Deux émissions de For The Record sur la renaissance du nazisme

Je vous suggère deux émissions de radio animées par Dave Emory sur le phénomène (malheureux) de la renaissance du nazisme en Europe. La première donne un aperçu de ce qui se passe dans les pays baltes, alors que la deuxième s’arrête sur la situation en Ukraine. Évidemment, le développement du nazisme en Europe de l’Est doit être compris dans le contexte de la guerre larvée que se livre l’Occident et la Russie pour le contrôle de l’Europe et des pipelines de gaz naturel. Parmi les nombreux éléments que l’on pourrait souligner, je crois qu’il est intéressant de mentionner que le gouvernement conservateur canadien de Stephen Harper semble avoir adopté l’approche visant à réhabiliter les soldats de la 14ème Division de la Waffen SS ayant combattu en Europe de l’Est. Ce mouvement de révisionnisme historique prend de l’ampleur dans les pays baltes justement et en Europe du Nord. Les soldats ayant combattu dans ces unités nazies ou pro-nazies sont rebaptisées pour l’occasion des « combattants de la liberté ». Dave Emory mentionne que certaines universités canadiennes, sans les nommer, offrirait même des bourses d’études aux candidats montrant de l’intérêt en ce sens. Le Canada a accueilli un nombre important d’immigrants ukrainiens au vingtième siècle et beaucoup se sont installés dans les provinces de l’ouest. Ceux-ci semblent entretenir d’excellentes relations avec le Parti Conservateur du Canada et constituent ainsi une clientèle électorale de choix. On se souvient tous de la visite du Ministre canadien des Affaires Étrangères, John Baird, à la place du Maidan. Son enthousiasme et sa fierté de se joindre aux manifestants pro-européens, ne faisaient aucun doute.

FTR #848 Walkin’ the Snake in the Baltic States

FTR #849 Walkin’ the Snake in Ukraine, Part 6

Interview with Diana West on Secure Freedom Radio: Bogus « democratic » revolutions, civilization jihad and the subversion of western societies

When the so-called Arab Spring took place last year, very few people actually showed any form of moderation in their analysis of the situation. Heated by the French Revolution-type atmosphere of the events, they displayed emotions ranging from euphoria, joy, happiness, etc, but very little in terms of careful examination of history and in terms of reflexion. A few media personalities and political analysts recommended caution on the contrary, and we have to acknowledge today that they were right. Dave Emory, a radio host and antifascist researcher for more than thirty years, was one of them. In a series of shows starting in FTR #733 through #739, he presented a whole collection of elements and connections that bring anyone studying this event to seriously put into question the official version of things. In effect, a careful examination of the so-called revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya show that there is virtually zero chance that any democracy could come to the light of day in these countries. Why? For a lots of reason, among them history, the type of Islam preached and imposed there, and the absence of significant civilian society structures. In all fairness, we have to recognize that his analysis was correct. You can access these shows below.

Last week, we learned that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood will in the end present a candidate, Khayrat el-Shater, for the Presidential Election, after stating earlier that they would not. On Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney, Diana West, a member of Team B II and of the Center for Security Policy which produced the marvelous report Shariah: The Threat to America, offered this week a testimony on how the Muslim Brotherhood was not only taking control of societies in the Middle East but was successfully infiltrating and coercing the United States. Parenthetically, we could add that they are doing the same thing virtually in every other western societies. To exemplify this, she brings the example of how the U.S. military is slowly being accustomed and acclimated to Sharia, in order to make it more compliant with all the requirements of Islam, to a point of humiliation. In effect, troops in Afghanistan are asked not to do anything that could « offend » Muslims, at the expense of soldiers’ security, and to turn a blind eye to pedophilia. In other terms, soldiers are expected to show « respect », i.e. obedience and submission to Sharia Law, and the result is an immense feeling of demoralization. (By the way, demoralization is the first step in the process of subversion of a society. For more on this topic, check this earlier post in which Yuri Bezmenov, a defector from the KGB, presents the complete process of subversion.) Continuer la lecture

Connecting the dots on Serpent’s Walk: Walking the snake toward fascism

In FTR #335 and FTR #336, Dave Emory continues his analysis of the Nazi tract Serpent’s Walk. These podcasts belong in fact to a wider series of shows on 9/11 that could be called, if I may, the « Connecting the Dots Series ». Published by National Vanguard Books, the same publisher as The Turner Diaries, this book is a blueprint for what is to come rather than a novel. Dave Emory begins the analysis of FTR #335 by recalling the links that exist between Osama bin Laden and Ahmed Huber. Director of the bank Al-Taqwa that helped to finance terrorist organizations such as the Hamas and Al-Qaeda, Huber has been instrumental in connecting extremist elements within the Islamic community with what can be described as the Underground Reich, a Third Reich gone underground at the end of WWII. Among others, he befriended luminaries such as François Genoud, Johannes Van Leers, Aya­tol­lah Khomeini, Amin Al-Husseini, Youssef Nada and the Nazi émigré community in Nasser’s Egypt. Then Emory mentions stock market manipulations that happened just before 9/11, such as short selling, reinsurance fraud and other gambits. See this previous post for more details. In that field of research, the case of Larry A. Silverstein remains intriguing. He leased the WTC just before the attacks, during the summer. He was the one who had the more to gain and the less to lose with the attacks. More broadly, FTR #335 makes the connection between the Bormann Capital Network and some of the financial players who seemed to pull the strings behind the curtains, such as GM, UBS and the continuation of the previous I. G. Farben Nazi cartel. The anthrax scare around 9/11 is also brought up.

In FTR #336, Emory begins with the analysis of Timothy McVeigh’s connections to the Middle East. FBI agents with information related to these connections were prevented from testifying at his trial for the Oklahoma City bombing. Second, Emory recalls a series of elements that one has to bear in mind in order to understand the action that occured behind the scenes before 9/11. According to German investigators, some 70.000 terrorist fighters had been trained by Al-Qaeda by the year 2001. Talking about Germany, Emory recalls with great relevancy that laws in that country allow for the investigations of groups and cells who intend specifically to commit acts on German soil but not abroad. Among examples of this permissiveness, the cases of Mohammed Atta living in an appartment in Hamburg, who was surveilled but not arrested, and of an Iranian-owned airfield outside Hamburg where Middle East men learned to fly a plane strike as incompensible. In effect, pre-existing reports were showing that some Iranian airfield outside Hamburg served to smuggle nuclear material to Iran. Was it the same airfield? Finally, we must also not forget that the people who constructed the atomic bomb in Pakistan apparently had sympathies for Al-Qaeda, which kind of give shivers. Emory mentions as well other dimensions of this puzzle, such as the role played by Irak and the Libyan secret service.

The Connecting The Dots series: Underground Reich elements that have set the stage for 9/11

The « Connecting The Dots » series shows try to encapsulate the behind-the-scenes elements that were instrumental for setting the stage for such a monstrous and spectacular coup like 9/11. In For The Record shows #329, #330 and #331, Dave Emory brings numerous elements and connections not necessarily known to a large public or the mainstream press but that have nonetheless played a very important role in the « shaping of things to come », so to speak. Running through different historical events, job appointments, ideological complementarities and overlaps, political motivations, business interests and connections and so on, the anti-fascist researcher takes us to Germany in the years just prior to 9/11 where Al-Qaeda had an operational base; to Arabia when the modern country known as Saudi Arabia was founded by Allen Dulles, Ibn Saud and Jack Philby, with a clear anti-semitic agenda; to Russia where a group of Wahhabists linked to the bin Laden Network sparked a guerilla in Chechnya and Vladimir Putin agreed to let the U.S. use ex-Soviet army bases to go ahead with its war in Afghanistan; to the U.S. where the Bush family had business connections to the bin Laden family through Arbusto Energy, the Carlyle Group and BCCI, and with Nazi front companies during WWII in which Allen Dulles played a significant role; back to Saudi Arabia again where islamofascism was born and where Prince Turki al-Faisal, chief of Foreign Intelligence, was replaced by the King’s brother just a few months before 9/11; to Osama bin Laden himself who had numerous family connections both in Saudi Arabia and in Afghanistan; to Bosnia Herzegovina where the 13th Waffen SS Hanjar Division was revived recently by the head of newly independent state of Bosnia, Alija Izetbegovic – the unit being composed of ethnic Albanians trained by Arab and Pakistani veterans of the Afghan war; back to Germany where German Intelligence tried to discredit the Echelon Network by saying that U.S., British and Israeli intelligence had advanced warnings of the attack; and back to the U.S. where the German Army was given the mandate of monitoring airspace and doing electronic surveillance for the U.S…

Finally, FTR #331 adresses near the end of the show the narrative of a « novel » published in the U.S. by Vanguard Books and titled Serpent’s Walk. The book, more of a blueprint for the Underground Reich than a book of fiction, presents the calendar of a slow takeover of the U.S. by SS elements went underground at the end of WWII. Building their economic muscles and buying into the opinion-forming media, these Nazi elements will then be capable of assuming full control of the government and corporations by mid 21st century, by progressively winning the hearts and minds of Americans against democrats and Jews…

If you don’t want this nightmare scenario to happen, the only thing you have to do is to fight back, to resist, to hold the line for the Resistance in your local community. Resistance is not futile. Resistance is life.

FTR #329

FTR #330

FTR #331

German corporate control of American media and the meltdown

In recent rebroadcast of previous shows FTR# 298 and FTR#671, Dave Emory explored German corporate control over American media. Contrasting greatly with the so-called Jewish or Israeli lobby theory that we hear so often on so many tribunes and that is often only a masquerade to hide anti-semitic views, but not always, these two shows try to bring into the light things that are really happening to America since WWII. Far away from being the object of a takeover by « Zionist » elements within the United States, the home-of-the-brave country has been subdued and hypnotized by elements belonging to the Underground Reich, or to say things differently, by the international cartel of finance institutions, banks and corporations that is slowly but surely taking control of the whole planet and enslaving the entire population to its arbitrary dictates.

Among other elements looked upon in FTR #298, we find the German publishing house Bertelsmann that owns Random House, which is the biggest publishing house in the English language in the world, being under special examination (other shows exist that deals further with Bertelsmann). We can learn here that Bertelsmann was the major publisher for the Nazis during WWII. According to the research made by Dave Emory, Bertelsmann is linked to the Bormann Capital Network. Also called Underground Reich, this Network was created by Martin Bormann, the leader of the Nazi Party after WWII, in the last months of the war. In effect, he smuggled abroad almost the entire nazi loot and wealth that the Nazis had plundered during WWII in all the countries that they occupied, to be saved and secured into 750 corporations that he created overseas. He also invested huge chunks of this capital into holdings companies, creating thus an immense network of wealth that was used after the war to rebuild Germany and buy professional opinion…in the media and other activities around the world…and also in the U.S. Continuer la lecture