The TransCanada Corp Keystone XL expansion: personal tragedies and human suffering through civilization changes

This National Post article about a Nebraska rancher opposed to the passing of the Keystone Pipeline XL expansion on his land is revelatory. Randy Thompson, a cattle buyer, is fighting to avoid a foreign company, TransCanada Corp, from bringing its pipeline on his land. I am saying revelatory because similar situations have happened on thousands of different occasions in the past. Everytime a new empire sets foot, or a new civilization takes roots, or an old one dies, we see good and decent people being caught in the implosion, explosion or redefining of the old ways to set the path for the new ones. People like Mr Thompson who have been forced to relocalize or cede a part of their land, by persuasion or by force, have been millions throughout history. Whether we talk about the Roman Empire conquering the world, the French Revolution cutting a few strategic heads, the armies of Muhammad conquering North Africa or the American colonies declaring their independence, in these occurences, there were always people who, even though they hadn’t done anything wrong, were caught in the processes of change to their detriment. That’s the way I see what is happening to Mr Thompson.

The Anglo-American Empire is under attack by the forces of the Third Reich that have gone underground after WWII, and they are more alive than ever. In effect, they have veiled their activities in all kinds of cloaks, such as the Green movement, social activism of all sorts, counter-culture activities, religious cults, religions per se, and sometimes intelligence agencies and other governmental, military and international organizations that they have infiltrated and co-opted to implement and push forward their agenda. Furthermore, the Anglo-American Empire is under attack as well by the most reactionary people that you can find on the surface of this Earth, the Arab/Islamic world that has been, since WWII, contaminated by nazism due to the collaboration of Hasan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, with Adolf Hitler. This world, driven by the morals of Sharia, proposes of bringing the world back to what it was in 7th century A.D. Clearly, we can’t go back to that era, simply because of the most basic rule of human history: to always look forward. These reactionary elements that we find in the Arab world, in Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and other states of the Gulf, are basically 7th century Bedouins…with billions of petro-dollars in their pockets…which makes them extremely dangerous. Contrary to westerners, these Bedouins have not worked to get their wealth. They were only lucky enough to be the nomads walking the country when the gasoline engine was invented and that oil became something important. Continuer la lecture

The seastedding movement and Star Trek: « The Next Generation » of fascists sails offshore

© Dmitrijs Mihejevs |

This last show of Dave Emory’s For The Record looks at the seastedding movement, a new trend in fascist ideology that seeks to create independent « cities » offshore, i.e. outside any country’s jurisdiction, in gigantic seaships as big as aircraft carriers. Individuals such as Patri Friedman, grandson of fascist economist Milton Friedman, and Peter Thiel, co-founder of Pay-Pal, support this movement that intersects, among other elements of the corporate community, with the Koch Brothers, the Carlyle Group and Palantir firm. « Charter Cities » is another variation of this scheme in which control of particular cities will be turned over to corporations. Henry Ford, one of Adolf Hitler’s early backers and main source of inspiration, tried such an experiment with the city of « Forlandia » in Brazil, which failed.

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder seems to have been working behind the scenes to implement a local mixture of seastedding in his own state. Applying the basic principals of Shock Doctrine, he recently submitted a budget for the State of Michigan that is expected to cut financial aid to cities and towns. As a result, evidently, much of those cities will end up in difficult financial situation. By pure « coincidence », Snyder is also pushing a bill that would give him and his administration the power to declare certain towns and cities in a state of financial « emergency ». The bill specifies that the Governor will then be in a legal position to appoint a kind of « czar » figure to manage the « crisis » for a particular town and that that czar will have the power to do virtually anything, including to terminate collective bargain agreements or any other contracts and to dismiss elected officials. In the end, the management of these towns in « crisis » will be turned over to corporations that will have the power to even terminate them at will. Continuer la lecture

Anti-semitic designer reveals his true nature on video

John Galliano won’t be able to pretend anymore. The Christian Dior designer has been caught pants down. His true anti-semitic nature has been revealed recently as a series of incidents in which he was involved surfaced to the courts and to the media. On february 28th, a video in which when can hear him saying that he loves Adolf Hitler was released on The Sun’s newspaper website and shattered the last doubts about his real worldview. Dior suspended the designer last friday.

Notice here the proximity between « fascism » and « fashion ». The links between the fashion industry and post-war nazism and fascism are all over the place. To begin with, roughly the vast majority of the most important brand names in fashion are either german or italian. Everybody knows that Germany and Italy were fascist regimes during WWII. Second, fashion presents and promotes a corporate capitalism philosophy. In its advertising campaigns, the fashion industry drives to a point of brainwashing and mind-control the public to buy its products. These merchandises are presented in a way that makes anyone not buying and wearing them feel socially unfit. You may point out here that every other industry in our mass-consumption society does that too. It is true. But they do that precisely because they have learned from the best, i.e. the fashion industry, among other social actors. So it comes as no surprise if, once in a while, especially when drunk or drugged, a designer or representative of this industry expresses anti-semitic, nazi/fascist comments. It is to be expected. Never forget that when you buy from these big corporations of the fashion industry, you are helping the Third Reich to continue building its financial muscle before the final takeover of the world. Maybe that would be a good idea if you would encourage instead a local designer who is struggling to make a living…and who is not a nazi. The second link brings you to a video where you can hear the heiress of Christian Dior fashion label in 1963 saying explicitely that she agrees with national-socialist ideas. She then will be marrying a British nazi.
