The Palestinian Wall of Lies: The truth about the Muslim Student Association

Son of Hamas founder, Mosab Hassan Yousef tells the truth about the Hamas

Congratulations, you are a true hero, Mosab. There is not enough people like you in Palestine and Gaza and too much of the others who are fanatized to hate Israel and try to destroy it. Now that you are a Christian you can see that Islam is bad, unless you understood it before that, and that it made you convert afterwards? Anyway, you are a true soldier of Christ and humble servant of Israel. Now we, westerners who are opposed to Islam, have you, a Palestinian, to bear witness to the terrible corrosion and corruption that Islam brings to this world. After the mass-killings in Oslo, it is refreshing to hear someone saying calmly and simply that Islam is a terrible religion, rotten to the bone and that it has to be denounced and fought back against. Islam is a lie, as you say. Again quoting you, Hamas refuses Israel the right to exist, it wants to destroy it. The problem with Islam is not its people, it is its ideology. The vast majority of Muslims don’t follow the teachings of Muhammad, because otherwise they would automatically become terrorists. Splendid! It is with that kind of people that I want to fight along side! With Arabs like you, there is still some hope for the Near and Middle East!

Nouvelles en vrac sur Israel, prise 2

© Emirsimsek |

Voici votre portion de nouvelles sur Israel, non biaisées, non polluées par la propagande anti-sémite, islamiste ou palestinienne. Profitez-en, c’est tellement rare d’entendre parler d’Israel positivement ces temps-ci avec les médias collabos que nous avons. Israel est un grand pays habité par un grand peuple. Chrétiens et Juifs, unissons-nous contre les totalitaires de toutes obédiences, nazis, islamistes, fascistes, communistes et autres déjections semblables. Combattons pour la démocratie, la liberté et cette belle civilisation que nous avons, la civilisation judéo-chrétienne!

La Turquie et le Nazisme

La tragédie du Struma

L’Iran dans l’Océan Atlantique


La Gauche israélienne se bat contre Israel

Les Palestiniens utilisent les enfants contre Israel

Petits terroristes du Hamas

Nouvelles en vrac sur Israel: Contrer la propagande haineuse contre les Juifs

© Emirsimsek |

De temps en temps, je vais vous présenter comme cela une série d’articles en vrac sur Israel et/ou les Juifs. Trop peu de nouvelles positives sont disponibles sur Israel et trop peu de médias les publient qu’il est de notre devoir, à nous les Résistants, de les propager. N’ayant pas le temps de les analyser ou de les commenter toutes, je vous laisse le soin de les lire et les étudier. Faites vos recherches, il y en a pour tous les goûts et sur tous les sujets.

Tristane Banon

Éducation Nationale et propagande anti-juive

ONG pro-palestiniennes

Aide humanitaire Gaza

Les Églises contre Israel

Terre promise et charabia chrétien

La Flotille de la Liberté et la résistance passive

Qui paye pour la Flotille?

Qui aide vraiment Gaza

Les contribuables financent le terrorisme palestinien?

Plages de Gaza

Resolution 242

École Dar al-Iman

Israel a été acquis

Pogrom Irakien

Guerre Israel-Hezbollah

Frontières de 1967

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann policy statement on Israel: Support your own civilization

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann from Minnesota 6th Congressional District presents her policy statement on Israel. And what does it look like? As a true patriot, American, Judeo-Christian and small-d democrat, she supports Israel, of course! Here, she expressly states that we, westerners and democrats, must support Israel in its struggle against terrorism and islamic bigotry. There is no other choice. Because, if you take sides with the Palestinians, with their Hamas, Hezbollah and other groups, you then support activities that are contrary to democracy and to the values of our civilization. Thanks, Congresswoman!

Michele Bachmann - Policy Statement on Israel

Fouad Ajami on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: A fine example of true and honest journalism

© I3alda |

After my last « ordeal » with the Globe and Mail, in which I was totally disgusted and revolted by their coverage of the terrorist group Hamas, this article by Fouad Ajami came as a relief and a great pleasure. Finally some fresh air! Finally some reporting that was dedicated to present the situation as it is, not as the journalist or the media would like it to be. Hamas is not a benevolent group. It is aimed at the destruction of Israel and nothing one says can’t change anything about it. This article is fantastic, not particularly for new material, special insights or anything that it would be presenting, but rather because of its dedication to true journalism. While reading it, you won’t get the impression that it is a work of propaganda or something influenced by politics. It’s real reporting. The history of Israel is accurate, the chain of events is honestly presented and the diagnosis for today’s situation is relevant. I encourage you to read this article. It is good. A friend of mine told me that the National Post is the best newspaper in the English language. I don’t know if that’s true but it is certainly close. Thumbs up for a great job, Post!

Fouad Ajami on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

The Globe and Mail on Hamas: When journalism pays lip service to Islamic Jihad

This documentary by Patrick Martin, Inside Hamas, is undrinkable. It stinks propaganda and cheap interests. If your desire is to surrender everything that we have, all that we have accomplished to this bunch of terrorists, why don’t you just say so? Your pro-Palestinian agenda is literally disgusting. In this documentary, and I’m not even sure we can call it that way, we only hear the Palestinian side of the story, which is, as always, that they are the victims of bloodthirsty Israelis who can’t control themselves massacring innocent civilians, children and women. You mention in the film that the Muslim Brotherhood was founded in the 1920s. O.K. But do you know that it was aligned with Nazi Germany during WWII? That Hasan al-Banna, its founder, offered the help of his group to Adolf Hitler and that Hitler accepted? Do you know that PIJ, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, do the nazi salute when they meet? That Israel received something like 12 000 rockets in the last years alone? You probably know these things…but it doesn’t fit with your agenda to mention them. Another gross and demented element in the document is the use of the term « resistance » to describe the activism and terrorism activities of the Hamas. Thanks for the reference to my site…but that’s not what I do. I think the Jews are good people, that the State of Israel has legitimacy and I don’t condone violence justified with religious bigotry. Resistance is the struggle against political or religious systems that are trying to keep humans down. The Hamas is everything but that. They are dedicated to the destruction of Israel, the only democracy in that part of the world, and they won’t rest until it is accomplished. You see, for the Islamists, the problem with Israel is that…it’s populated by Jews. The so-called Palestinian refugees are sometimes expelled, denied citizenship, refused entry by Arab countries. The Arab League created the Palestinian refugee problem when they rejected the two-state plan for Palestine in 1947 and when a few of its countries attacked Israel in 1967. Do Palestinians care about that, do they manifest, organize Intifadas, protests, etc? No…because these countries are populated by Arabs and Muslims and they don’t want to hurt their brothers… So all the hatred, frustrations, disappointments are re-driven, re-targeted toward Israel…because they’re Jews and Jews don’t have the right to possess their own state. Like the Koran says, Jews are pigs and dogs, so it doesn’t bother if you harass them or kill them…they’re just Jews.

I used to buy the Globe and Mail to read during my lunch break. But it’s over. From now on, I will buy the National Post. They respect Israel, the Jews, and they know how to differentiate between terrorists and real moderates or true resistants. Frankly, the world is going to pieces and with these kind of attitudes, we can be sure that it will be destroyed. In finishing, by the way, be sure of one thing: whatever lip service you might provide for Islamists, when the time comes, they will get rid of you if you don’t convert to Islam. Holy Jihad requires that all non-Muslims be killed unless they do so. Documentaries like can’t save anyone’s life.

Inside Hamas