Russ Tice on the Boiling Frogs: More about electronic surveillance, wiretaps and NSA Police State

It is another excellent podcast on the subject. Near the end of it, it becomes really interesting as Sibel Edmonds tries to make Russ Tice talk to the upmost limit of his knowledge. She doesn’t succeed to make him cross the line, but it gives us an idea that with 9/11, there is a lot more than meets the eye. I agree with that.

Russ Tice on the Boiling Frogs

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould: The 9/11 and Psychological Warfare series

Top notch journalists Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould reflect here on 9/11 and psychological warfare. It is always a pleasure to read these two. The high quality of their work needs to be praised. I could analyse in details these articles but I think it is best if you just read for yourself the fabulous research that they have done. For more information, don’t forget to visit their website at: Invisible History.

9/11, Psychological Warfare and the American Narrative – Part I

9/11, Psychological Warfare and the American Narrative – Part II

9/11, Psychological Warfare and the American Narrative – Part III

9/11, Psychological Warfare and the American Narrative – Part IV