Mike Mabee and Kevin Freeman respond here on the air of Secure Freedom Radio to an organism called EPRI (the Electric Power Research Institute). This organism is trying to downplay the threat of EMP attacks on the electric grid and the effects that it can produce. The Electromagnetic Defense Task Force has also published a rebuttal that you can read here: Electromagnetic Pulse Threats to America’s Electric Grid: Counterpoints to Electric Power Research Institute Positions.
Archives par mot-clé : Electric utilities
The movie Take Back Your Power, about the dangers of ‘smart’ meters
We are governed by very dangerous individuals. They impose on the people technologies that are very harmful to nature, to animals and to humans. They impose on us not only vaccines that may give cancer but also electromagnetic devices that may cause all kind of health problems on top of cancer itself, as if it wasn’t bad enough already. During WWII, in Germany and Italy, we saw the merging of the state with corporations, in a political philosophy that we called ‘fascism’. The system that we have today is a lot worse than fascism, since now it is the corporations that run the show and the governments simply move along. Whatever the corporations decide is good enough for the state. So as long as something is profitable, as long as there is a gravy train to ride, the corporations will push it and the governments, for the sake of elections, expediency or competition, will simply rubber-stamp it to show off some success to the public. There is a lot of very good material presented in that movie. Among the many highlights, a few ones deserve our immediate attention. Around 40:30 minutes in the documentary, Dr David O. Carpenter very astutely comments that the problem with the smart meters is not really that they communicate with the electric utilities. We are told that it happens only a few times an hour. The real problem, he says, is that smart meters generate radio-frequency fields and that those fields are created almost continuously. In other terms, the danger with the smart meters comes not from the signal itself that is going out of the meters but rather from the fields surrounding them. Around 45 minutes and 49 minutes, some of the health effects recorded by scientists are shown in relation with the strength of the signal. Around 55 minutes, Dr Frank H. Springob describes the effects of exposure to a smart meter in the blood cells of human subjects. Around 57:30 minutes, Dr Dietrich Klinghardt presents the results of a study that shows that there is a link between microwave radiation and autism. Please take the time to watch that terrific movie and spread the word about the danger of radio-frequency radiation.
Peter Vincent Pry on the reliability of US electric grid on SFR
To listen to the interview on the original Secure Freedom Radio page, please visit: The Reliability of US Electric Grid
Interviews with Mike Mitcham and Josh del Sol about the smart grid on Red Ice Radio
The information available here in these two interviews confirms and supplements the state of things presented by both Kevin Mottus and Dr Paul Héroux on the air of Secure Freedom Radio that I have shared with you in this previous article. Among other things, safety and security concerns as well as health issues are looked at. A must listen.
Interview with Tom Popik and Michael Mabee on the protection of the electric grid
Find the interview in the second and third segments.