Revisiting the protest against the removal of the Robert E Lee statue in Charlottesville

I thought it would be interesting to revisit the alt-right gathering that took place to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue, in Charlottesville, VA, in May 2017. As everybody knows, a few months later, in August 2017, that city became the theater of one of the most outrageous smearing attempt by the Left to fabricate Nazis out of thin air. The Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville was a complete set up to smear alt-right activists as violent fascists and Nazis.The second and third videos are presentation and description produced by Red Ice TV of that first gathering in Charlottesville held by alt-right activists in May 2017 against the removal of this statue. The first video, by Stephen McNallen, gives some of the context to understand the core of the problem. We, White men and women of the West, are being taught and told that we have no history, no values of our own and that we deserve to be dispossessed of everything. Of course, this is completely false and wrong. We have a great civilization and spirit but we are the target of a deliberate campaign of smearing and deception to steal our resources, take control of our land and seize complete power. Whether the invaders succeed or not will depend on the determination of our citizens to resist, fight back and prevail. We must not let them rewrite history. We must stand our ground and defend our values and our culture. Our statues reflect our greatness and our strength. Our ancestors fought and died to give their children a future. It is our duty not to forget and to fight tooth and nail to preserve what they have transmitted to us out of their sweat and blood. No, we will not be replaced.

Analysis of Dinesh D’Souza’s film Death of a Nation on Red Ice TV

In this episode of Week-End Warrior, Lana and Henrik of Red Ice TV discuss the latest film form Dinesh D’Souza, Death of a Nation. To make things brief, D’Souza tries to sell us the idea that the Democrats were the real Nazis and fascists and that the Democrat Party was the party of slavery, etc. Although this thesis has certain merits, I agree with Lana and Henrik that Dinesh D’Souza twists reality in order to propagandize against the Democrat Party and that is wrong. There were partisans of slavery and of nazism in both parties. But I want to cover another aspect of D’Souza’s view of things that they don’t talk about (not directly). It is the question of White supremacy. Dinesh D’Souza covered the subject of White supremacy in an interview given to Frank Gaffney on the air of Secure Freedom Radio (the audio files are below). During the interview, he explains to Gaffney that fascism and Nazism were left-wing ideologies and that is an argument that can be made if we look at their doctrine. He says that the Left put the blame on the Right for the crimes of Nazism and fascism and that is true. Right-wingers don’t commit mass murder and try to reduce the rights of the citizens. But he fails to see that, in that regard, the so-called White supremacy is a concept that was invented by the same Left to try to portray patriots in a bad light. During the interview, he makes references to figures of the Alt-Right like Jason Kessler and Richard Spencer and says that they are wrong, etc, etc. People in the patriotic and/or nationalist movement are not ‘White supremacists’. They are activists or advocates for the white race. That means that they want the best conditions for the white race, to thrive, to be prosperous, to grow, etc, and there is nothing ‘supremacist’ about that. And that is done not at the expense of others. Every race and ethnic group has the right to be free and live in an environment favorable to its development. Dinesh D’Souza falls into the trap of calling ‘supremacist’ good men and women who simply want to protect us from harm and avoid the catastrophe of totalitarianism. Dinesh D’Souza is trying to have it both ways. He wants the public to believe that those who call right-wingers ‘fascists’ and ‘nazis’ are wrong when they do that, but on the other hand, that they are right when they call certain right-wingers ‘white supremacists’. According to Dinesh D’Souza those so-called ‘White supremacists’ are not really right-wingers. The truth is that they are really right-wingers but they are not White supremacists. They are trying to protect us.

To visit the page of the show on SFR: Interview with Dinesh D’Souza on Death of a Nation

Spécial 14 juillet: Quelques émissions de Red Ice TV

Voici quelques entrevues réalisées par l’équipe de Red Ice TV qui ont retenu mon attention dernièrement. Le thème commun qui les rassemble est certainement celui de la défense de la liberté. En ce 14 juillet, il est plus que pertinent que nous devenions conscient, si ce n’est pas déjà le cas, des menaces qui pèsent sur nous et notre civilisation. Prenez le temps de vous y attarder, il y a beaucoup de matériel pertinent.

Jim Horn: Sharia Law Threatens Western Civilization