Interview with David Icke about the Coronavirus scam, on Infowars

Outstanding interview with David Icke on Infowars about the Coronavirus scam. Virtually 100% of everything he says here is perfectly accurate and true. The power elite on Earth wants to bring in a One World totalitarian government. In order to do so, they launch «operations» that trigger certain responses from governments, peoples, countries, institutions, that allow them to begin to implement that system. 9/11 was such an event, on the security front. Now with the Coronavirus, we have something of a much larger scale going on, on the health and sanitary front. Eventually, in the future, they will launch other operations to continue to implement this agenda until they succeed to bring in that One World government, if they are not stopped in the process. One element that will be essential to get there, is the deployment of a virtual reality, a subreality, in which humans will be caught and unable to escape. For that matter, the Space-X corporation has begun to launch recently a series of low-orbit satellites to, supposedly, provide internet access worldwide. According to Icke, the real goal of this is precisely to install the technological infrastructure for the deployment of this subreality. Unfortunately, the radiation emitted by all these satellites will create an enormous amount of health problems and will be fatal to a lot of creatures and human beings. So the Coronavirus comes very conveniently at the perfect timing to act as a cover for the deployment of this technology. Well done, Mr Icke. Perfectly laid out!

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