Nouvelles en vrac sur Israel, prise 5

© Emirsimsek |

Guy Millière sur la résistance planétaire de défense d’Israel

Mahmoud Abbas sur la reconnaissance de l’État d’Israel

Nous allons prier prochainement à AlQuds

La révolution des Olives

Piratages de sites Internet

Incorrigible ONU

Israel rompt ses relations avec le Qatar

Le vendredi du mensonge et de la haine

Restaurer le courage et l’honneur – Guy Millière

Israel, je m’associe à ta douleur

L’ONU ne condamne pas les attaques sur Israel

Pour en finir avec les mensonges sur Israel – Guy Millière

Recettes pour l’anéantissement du peuple juif

We Con the World: A song about these poor Palestinians who suffer so much…

Definitely the song of 2010… Following the Gaza Flotilla incident of 2010, a group of Israeli resistants recorded this song based on ‘We are the World’. Unfortunately, as Palestinians can’t understand good common sense, chances are we are going to sing it still for a long time.

Jacques Brassard poursuit son action politique

L’excellent Jacques Brassard, ancien député et ministre du Parti Québécois, poursuit son action politique même si, officiellement, il s’est retiré. Son engagement à défendre les intérêts des Québécois, des Canadiens-Français, de la communauté juive et d’Israel demeure indéfectible. Lisez-le ici, alors qu’il pourfend tour à tour les adeptes de la Flotille de la Liberté, un certain Jason Keays, gauchiste israélophobe fanatique et commente la dégringolade de Barack Obama.

Le naufrage des comparses du Hamas

Réponse à Jason Keays

Barack Obama

Nouvelles en vrac sur Israel, prise 4

© Emirsimsek |

L’UNRWA ferme ses portes à Jénine

Jérusalem ville sainte?

Un état palestinien

5 millions de pounds pour les kamikazes palestiniens

Abu Sissi se met à table

La connexion kurde

La France raye Israel

Lady Ashton, des Affaires étragères de l’UE

La communauté juive visée par les émeutes

Ancien tunnel sous Jérusalem

Cimetière juif mis à feu

Éducation au Jihad

L’ambassadeur de Norvège…

Marmoud Abbas

Excellent video presentation on the real history of the region of Israel, Judea and Samaria

It is about time that the Israeli government presents something to counteract anti-Israel and anti-semitic propaganda campaigns that are rampant throughout the world. Disinformation, propaganda, smear campaigns, boycott efforts, anti-semitic ramblings, everything is done to delegimize the state of Israel. Better late than ever, though. Watch this clip. It is excellent. It brings the facts about the real history of Israel up to light, not the lies of the Third Reich, the European Union, the Roman Catholic Church and their stooges. If you want to educate your mind with real information on Israel and the area of Palestine, that video is the place to start.

Comparaison entre l’apartheid d’Afrique du Sud et la réalité sur le terrain en Israel

Voyez ce vidéo faisant la comparaison, images à l’appui, entre l’apartheid d’Afrique du Sud et la réalité quotidienne sur le terrain en Israel. Il n’y a aucune forme de ségrégation qui serait pratiquée sur les Arabes de l’état d’Israel. Ils bénéficient des mêmes droits et privilèges que les citoyens d’origine juive. Si vous le ne croyez pas encore, j’espère que cette présentation vous convaincra. Je sais que vous avez la tête dure, vous les anti-sémites, mais on ne sait jamais. Je me permets d’espérer.

Son of Hamas founder, Mosab Hassan Yousef tells the truth about the Hamas

Congratulations, you are a true hero, Mosab. There is not enough people like you in Palestine and Gaza and too much of the others who are fanatized to hate Israel and try to destroy it. Now that you are a Christian you can see that Islam is bad, unless you understood it before that, and that it made you convert afterwards? Anyway, you are a true soldier of Christ and humble servant of Israel. Now we, westerners who are opposed to Islam, have you, a Palestinian, to bear witness to the terrible corrosion and corruption that Islam brings to this world. After the mass-killings in Oslo, it is refreshing to hear someone saying calmly and simply that Islam is a terrible religion, rotten to the bone and that it has to be denounced and fought back against. Islam is a lie, as you say. Again quoting you, Hamas refuses Israel the right to exist, it wants to destroy it. The problem with Islam is not its people, it is its ideology. The vast majority of Muslims don’t follow the teachings of Muhammad, because otherwise they would automatically become terrorists. Splendid! It is with that kind of people that I want to fight along side! With Arabs like you, there is still some hope for the Near and Middle East!

Nouvelles en vrac sur Israel, prise 2

© Emirsimsek |

Voici votre portion de nouvelles sur Israel, non biaisées, non polluées par la propagande anti-sémite, islamiste ou palestinienne. Profitez-en, c’est tellement rare d’entendre parler d’Israel positivement ces temps-ci avec les médias collabos que nous avons. Israel est un grand pays habité par un grand peuple. Chrétiens et Juifs, unissons-nous contre les totalitaires de toutes obédiences, nazis, islamistes, fascistes, communistes et autres déjections semblables. Combattons pour la démocratie, la liberté et cette belle civilisation que nous avons, la civilisation judéo-chrétienne!

La Turquie et le Nazisme

La tragédie du Struma

L’Iran dans l’Océan Atlantique


La Gauche israélienne se bat contre Israel

Les Palestiniens utilisent les enfants contre Israel

Petits terroristes du Hamas

Caroline Glick on a few Israel-related subjects: Livni, options and the next Lebanese war

The excellent Caroline Glick stikes back with some good articles on Israel’s political situation. Among several subjects, she comments here on Israel’s opposition leader Tzipi Livni, former Foreign Minister, who has embraced the international Left and the Palestinian cause for her own political gain, at the detriment of the interests…of her own people. Considering that during WWII six millions of her compatriots were exterminated by the nazi regime, there is only one word that can be used to describe such political action: treason. With « friends » like that, you don’t need enemies. It is one thing to be an opportunist but it is another to deliver your own people into the hands of butchers, and that is exactly what Livni is doing. What is wrong with her? She makes me think to those Jews who collaborated with the Nazis during WWII, thinking that their lives would be spared. Sometimes they were, sometimes not, especially when they became useless. There is no difference today between the Left and the Extreme-Right. It is one and the same. The words and the clothing might be different, but in the end it is all about ripping off the poor…and killing the Jews. She should think about it, because the State of Israel is the only thing that prevents the mass-extermination of Jews and that’s why so much enemies are pressing at its doors these days. In the other two articles, Glick analyses Israel’s options and the possible start of a war with Lebanon. Good work!

Tzipi Livni

Israel’s only two options

The next Lebanese War