L’affaire al-Doura présentée par Philippe Karsenty: Lorsque anti-sionisme et manipulation médiatique vont de pair

L’affaire al-Doura représente le cas-type de désinformation journalistique et de manipulation médiatique que l’on voit malheureusement trop souvent depuis plusieurs années non seulement concernant Israël mais aussi dans beaucoup d’autres productions médiatiques. Pour résumer l’affaire, une nouvelle rapportée par France 2 et par plusieurs autre médias occidentaux nous a présenté un jeune garçon, Mohammed al-Dura, qui aurait été, nous dit-on, tué par balles par des soldats israéliens le jour même de la diffusion du reportage, le 30 septembre 2000. Or, l’analyse des « preuves » du dossier, si on peut les appeler ainsi, par exemple de l’analyse balistique, des images vidéos, des témoignages, de l’avis des experts, bref de la contre-vérification des faits ont amené certains journalistes, intègres et courageux, comme Philippe Karsenty, président de Media-Ratings et maire-adjoint de Neuilly-sur-Seine, à remettre en doute l’authenticité de l’événement lui-même tel que rapporté par le journaliste de France 2 Charles Enderlin. Karsenty est même allé jusqu’à dire que toute l’affaire était un montage de toutes pièces destiné à faire mal paraître l’armée israélienne. Il s’ensuivit alors toute une série de procédures en justice pour diffamation et autres dans lesquelles, malheureusement, Karsenty a été impliqué. En fin de compte, le 10 juin 2010, Tac Presse et Canal+ ont été trouvé coupables de diffamation à l’égard de Philippe Karsenty. Je vous invite donc à visionner les deux vidéos suivants dans lesquels Karsenty explique en détails tous les éléments de l’affaire avec images à l’appui dans le premier cas. Aussi, je vous propose une entrevue radio en anglais que Karsenty a accordée à Dave Emory pour son émission For The Record. L’article de l’entrevue propose non seulement un résumé de l’affaire mais également quelques liens utiles pour bien maîtriser les faits fondamentaux.

Ofer Brothers Group business deals with Iran: Russ Baker and Caroline Glick analyses

These two articles are attempting to analyze the strange and curious decision made by the U.S. State Department to sanction Ofer Brothers Shipping, an Israeli company that is involved in business deals with Iran. Russ Baker’s article focuses on the awkwardness of the business deals themselves between two countries that are supposed to be arch-enemies. He underlines the increasingly concentrated wealth in the hands of a few Israeli families, which is, according to Baker, reminiscent of what happened in the U.S. in the past. Apparently, 20 families would control 25% of the country’s listed companies. Baker also alludes briefly to certain changes that occured in the economic and financial sectors of Israeli society, that made it depart from its socialist model of the first years following the Independance, to embrace the new economic model that is now accepted worldwide since the collapse of the U.S.S.R. and that is called globalism. Transnationalism, to refer to another term, affects all regions of the world and Israel is no exception.

Caroline Glick’s article, of the Center For Security Policy, brings the light rather on the intelligence aspects of the incident. She explains that numerous reports have literally poured since the announcement of the sanction by the State Department, that the Mossad and the IDF were using the company as a shell to infiltrate Iran. That certainly makes a lot of sens. Glick continues by saying that the sanction was deliberately made to humiliate Israel and that it has to be seen as a payback or retaliation for not complying with Obama’s policy on the Middle East, especially with the question of the 1967 lines. The decision might have been made, in all appearances, to deliberately sabotage the intelligence process of Israel and to weaken its public support in the U.S.

Whether the business deals were motivated just by pure greed or for intelligence purposes is hard to tell. Although I don’t reject Russ Baker’s analysis, I would tend personally to believe that the intelligence aspects of it was the key factor. For me, it is just another proof that Obama is not a friend of Israel. He couldn’t care less about what will happen to the Israeli people. He seems to be prefering to please his pseudo-democratic rioting friends in the Middle-East and their Muslim Brotherhood controllers. That’s sad but it seems that we have reached such a terrible predicament.

Russ Baker – WhoWhatWhy.com

Caroline Glick – Center For Security Policy

Yes, Israel, that’s it! Fight back against Islamists and show no mercy!

© Penny Mathews | Dreamstime.com

Congratulations, Israel, that’s the spirit of the Resistance! Fight back! Stand up and don’t let yourself be intimidated by a fifth column living inside your borders! That’s the spirit! Make sure that the Hamas pay a heavy price for every drop of Israeli blood that they would take! Let the blood of Jews be the most difficult thing to get on this planet! And mostly show no mercy, because if they ever have a chance, whether it is the Hamas, the Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood, they wouldn’t pass over the opportunity to destroy you and kill all your citizens to the last one. Keep on fighting! As a Christian, I give you my blessing. Do what it takes to defend Israel and make it prevail!