Learn more about Operation Diamondback with Sander Hicks and Allan Duncan on For The Record

Excerpt from the broadcast:

At the meet­ing, Abbas made a chill­ing dis­clo­sure: that the World Trade Cen­ter tow­ers were “com­ing down.” “The tony Tribeca Grill, owned by Robert DeNiro, was just north of the World Trade Cen­ter in 1999. Abbas boasted to his din­ner com­pan­ions that he wouldn’t have any prob­lem tak­ing out the entire down­town restau­rant. ‘Because it’s full of Amer­i­cans.’ Towards the end of the meal, he ges­tured out towards the Twin Tow­ers. ‘Those tow­ers are com­ing down.’[Empha­sis added.]” (Ibid.; p. 2.)

Conversation with Sander Hicks and Allan Duncan

Pat Condell on Osama bin Laden’s death

Yeah, my favorite Big Mouth strikes back. It is always a pleasure to hear a brave and intelligent man speaks his mind, so here he is again on what used to be the most wanted bogeyman on Earth. He suggests a very interesting lead for future investigations though, and that is that all the money which the United States is giving to Pakistan is, in fact, protection money to « convince » them not to drop the bomb on anyone, and not on the U.S. Nevertheless, it didn’t stop local A.Q. Khan network to sell reactor parts to North Korea, Iran and Libya… So maybe it wasn’t enough… It definitely deserves further study, I think.

The symbolic execution of Osama bin Laden: a reverse 9/11 and the burial of the most wanted bogeyman

Well, it was due to happen one day or another. After all, its hard to have a bogeyman walking around free and not catch him. According to the official version, bin Laden has been hiding in a compound in Pakistan for years. The CIA, with the help of a courier who had access to the building, located him. So the President gave the order for the assault. After the execution, his body was allegedly transported to the sea where he was given to it in respect, or so we are told, to Islamic practices.

Well…I have a few questions, as many of us have. First, how come that the most well financed and organized intelligence agency in the world, or at least supposedly, the CIA, can’t find Osama bin Laden immediately after 9/11? How come it took them 10 years before being able to locate him? In an earlier post, I presented you a few extracts of one of late William Cooper‘s radio show The Hour of the Time. In that show, Cooper makes the case that a CNN reporter was able to find Osama bin Laden in June 2001, with a camera crew, but that the CIA couldn’t find him nevertheless, with all their resources. Don’t you find it strange? And don’t you find it strange too that the CIA, knowing at that point where bin Laden was, didn’t do anything to capture him before 9/11? The CNN reporter could have led the CIA to bin Laden’s cache, case closed. But apparently, it was not that important to catch bin Laden after all. Second, if in fact he was hiding in Pakistan, what is the level of involvement of the Pakistani government, military or intelligence service in this? If that’s the case, they were definitely playing behind our backs, but that would be consistent with the ISI modus operandi anyway. Third, the Americans can’t produce the body… How convenient. Also, the Administration said it can’t produce any photographs of bin Laden’s body because these might be too graphic and bloody and could thus inflame reactions in the Muslim world. Again, how convenient. No body, no photos. In a court of law, these proceedings would be turn down. Any violent death and its cause has to be authenticated by a coroner. The Special Forces proceeded with a burial at sea, supposedly to be in conformity with Islamic Law. It made the body disappear however, so it is impossible for anyone to confirm and authentify the identity and death of the world’s most famous bogeyman. A few reactions came already from the Muslim world saying that this burial at sea was not at all in conformity with Islamic Law. 2000 years ago, the body of Jesus was snatched and now it is bin Laden’s body that is. Are they trying to tell us something here? Fourth, the Administration said that a DNA test was performed and that bin Laden’s identity was confirmed at 99,9%. However, according to a Canadian doctor in my area, apparently a DNA test takes 3 weeks to complete. So? How come they managed to have the results in just a few hours or minutes after the « death »? Continuer la lecture

Afghanistan: Bzrezinski’s Grand Chessboard game and the continuation of the Anglo-Afghan War

Since the early ’80s Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould have been highly devoted to expose the truth about what is really going on in Afghanistan. They have travelled there on a few occasions, notably at the very inception of the Afghan War in 1981, in 1983 and also more recently after 9/11. What they have found is extremely different from what you would expect, judging by what you can hear in the mainstream media in the western world. They have produced a documentary titled Afghanistan Between Three Worlds, worked and delivered stories for CBS, ABC, PBS and also have published two very important books, Afghanistan’s Untold Story and their latest, Crossing Zero: the AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire. This is an overview here of what they have found in their research.

First of all, I don’t pretend that I can summarize the situation in Afghanistan. It is extremely complex, far more than any westerner can imagine, because Afghanistan is another world. The mainstream media doing the job of blurring all those areas where our thought needs to be educated and informed, we have most of the time a vision of Afghanistan that is caricatural, grotesque, appearing almost coming out of a Lord of the Rings novel. I will try to do my best to sketch the situation as it appears to be according to the information available in the interviews and videos that you can consult on this page. To be able to get the picture about what is going on in Afghanistan, you have to do the efforts yourself to dig in the information and learn. I can’t do it for you.

To begin with, the ISI, the Pakistani intelligence service, which has strong ties to the military, was a creation more or less of the United States from the start. They are in control of the government of Pakistan since its inception in 1947. The Taliban, in turn, are a creation of the ISI. The ISI bring candidates for the Taliban into « seminaries » where they are formed and trained in Pakistan. Also, you have to realize that there are several branches of the Taliban, active in Pashtun territory, in Punjab territory, in Baluchistan which seeks its own independence, and in various areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. So, understandably, the whole region has to be considered as a same geo-political entity. And the Durand Line (1893), which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan, is highly contested and a serious source of conflict that complicates the situation even more.

Second, a long-term geo-political agenda is at play here, which was first implemented in early 19th century by the British Empire. You will remember that Great Britian and Russia were at war at the very beginning of that century (1807-1812) and at other occasions later on, for example during the Crimean War (1853-1856). That was what is called the « Great Game ». But here, it is the reminiscence of the Anglo-Afgha War, with its two phases, 1839-1842 and 1878-1880, that is even more determinant. The foreign policy of Great Britain and of the United States since the beginning of the 20th century is simply an extension, a continuation of that state of perpetual conflict with Russia through Afghanistan and other states in the same area, which were and still are a proxies. Zbigniew Bzrezinski with his Grand Chessboard game is one of the most proeminent modern architect of that strategy today. The general idea is to seal off China and Russia by creating a wall of states and territories that would be friendly to the interests and to the agenda of the U.S. and of other western states. The end goal here is obviously the control of resources, oil, mines, lands, etc. That is why that part of the world is called the Earth Island, a stretch of land that begins at the Detroit of Gibraltar and goes way up to the confines of China. It is in that part of the world where we find the most resources, the most population, the most lands, etc.

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