Symphony-X new album Iconoclast: How humans are sliding little by little toward the machine

Metal band Symphony-X new album talks about the human condition of the modern man, where he/she has to live under an increasingly heavier technocracy that is taking a totalitarian face. We are becoming Borg drones by the day, more and more alike to the machine. Whether you call it Big Brother, Hal, the Faceless God or anyway you want, the fact is that we are sliding into it. Here, I propose to you a song taken from the album, titled Dehumanized. Yeah, we are losing our humanity because we don’t have the courage to stand for what really matters. It is sad but that is our reality.

Anders Behring Breivik: A sweet candy for the Left and useful fools…but too good to be true

Jes’ that I have a lot to say about this manifesto! First of all, let me clarify a few things. Looking at the « facts » to begin with, as usual, I don’t buy the official story. It is utterly improbable that this guy could have acted alone. Like in the case of the Oklahoma City bombing and countless of other similar acts, the « lone nuts » as we have come to call them have operated in teams, for the simple reason that it is complicated to organize and do such coups in terms of logistics for a start. In effect, in a tree nuts always come with a lot of brothers and sisters. In all probabilities, there were several shooters on that island to account for such casualties. Also, for me, the bombing of the governmental building in central Oslo is a separate operation from the shooting at Utoya. Yet the press and the police are trying to make us believe a ridiculous story where Anders Behring Breivik, the alleged killer, has taken a transport to go from the city of Oslo to Utoya island, with heavy ammunitions. Remember that he shot for an hour and a half, that’s a lot of bullets… As well, the official story says that he has fabricated the bomb that blew the federal building in central Oslo with fertilizer… You see, he lives on a farm… When you are a farmer, that’s the kind of things that you have, fertilizer, and if you don’t, you won’t eat very fat with your farming… Besides that it is heavy, again. Bombers try to find the smallest but most powerful explosives they can find, not something that you need a whole truck just to carry.

Another thing that is striking in this case is the manipulation of data that seems to have been taken place. According to a finding made by the webmaster of, the tags « christian » and « conservative » have been added to the killer’s Facebook page. By who? I don’t know but it smells like a set up, a frame up, a masquerade. Continuer la lecture

William Cooper predicts 9/11 and comments on the Oklahoma City bombing and Osama bin Laden

Here is a series of radio show extracts about William Cooper. Cooper was a conservative, in the true sense of the word. He didn’t want the country of which he was a citizen, to change into something else. He believed that a shift was in preparation that would turn the United States into a socialist country, and that this would pave the way for a One World totalitarian utopian government. On that I disagree with him. The tendency we are witnessing on the earth today is definitely not socialist, but rather fascist. Nevertheless, he was accurate in his prediction of 9/11. 9/11 is the reverse of the 9th of November, 11/9, which is a very important date in nazi mythology.

In this series, he comments on a few elements that, put together, provide a good picture of the situation. First, a CNN reporter was capable of locating and interviewing Osama bin Laden in June 2001, while all the intelligence agencies in the world couldn’t locate him. That sounds impossible to anyone with a brillant mind. He does say that, according to him, this interview is the sign that something bad would happen in the U.S. very soon. He also speaks about the Oklahoma City bombing that couldn’t have been perpetrated by the two twits that were presented to the public. The fact that the attack happened on the eve of Hitler’s birthday, on April 19th, is certainly the indication that it is the Third Reich that is behind it. The fourth extract features a caller who is trying to blame this slow descent into fascism or totalitarianism, on the Jews. Again, that is another person who thinks that the Jews are to be blamed for everything and that they control the media, etc. Cooper tries to make him understand how the culture of corporations works. I am not sure that everything he says is accurate but again it is certainly a better position that trying to smear the Jews.

There is a lot of work to be done about the perceptions, especially on the Jews. It is easier to blame them than to face reality as it is. We are governed by mad men. We are descending back into barbarism, because our leaders have decided that a totalitarian utopian society was better, for them, than a society based on the principles of the Enlightment. That’s our predicament. For now, the best we can do, for those of us who are aware of that, is to protect ourselves and behave with intelligence and judgement. If we can’t save our brothers and sisters, at least maybe we can save ourselves.

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