Sheik Yussuf Al-Qaradhawi comes back to Egypt…but for what does he stand for?

During his speech in Cairo on february 18th,  the famous imam invited the believers to liberate Jerusalem and Palestine… That’s a bad start for a ‘democratic’ revolution… Poor Egypt, it will have to wait a long time before seeing a real democracy… And for Israel, this is a catastrophy. In the first of this series of videos assembled by  ExtremeCentre website, Qaradhawi pretends that Allah punished the Jews several times for their disobedience and that Hitler was only a tool to do that. He announces (that was in 2009) that when he’ll be back in Egypt, he will kill the ennemies of Allah, i.e. the Jews. O.K… In the second video, Qaradhawi states that a continent like Europe can easily be conquered only with ideas, teachers and preachers…

That I agree with! Democrats, liberals and Christians are so weak, so soft, so gentle, anybody could conquer us. That is why I say: stand up! Rise and fight! Islam must not be resisted or fought against, it must be defeated!!!! That is the only way that we are going to settle this conflict of civilization. Unless you have any other ideas…in that case, bring it along. At this point, we are desperate for solutions.

Open your eyes! Islamists are proxy warriors for the Third Reich!

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and HitlerHadj Amin Al-Husseini was an officer in the Turkish army in WWI. After the British took control of the territories formerly held by the Ottoman Empire, they promoted Husseini as their representative in the Middle East. Between the two World Wars, he conducted pogroms against the Jews, in Palestine among others places. During WWII, he aligned himself with the Nazis. Their is a saying in the Middle East since WWII: « In Heaven Allah, on earth Hitler ». That gives an idea of the way they see the World. Wake-up! If you support the Palestinians, you are just continuing the anti-semitic agenda of Husseini! Support and protect Israel. That’s what you have to do.

For more information on Husseini, the Muslim Brotherhood and other subjects related to the Middle East, click-on the website on your right.

Martin Bormann: the successor to the Fuhrer

Martin Bormann with HimmlerThe war didn’t stop in 1945. As a matter of fact, it is still going on. The Reich went underground at the end of WWII, as a way to ensure the long-term supremacy of Germany over the world. The Bormann Capital Network, probably the biggest concertration of wealth in world’s history, has continued since 1945 to further the nazi/fascist agenda toward that goal. Unfortunately for us, they have recruited new allies, like Islamists of all sorts and regimes like Iran. They are now more powerful than they have ever been, capitalizing on western populations hypnotic state of brainwashing, mind-control and passivity. We have been lied to regarding the facts about WWII. Foreign control (namely German) over U.S. corporate media is directly linked with this. It is about time that we face reality and retake control of our society. Read this article on the subject by Dave Emory and listen to the radio program.


FTR #305