William Cooper predicts 9/11 and comments on the Oklahoma City bombing and Osama bin Laden

Here is a series of radio show extracts about William Cooper. Cooper was a conservative, in the true sense of the word. He didn’t want the country of which he was a citizen, to change into something else. He believed that a shift was in preparation that would turn the United States into a socialist country, and that this would pave the way for a One World totalitarian utopian government. On that I disagree with him. The tendency we are witnessing on the earth today is definitely not socialist, but rather fascist. Nevertheless, he was accurate in his prediction of 9/11. 9/11 is the reverse of the 9th of November, 11/9, which is a very important date in nazi mythology.

In this series, he comments on a few elements that, put together, provide a good picture of the situation. First, a CNN reporter was capable of locating and interviewing Osama bin Laden in June 2001, while all the intelligence agencies in the world couldn’t locate him. That sounds impossible to anyone with a brillant mind. He does say that, according to him, this interview is the sign that something bad would happen in the U.S. very soon. He also speaks about the Oklahoma City bombing that couldn’t have been perpetrated by the two twits that were presented to the public. The fact that the attack happened on the eve of Hitler’s birthday, on April 19th, is certainly the indication that it is the Third Reich that is behind it. The fourth extract features a caller who is trying to blame this slow descent into fascism or totalitarianism, on the Jews. Again, that is another person who thinks that the Jews are to be blamed for everything and that they control the media, etc. Cooper tries to make him understand how the culture of corporations works. I am not sure that everything he says is accurate but again it is certainly a better position that trying to smear the Jews.

There is a lot of work to be done about the perceptions, especially on the Jews. It is easier to blame them than to face reality as it is. We are governed by mad men. We are descending back into barbarism, because our leaders have decided that a totalitarian utopian society was better, for them, than a society based on the principles of the Enlightment. That’s our predicament. For now, the best we can do, for those of us who are aware of that, is to protect ourselves and behave with intelligence and judgement. If we can’t save our brothers and sisters, at least maybe we can save ourselves.

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Afghanistan: Bzrezinski’s Grand Chessboard game and the continuation of the Anglo-Afghan War

Since the early ’80s Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould have been highly devoted to expose the truth about what is really going on in Afghanistan. They have travelled there on a few occasions, notably at the very inception of the Afghan War in 1981, in 1983 and also more recently after 9/11. What they have found is extremely different from what you would expect, judging by what you can hear in the mainstream media in the western world. They have produced a documentary titled Afghanistan Between Three Worlds, worked and delivered stories for CBS, ABC, PBS and also have published two very important books, Afghanistan’s Untold Story and their latest, Crossing Zero: the AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire. This is an overview here of what they have found in their research.

First of all, I don’t pretend that I can summarize the situation in Afghanistan. It is extremely complex, far more than any westerner can imagine, because Afghanistan is another world. The mainstream media doing the job of blurring all those areas where our thought needs to be educated and informed, we have most of the time a vision of Afghanistan that is caricatural, grotesque, appearing almost coming out of a Lord of the Rings novel. I will try to do my best to sketch the situation as it appears to be according to the information available in the interviews and videos that you can consult on this page. To be able to get the picture about what is going on in Afghanistan, you have to do the efforts yourself to dig in the information and learn. I can’t do it for you.

To begin with, the ISI, the Pakistani intelligence service, which has strong ties to the military, was a creation more or less of the United States from the start. They are in control of the government of Pakistan since its inception in 1947. The Taliban, in turn, are a creation of the ISI. The ISI bring candidates for the Taliban into « seminaries » where they are formed and trained in Pakistan. Also, you have to realize that there are several branches of the Taliban, active in Pashtun territory, in Punjab territory, in Baluchistan which seeks its own independence, and in various areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. So, understandably, the whole region has to be considered as a same geo-political entity. And the Durand Line (1893), which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan, is highly contested and a serious source of conflict that complicates the situation even more.

Second, a long-term geo-political agenda is at play here, which was first implemented in early 19th century by the British Empire. You will remember that Great Britian and Russia were at war at the very beginning of that century (1807-1812) and at other occasions later on, for example during the Crimean War (1853-1856). That was what is called the « Great Game ». But here, it is the reminiscence of the Anglo-Afgha War, with its two phases, 1839-1842 and 1878-1880, that is even more determinant. The foreign policy of Great Britain and of the United States since the beginning of the 20th century is simply an extension, a continuation of that state of perpetual conflict with Russia through Afghanistan and other states in the same area, which were and still are a proxies. Zbigniew Bzrezinski with his Grand Chessboard game is one of the most proeminent modern architect of that strategy today. The general idea is to seal off China and Russia by creating a wall of states and territories that would be friendly to the interests and to the agenda of the U.S. and of other western states. The end goal here is obviously the control of resources, oil, mines, lands, etc. That is why that part of the world is called the Earth Island, a stretch of land that begins at the Detroit of Gibraltar and goes way up to the confines of China. It is in that part of the world where we find the most resources, the most population, the most lands, etc.

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Brown and Red fascists united their forces to crush the Social-Democrats of Germany

If I would to tell you that in Germany in the 20’s and early ’30, communists and fascists united their forces to have the social-democrat government of Germany fall down, would you believe me? Well, I am afraid that is exactly what happened. And the saddest thing is that it seems to be happening all over again in the present time, although no one seems to really pay attention to the small details that are revelatory of these social phenomena. Jan Valtin was a german communist and a soviet agent between the two world wars. According to writer and blogger Didier Goux, Jan Valtin was finally arrested after several years of activism by the Gestapo in 1933 and sentenced for 13 years. Then new orders came from the Komintern for Valtin to make believe that he experienced a change of heart and that as of this moment, he was ready to work for the Gestapo. The Nazi secret police bought the deception apparently and after having served three years out of the thirteen in prison, he was sent to rejoin the Komintern of Copenhagen. After a while, aroused by suspicions, the GPU, the soviet secret police, arrested and jailed him somewhere in the countryside around Copenhagen, in wait for a decision to send him to Moscow for either imprisonment or execution. Luckily for him, he succeeded to escape and fled to the United States where he eventually became a U.S. cititzen.

Valtin wrote an autobiography, Out of The Night, in which he describes with great details and precision the daily life of the spy/communist activist/double agent that he was. Here are a couple of extracts that are significant of the co-option of the Left forces by the Right. Remember that these events were taking place in the first decades of the 20th century but that it doesn’t mean that it can’t happen wherever you are, right now. And in fact, it does. Look around you and see. Here is the complete reference of the book and the extracts, from pages 252-254. All italics are Valtin’s:

Jan Valtin, Out of the Night, Alliance Book Corporation, New York, 1941.

The blind hatred for the Social Democrats took a decisive turn about the middle of January, 1931, when Georgi Dimitrov issued a secret memorandum of instructions to all leaders and sub-leaders of the communist columns. A special committee, headed by Thaelmann, Heinz Neumann and Wollweber, was set up to carry the instructions into effect. Summed up in one sentence the instructions were: « United action of the Communist Party and the Hitler movement to accelerate the disintegration of the crumbling democratic bloc which governs Germany » […]

Those who objected were threatened with expulsion from the Party. Discipline forbade the rank and file to discuss the issue. From then on, in spite of the steadily increasing fierceness of their guerrilla warfare, the Communist Party and the Hitler movement joined forces to slash the throat of an already tottering democracy.

It was a weird alliance, never officially proclaimed or recognized by either the Red or Brown bureaucracy, but a grim fact all the same. […] A temporary truce and a combining of forces were agreed on by the followers of Stalin and Hitler whenever they saw an opportunity to raid and break up meetings and demonstrations of the democratic front […]

In the spring of 1931, the socialist Transport Workers’ Union had called a conference of ship and dock delegates of all the main ports of Western Germany […] When the conference opened, the galleries were packed with two or three hundred Communists and Nazis […] As soon as the first trade union delegate touched one of us, our followers rose and bedlam started. The furniture was smashed, the participants beaten, the hall turned into a shambles. We gained the street and scattered before ambulances and the Rollkommandos of the police arrived. The next day, both the Nazi and our own Party press brought out front page accounts of how « socialist » workers, incensed over the « treachery » of their own corrupt leaders had given them a thorough « proletarian rub-down » […]

The Communist high command, under Dimitrov, gave us the answer by telegram and letter, and through circulars, pamphlets, and headlines in the Party press. « Down with the Social Democrats, the chief enemy ot the workers! Communists, your duty is to sweep the Socialist traitors out of the government offices! » So, while Communist and Nazi terror groups blazed away at each other in nightly skirmishes, Communists went loyally to the polls to give their votes in support of a drive launched by the Monarchist Hugenberg and the Fascist Hitler.

I think that you get the picture. The most important is that you realize that these things are going on again in your own society. Don’t be fooled. The Left and the Right have made a deal to destroy those in the Center, the Social Democrats, and I suspect it is you, if you read this blog. Wake up!