Excellente entrevue avec Diana West, auteur du merveilleux livre American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character. En compagnie de Ginni Thomas, elle refait ici l’histoire, la vraie histoire, de la subversion des États-Unis, et par le fait même de l’Occident, par les forces de gauche, communistes ou socialistes. Ces agents soviétiques qui ont infiltré l’Administration de F. D. Roosevelt, de façon à amener les États-Unis à servir les objectifs et le but de l’Union Soviétique n’étaient que la première génération d’agents étrangers à nous infiltrer. Après la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, il y a eu aussi d’ex-agents de l’Allemagne Nazie que nous avons recrutés pour combattre cette même Union Soviétique pendant la Guerre Froide. Certains d’entre eux ont immigré aux États-Unis avec la complicité du Département d’État, de façon secrète. John Loftus, de par sa cote de sécurité maximale, a très bien étudié ce dossier. Vous pouvez voir une entrevue avec lui sur le sujet ici: John Loftus à propos de America’s Nazi Secret Et maintenant, depuis le 11 septembre 2001, nous assistons à une troisième vague d’infiltrateurs d’une idéologie de gauche, les islamistes. À chaque fois que l’Occident s’est allié à des gauchistes, qu’ils soient communistes, nazis ou islamistes, cela a toujours mal fini. Ces « collaborations » ou « alliances » ont toujours contribué à diminuer la spécificité de l’Occident et ses valeurs, à corrompre la nation et les valeurs judéo-chrétiennes, en somme à livrer notre civilisation sur un plateau d’argent à nos ennemis. Nous avons été trahis par les gens qui étaient supposés nous protéger. L’excellent travail de Diana West et de John Loftus nous aident à refaire l’histoire réelle et à redresser le navire avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. En passant, à chaque fois que je réfléchis sur ces tragiques événements du vingtième siècle, je suis étonné de constater qu’Adolf Hitler et Roosevelt ont pris le pouvoir la même année, soit 1933. Il y a de quoi réfléchir ici.
Archives par mot-clé : America’s Nazi Secret
John Loftus on the secret war against the Jews
This is a short interview with John Loftus, ex-U.S. Justice Department attorney. At the beginning of his career he worked on the Belarus file, which led him to uncover some inconvenient truths about the holocaust, the Jews, WWII, the Nazis and the involvement of the Allies in all these matters. At the peril of his own security and the one of his family, Mr Loftus published several astounding books, such as America’s Nazi Secret, The Secret War Against the Jews, Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks, among others. His efforts in trying to educate the public about the dark corners of our history are priceless. We owe him a great debt of gratitude. That’s why I am encouraging you, after you watch that clip, to read his books. If you want to know more about him, and to continue listening to what he has to say about these very important issues, I suggest a recent interview he gave to Dave Emory for his weekly show « For The Record ». Have a good listening and above all, a good reading.
FTR# 731: Interview with John Loftus on America’s Nazi Secret
Ukraine cleanses its history: The Golden Rose and the Gehenna of present-day Europe
Last week, the remnants of the Golden Rose synagogue that was once one of Europe’s most beautiful ones, have begun to be demolished in the city of Lviv. The historical and religious site is planned to leave the way for a hotel in prevision of some European championships of soccer. These remnants are one of the few remaining Jewish vestiges in Lviv after the passages of both Nazi and Soviet totalitarian bulldozer regimes. In a recent article published in the National Post, journalist Tom Gross asks rightfully: Where is the UNESCO in all this? Well…as the UNESCO is an institution of the UN, it can’t go against its wishes. The UN being now under the control of a majority, or close to a majority of countries, that are either Muslim or that have had a long history of anti-semitism, it is clear that it is not at the UN that the Jewish community and Israel will find favorable ears for their demands or complaints.
And…it gets a little worse than that. As a matter of fact, and the National Post has chosen the exact title that says it all, Ukraine is trying to rewrite its history in an effort to erase the Jews. That’s what is going on. Don’t forget that Ukraine’s national « hero », Stepan Bandera, leaded mobile killing units to exterminate the Jews at gunpoint during WWII. These guys didn’t need crematory ovens. No. Guns were sufficient for them, as they exterminated in Belarus and Ukraine something like 3 million out of the 6 million Jews who died during the war. For more information on that, you can check the marvellous book of former Justice Department attorney John Loftus, America’s Nazi Secret. And it is these same Ukrainians who recently complained about the « special treatment » that the Canadian Museum for Human Rights in construction in Winnipeg was willing to give to the Jewish holocaust at the « detriment » of other human suffering, such as the holodomor, the killings of Ukrainians by Soviet troops. Continuer la lecture
Ukrainian descendants train their propaganda muscle over the content of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
© Fabrizio Mariani | Dreamstime.com
Another chapter in the never-ending saga of anti-semitism and nazi cover-up has been deployed recently, as Ukrainian organizations complain about foreign intervention of intellectuals over the content of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. An advocacy group, the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, are accused of distorting historical account of the Holodomor, the genocide perpetrated by Soviet Russia in Ukraine in 1932-33. In a letter signed by a hundred scholars around the globe and published last week, the foreign intellectuals also claim that the UCCLA and the UCC refuse to acknowledge the role played by Ukrainian nationalist movements in the Holocaust. Also, the UCCLA and the UCC are having a different with the Museum on the issue of the place that the Holocaust should occupy in the physical space of the building. They argue that there shouldn’t be a separate room for the Holocaust, or that there should be a room for the Holodomor also, to avoid that such an approach « elevates » the suffering of a particular group to the detriment of other groups.
The first article of the Globe and Mail, that you find below, ends with this sentence: « Others are well known for making unfounded allegations concerning the nature and behaviour of the Ukrainian nationalist movement of the 20th century, assertions serious scholars have dismissed as prejudicial. » If I may try to bring more « foundation » for these accusations, here is an extract from a book authored by John Loftus and titled America’s Nazi Secret, which is the new edition of the original The Belarus Secret. Loftus is a former U.S. government prosecutor for many years. He is also a prolific author acclaimed by the critics. In the early ’80s, he was in charge of the Belarus file for the U.S. Justice Department. His job was to hunt down Belarus Nazis. He had the privilege to read the Top Secret Files and made some astonishing discoveries on a variety of topics, including the Ukrainian File. So, in America Nazi Secret we read, about Mykola Lebed:
« Anti-Nazi resistance leader, indeed. The CIA and Congress were thoroughly suckered in. Lebed had been the head of the SB, the Ukrainian version of the Gestapo. His men murdered tens of thousands of Polish, Jewish and Ukrainian citizens. I know this is true because I found the original files of Mykola Lebed in the Army Intelligence vaults at Suitland, Maryland, and showed them to my two superiors at the Justice Department: Ryan and Sullivan. It will be impossible for them to deny that they were briefed in detail before allowing this killer to enter the United States. » (p. 28)
and now about the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, headed by Stepan Bandera:
« The CIC (the Counter-Intelligence Corps, precision mine: C.H.) had an agent who photographed eleven volumes of Lebed’s secret internal files of OUN/Bandera. These files clearly show how most of its members worked for the Gestapo or SS as policemen, executioners, partisan hunters, and municipal officials. The OUN contribution to the German war effort was significant, including the raising of volunteers for several SS divisions. It was precisely because of its work with the Nazis that Wisner (the head of the Office of Policy Coordination, precision mine: C.H.) wanted to hire the OUN for his Special Forces. The Ukrainian letter succeeded in fooling the immigration officials, however, and OUN/Bandera was subsequently taken off the inimical list. » (p. 194)
Now you understand why these Ukrainian organizations, the UCCLA and the UCC, are not particularly enchanted by this letter published by the foreign scholars. You also have to know that nazi war criminals, including Ukrainians, have been smuggled everywhere around the world, in every country imaginable, and in Canada as well. So it is conceivable that descendants of these Ukrainian who have « immigrated » to Canada, and their families, might feel a little uncomfortable with being reminded of the past too much. Their efforts to mute and discredit these foreign scholars and to present a counter-propaganda explain themselves easily.
Happy Easter…