Archives par mot-clé : America
The movie Corporation by Mark Achbar: The links between IBM and the Holocaust
This is an extract from the Canadian movie The Corporation by Mark Achbar. Although the tone is at times a little bit whiny and definitely lefty, it remains somewhat a good documentary to seize the different challenges presented by the corporation in our world. The usual all-star protagonists of the Left scene, such as Michael Moore, Naomi Klein and Noam Chomsky « occupy », excuse the pun, a good space in the movie and certainly don’t miss the opportunity to deliver the rhetorical lines that their public expect. And again, nonetheless, the end result remains relevant. I have chosen a part that exposes the links between America and the Nazi regime of Germany. After all, it is my editorial line, I would be stupid to pass on that. Among other things, it presents the case of how the Coca-Cola corporation continued to make business with Germany during WWII even if we were at war. It exposes also the role played by IBM in the holocaust. For those who don’t know, let us recall that IBM fabricated and marketed among the first computers during late 19th and early 20th century. Functioning with punch cards, they helped the Nazis keep tabs, so to speak, on all the people who were displaced to the concentration camps and on what happened to them. Nazi Germany signed the contract with IBM’s New York office. Machines were leased, not sold. They needed to be serviced. The case of IBM and the holocaust is presented succinctly here but anyone who would like to know more about that can read the book IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black. If it inspires you to watch the full movie, you will find the link below.
Miscellaneous articles for – Articles divers pour 09-19-2011
America’s Financial Armageddon and Afghanistan
The Muslim Brotherhood and Buddhism
Police conducts drill in Norway hours prior to Breivik’s killing spree
Pogroms anti-chrétiens et anti-juifs
La Lituanie réécrit son histoire
Sucker Punch or how to make Monarch mind control sexy
Conrad Black on why America suffers
Conrad Black on what makes America great
The problem is Islam – by Wafa Sultan, or how Muhammad created a political system that will destroy the whole world
So, what were we telling you since a couple of years? That it is Islam the problem, not the Arabs per se, not radical Islam, not political Islam, not wahhabism nor anything else. Now these statements, which were qualified as islamophobic, are corroborated by a Muslim woman from Syria. Yes, Islam is the problem. Muhammad, this great individual, was an unliterate. He was a killer and probably a psychopath. He married his second wife when she was 6 years old… Yes, you got me right. He was a pedophile, to express it in western terms. Listen to Wafa Sultan, a Syrian woman, explain how she got tired of Islam and its lies. She calls you to stand up and fight back against this « religion of love and peace » because it might be the greatest threat that the world has ever faced. Islam has a power of corruption never seen before in our world, and unfortunately our leaders seem to be complicit in allowing all these Muslims, who are in fact infiltraters, to come over to America and Europe to pervert and force the local populations into submission. Thank you New World Order, you have screwed us all.