Greek Tragedy and the Rape of Europe: When myth and reality collide

One of Dave Emory’s last shows deals with the Greek tragedy, the modern one, related to its financial and economical situation. Although many observers attribute Greece’s problems on its socialist economical model, a closer examination reveals that it is rather a modern and more subtil form of fascism pushed forward by Germany that is at the root of its dire situation. Since the creation of the Euro currency, Greece and other small European states have not ceased to experience problems and a significant decrease of their capacity to create and maintain wealth. And with reason. A currency is the symbol and embodiment of a country’s riches. It expresses at the same time its production capacity, its borrowing  power, its power of investment, the quality of its businesses, products and institutions, the value of its resources, etc. In other terms, a currency expresses the value of a nation-state’s wealth. That is why the Euro is such a diabolical creation because it imposes an arbitrary value to it from the outside with no relation to the indicators that I have mentioned. As a matter of fact, the only country for which the Euro has any real significance is Germany. It looks almost as if the Euro has been created for it, and now it is imposed on all other European states that have to make do with it. That’s why they all fall down the ones after the others.

As was revealed, or refreshed to our memories, by Dave Emory in this show, the project for a unified Europe was put in the works in modern history for the first time somewhere in the 19th century by a certain Friedrich List. Hitler’s plan for a Greater Germany or Greater Europe was only the 20th century variation of that plan, and the European Union of today is the latest of it, except that, in this case, it has become a reality. Nazi Greater Europe is now fully in charge of the Old Continent and you can be sure that it will wreck it completely for the sake of enriching Germany…at the detriment of everybody else. At this point, I think that any intelligent people should get out of Europe if they can. The engineers have wrecked its train beyond any point of redemption, and it is pretty much over. Attacked on three sides by post-WWII nazi totalitarians, the Extreme-Left that is just another garment for the Extreme-Right, and by Islamists, the continent is left to butchers and brownshirts to pillage it and destroy it. In a few years from now, Europe will look like it did after the collapse of Rome in 410 A.D.

We told you to stay in the Center of the political spectrum but you wouldn’t listen. Now you will have to clean the mess that you have created…if you are still alive to do it and if there is still a functioning society to do it for. Good luck.

Pulling the plug on the clenched fist: Resistance 1.0

© Laurent Renault |

Hello folks. If you ever took the habit of clicking once in a while on this blog, you probably have noticed that I am not using anymore the clenched fist as the logo for the motto section. In effect, I have become annoyed by its use in the present culture of protests and demonstrations, and I decided to pull the plug. From Communist China or Intifada useful fools to Greek protesters or Muslim jihadists, the clenched fist have surfaced all over the place in the last weeks. But everytime it is used, it is in a context of either socialist or communist propaganda or during protests or demonstrations that often turn to riot or mayhem. Well…I don’t know if I have anything to do with the raising popularity of the clenched fist but I certainly never said to riot or damage property, or to use it to brainwash populations through propaganda. When I decided to use the clenched fist, it was in a spirit of trying to stimulate a reaction to the corruption and corrosion of the world, not to encourage people to behave like jerks and punks. With this blog, I am trying to support people to do things that are superior in quality, nature and consciousness to the usual behaviors of  the masses. Apparently, some people got me wrong.

That’s why I am re-focusing your attention on another symbol, the exact one on which this website is based, the lys d’or. It is the flower that symbolises french royalty. Its fragrance fulfils the air with democracy, freedom, freedom of speech, consciousness, awareness, civilized behavior, intelligence and values of the gospel. Whether you like it or not, everytime you will come to this site, it is that fragrance that you will smell. Putting a flower to your nose will be easier on you at first than a clenched fist, but in the long run, it might reveal just more efficient. Everyone who come to this site, you have been warned: this is not a blog for idiots or punks. I am trying to elevate your spirits, not to degrade you to the rank of animals. If you are using the clenched fist to riot, that’s your call but that is not what I teach. If you decide to do it anyway and not to follow what I recommend, you are on your own. The lys d’or will continue its course without you. Its cruel but that’s the way it is gonna be.