John Loftus parle de son dernier livre, America’s Nazi Secret

Le Lys d'OrBetween the iron gates of fate,
The seeds of time were sown,
And watered by the deeds of those
Who know and who are known;
Knowledge is a deadly friend
When no one sets the rules.
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools.

Extrait de la chanson « Epitaph » du groupe King Crimson

Un entretien vraiment exceptionnel considérant l’état lamentable du travail médiatique d’aujourd’hui. Dans cette entrevue accordée à la chaîne médiatique internet d’Alex Jones, Loftus présente certains des secrets les mieux gardés et des plus scandaleux de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale et de la Guerre Froide. Entre autres sujets, on y apprend que les services secrets britanniques et le Département d’État américain ont littéralement « dumpé » des centaines d’agents nazis en Amérique après la guerre, scientifiques et agents de renseignements, que plusieurs grandes familles américaines ont investi massivement non seulement dans l’Allemagne nazie et l’Arabie Saoudite dans le but de récolter d’immenses profits mais aussi dans le mouvement bolchévique en Russie, qui lui n’a pas rapporté contrairement aux deux autres. Loftus explique les agissements de ces grandes familles ainsi que de leurs avocats et agents tels les Allen Dulles, Henry Kissinger et plusieurs autres. Aussi, Loftus révèle qu’il fut l’un des rares à avoir accès aux voûtes secrètes situées au Maryland, grâce à sa cote de sécurité maximale. C’est à cet endroit qu’il a pu découvrir la vérité sur le monde d’après-guerre et entrevoir les conséquences désastreuses des décisions qui ont été prises par les dirigeants de l’époque.

Outre le contenu présenté ici, on ne peut faire autrement que de remarquer le parallèle évident qui existe entre ce qui s’est passé dans les années cinquante et soixante et ce qui se passe depuis quelques décennies dans le monde. Nous sommes en train de répéter les mêmes erreurs. On procure asile et confort aux islamistes, qui ne sont que des Nazis de deuxième génération, à la fois pour générer des profits mais aussi dans l’espérance de s’épargner les souffrances d’une guerre éventuelle. De toute évidence, on ne pourra pas éviter cette guerre et ce sont nos populations qui paieront la note de leur souffrance et de leur vie. Une entrevue à mettre dans vos favoris et à réécouter ad nauseam.

Tony Gosling: Martin Bormann, post-WWII nazism and the state of corruption in the UK

Reading suggestion – Unholy Alliance: History of Nazi Involve­ment with the Occult

I suggest that you get more acquainted with the works of Peter Levenda. This researcher has explored a not-too-familiar line of enquiry, that is the occult foundations on which Nazism was based or driven from, presented and explained in his book Unholy Alliance: History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult. A lot of people and/or organizations contributed to build what became the nazi occult mysticism, from Madame Blavatsky and Aleis­ter Crow­ley to the Thule Gesellschaft, the Order of the Golden Dawn, the Order of the East­ern Tem­ple, Tibetan mysticism, Freemasonry, legends of the Holy Grail, Knights Templar, folklore, etc. More recently, Peter Levenda has worked on another trail of enquiry that led him to discover a graveyard in Indonesia, possibly containing the remains of a very important member of the nazi hierarchy, Hitler himself according to him. You can check his website to learn more about that.

The evergoing Inquisition: Vatican’s Holocaust and Nazi Croatia

I must be honest, this documentary is absolutely disgusting to watch. And yet, it is essential to a better understanding of not only Nazism in the Balkans but also of how the Catholic Church is continuing its Inquisition against infidels. Seizing the window presented by WWII, the Church made an alliance with the Ustashe regime of Croatia to be in a position to torture and murder thousands of Orthodox Serbs. According to an estimate, 700.000 to 800.000 Serbs were killed in Croatia by the Nazi Ustashe, along with Jews and Gypsies. For the Church, it was a golden « opportunity » not to be missed, as the demarcation line between the Catholic world of the West and the Orthodox world of the East lies in the Balkans. Through mass extermination and aided by Hitler, the Church could push forward the demarcation line. Somewhere around 244.000 Serbs converted or were converted to Catholicism. Nazi Croatians perpetrated during the fews years of the Ustashe regime absolutely awful atrocities that disgusted even the German Nazis. We are talking about here of mass murder of children, rape, gauging out of eyes, cutting ears, tongues and nozes off, beheading, dismembering, death pits, torture…in short, all things that were seen during the Inquisition. Concentration camps were used thoroughly as well.

The leader of the Ustashe regime was Ante Pavelic. Because of the enthousiastic collaboration of the Church, he was able to use Catholic monasteries, namely Franciscan, as warehouses and strongholds. Pavelic could count on the good services and « faith » of Archbishop Stepinac. Currently, during the war, Croatian citizens were told by Ustashe regime and Church representatives to literally « kill all the Serbs ». It was done thoroughly along with the killing of Orthodox priests and destruction of churches. The documentary recalls that on the occasion of a visit to Rome, representatives of the Ustashe regime brought with them, to be presented to the Pope, a basket which contained some 40 pounds of human eyes…that probably belonged previously to Serbs. The Ustashe regime was so brutal and sadistic that some among the German hierarchy felt uneasy and frankly disgusted, as Dr Herman Neubacher who asked Hitler to get rid of Ante Pavelic. When the Ustashe regime fell and the National Liberation Army took control of Croatia, some of the top Ustashe officials found refuge in monasteries, such as St Jerome, or in South America, in Argentina for example, through the ratlines provided by the Vatican. There they could continue their existence under new names and identities. On May 5th 1945, Ante Pavelic escaped and found refuge in the Monastery of St Diogene near Salzburg, before moving to Rome in another monastery to live under the name of Father Gomez or Father Benares. Ironically, Tito, a Croatian Catholic, became the ruler of Yougoslavia, so Croats in the end became the victors of WWII in the Balkans. Sad but true.

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