Regardez cet extrait vidéo d’une série iranienne. C’est de la pure propagande anti-sémite et anti-israélienne. Ce genre de production et d’idées est le reflet de la politique officielle de l’État d’Iran.
Archives par mot-clé : Iran
Manda Zand-Ervin describes the situation of women in Iran
Watch this Iranium bonus footage. Manda Zand-Ervin fled Iran in 1979 after she was fired from her high government position. She currently lives in the U.S. and is the president and co-founder of the Alliance of Iranian Women. She describes here how women in Iran went from enjoying rights similar to those of American women, to being oppressed and abused second-class citizens.
Martin Bormann: the successor to the Fuhrer
The war didn’t stop in 1945. As a matter of fact, it is still going on. The Reich went underground at the end of WWII, as a way to ensure the long-term supremacy of Germany over the world. The Bormann Capital Network, probably the biggest concertration of wealth in world’s history, has continued since 1945 to further the nazi/fascist agenda toward that goal. Unfortunately for us, they have recruited new allies, like Islamists of all sorts and regimes like Iran. They are now more powerful than they have ever been, capitalizing on western populations hypnotic state of brainwashing, mind-control and passivity. We have been lied to regarding the facts about WWII. Foreign control (namely German) over U.S. corporate media is directly linked with this. It is about time that we face reality and retake control of our society. Read this article on the subject by Dave Emory and listen to the radio program.
Addendum on « Iranium » movie: finally shown in Ottawa last sunday
Finally, they managed to find their balls…lost somewhere in a dark corner of the Library and Archives Canada building. I hope they still work…because we are going to need them more and more in the near future with the rise of Islamic-fascism. You can watch the trailer here. Althought a few things should be nuanced in the film, accompanied by a more complete historical background, it is worth it, at least for the awakening.
Why communism is so immature
© Beholdereye |
The PDF file that you find below is a hand sheet tract that was distributed in Montreal last week. A group called the « Militant Labour Forum » organizes (or only participates in, it is not clear) daily protests to be held in front of the Egyptian Consulate in Montreal to show solidarity to the « workers » of Egypt. What I find interesting about this tract is the way the communist mind works. First, it presents Egyptians not as citizens or people but as « workers », as if they were only that and not human beings to begin with. Second, it presents the United States and Canada as being « imperialist » countries. It is curious, I thought the United States and Canada were liberal, democratic countries based on market capitalism… What does « imperialist » stands for in this case? The will to defend our way of life? Third, the tract also mentions that the U.S. funds to a great extent the military of Egypt. And with reason. It is Egypt’s military power that keeps down the Muslim Brotherhood as a para-military force to instigate Islamic revolutions. It tempers down the whole Middle-East region.
This document shows with amazing clarity the level of unconsciousness with which the communist/socialist partisans look at world affairs. It is almost as if they have absolutely no comprehension whatsoever of geo-politics, like if the Muslim Brotherhood wouldn’t exist, Israel wasn’t in any danger of annihilation, Iran wasn’t openly hostile to Israel, Islamic fundamentalism wasn’t on the rise, etc. It is maybe this kind of naivety, childishness and irresponsability that made the U.S. fought with so much strength communist regimes. Being so disconnected with greater issues, having no understanding of geo-strategic areas, interests and situations, communist/socialist ideologues and illuminates disseminate whatever propaganda and non-sense they can imagine. This is why these days we hear so much blame being put on America’s back. If we had to rely on what we hear in the media, it would always be America’s fault. I’m fed up of all this. See for yourself.
Egypt opposition leader Elbaradei: Muslim Brotherhood threat is a myth pushed by dictatorial regime
Really? Are we supposed to believe him? Is he simply unconscious or is it bad faith? Or is it another fine example of Taqiyya, a deliberate lie in order to deceive opponents? To present the Muslim Brotherhood as benevolent nostalgic hippies who pose no threat to Egypt is outrageous. Certainly this guy is not an idiot, he knows history like we do. And to portray Moubarak as somebody who persecuted the Muslim Brotherhood without tangible reasons is also a fallacy. The original Muslim Brothers and their founder, Hassan Al-Banna, were nuts. The Egyptian Secret Service, if I recall correctly, had to have them executed after WWII. We are not talking about nice fellows here. Egypt is in danger and so is the entire Muslim World.
James Moore orders screening of Iranium
After screening of the movie has been cancelled by Library and Archives Canada, James Moore ordered the agency to finally present Iranium despite threats and possibility of protests. Yeah! You see? That’s the spirit! That’s how you resist, by standing-up!
Canada: Presentation of a film critical of Iran cancelled
A suspicious package and a series of threatening phone calls forced cancellation of the screening at Library and Archives Canada on tuesday the 18th.