in the Baltic States

FTR #849 Walkin’ the Snake in Ukraine, Part 6

The Connecting The Dots series: Underground Reich elements that have set the stage for 9/11

The « Connecting The Dots » series shows try to encapsulate the behind-the-scenes elements that were instrumental for setting the stage for such a monstrous and spectacular coup like 9/11. In For The Record shows #329, #330 and #331, Dave Emory brings numerous elements and connections not necessarily known to a large public or the mainstream press but that have nonetheless played a very important role in the « shaping of things to come », so to speak. Running through different historical events, job appointments, ideological complementarities and overlaps, political motivations, business interests and connections and so on, the anti-fascist researcher takes us to Germany in the years just prior to 9/11 where Al-Qaeda had an operational base; to Arabia when the modern country known as Saudi Arabia was founded by Allen Dulles, Ibn Saud and Jack Philby, with a clear anti-semitic agenda; to Russia where a group of Wahhabists linked to the bin Laden Network sparked a guerilla in Chechnya and Vladimir Putin agreed to let the U.S. use ex-Soviet army bases to go ahead with its war in Afghanistan; to the U.S. where the Bush family had business connections to the bin Laden family through Arbusto Energy, the Carlyle Group and BCCI, and with Nazi front companies during WWII in which Allen Dulles played a significant role; back to Saudi Arabia again where islamofascism was born and where Prince Turki al-Faisal, chief of Foreign Intelligence, was replaced by the King’s brother just a few months before 9/11; to Osama bin Laden himself who had numerous family connections both in Saudi Arabia and in Afghanistan; to Bosnia Herzegovina where the 13th Waffen SS Hanjar Division was revived recently by the head of newly independent state of Bosnia, Alija Izetbegovic – the unit being composed of ethnic Albanians trained by Arab and Pakistani veterans of the Afghan war; back to Germany where German Intelligence tried to discredit the Echelon Network by saying that U.S., British and Israeli intelligence had advanced warnings of the attack; and back to the U.S. where the German Army was given the mandate of monitoring airspace and doing electronic surveillance for the U.S…

Finally, FTR #331 adresses near the end of the show the narrative of a « novel » published in the U.S. by Vanguard Books and titled Serpent’s Walk. The book, more of a blueprint for the Underground Reich than a book of fiction, presents the calendar of a slow takeover of the U.S. by SS elements went underground at the end of WWII. Building their economic muscles and buying into the opinion-forming media, these Nazi elements will then be capable of assuming full control of the government and corporations by mid 21st century, by progressively winning the hearts and minds of Americans against democrats and Jews…

If you don’t want this nightmare scenario to happen, the only thing you have to do is to fight back, to resist, to hold the line for the Resistance in your local community. Resistance is not futile. Resistance is life.

FTR #329

FTR #330

FTR #331